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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by T3551ER

  1. Ok cheers to ya both (and that spoiler/non-spoiler is actually pretty helpful. Woulda been a deal breaker). Still probably sits in the edge, but think enough clarity here to get her to try at least an episode. Thanks ya'll!
  2. Exactly.I just finished the series today and the level of quality was EXTREMELY high, all throughout. I wasn’t expecting it to be as good as it was. Top notch writing, acting, directing, editing... you name it. The last episode didn’t exactly live up to the standards it set, in my opinion. Whatever the case, if y’all aren’t watching it, change that. I didn't mind the ending too much but they could have cut the last 5 minutes or so. The script also liked to punch you in the face now and then which was jarring. My wife read that the ending was originally intended to be slightly different.When she told me what it was, I thought that it would have been A LOT better... to me, anyway. Read "spoiler" for HUGE spoilers... Ok, trying to convince the missus to give this a go. She's concerned that this is going to be too heavy on the dark drama and we basically established that American Horror Story (which we both love) is about the limit of heaviness she's interested in watching. And even that had moments of levity. From the trailer, this does look dark and then more dark. Is that accurate, or is this more rounded than the trailer would suggest?
  3. Preach it brother don!!! Exactly!!! It's the media's fault we're all so pissed off!!! If they would just tell us what a perfect president you are and to follow you blindly without question, then we'd be happier than pigs in shit!!! This is so incredibly disturbing. Basically, he's somehow twisted that his supporters who LITERALLY tried to physically harm someone are actually the victims. Of the process that might call him out for trying to twist the fact that his supporters are actually behavingly violently into being the victims. Like, wtf, when did we start living in an Orwellian dystopian future novel Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using Tapatalk
  4. I legit just lol'd at this while on the crapper at work. Now Im afraid to leave the stall in case someone heard me 0_o
  5. Titanfall 2 campaign was tiiiiite. Came lttp to that but it was one the best for a FPS in a while . Fun multi too. Blops Blackout feels like what I wanted PUBG to be. I.e., PUBG, but more polished, with more intense pacing.
  6. I completely crashed on that game. I got the frigate as well but every just seems like such a hassle and I don’t want to be limited by my stupid inventory. Also, maybe it’s just me but the way they bombard you with information is ridiculously overwhelming. It's a bit much. Try switching over to "Creative" mode - basically it's God Mode. You don't get the dopamine reward hit for completing tasks, but it's a nice alternative if you just want to chill out and roam the galaxy.
  7. blackout is pretty fun. have a few second place finishes (last one was with 5 kills) but haven't been able to close yet as i'm still learning some of the mechanics/utilities. main gripe is wishing you could change between auto/single shot with more of the assault rifles (there's only one semi auto dmr). got second in my first ffa and won the second owning with that ridiculous cordite class. It's pretty good. At least people don't build shit when you shoot at them.
  8. lel - there is actually an amusing (albeit brief) callback in the first part of the first episode of the 2nd season. . . yeah, def some hilarious moments. Overall I found S1 more lol, but liked S2 better b/c I felt like they brought it home in the end.
  9. Ta M8 - based on this recommend the missus and I checked this out. Watched the first season over the course of the past week, then tore through 2nd season over the weekend. Everything above - knows exactly what it is, executes perfectly, almost impossible NOT to watch the next episode. An odd, remarkable show. Loved.
  10. Looks sweet - you always pray that stuff like this doesn't lose focus when being translated from short to long form (see Oculus, Lights Out, etc.) - but this looks like it might do it. Coupla of horror movies watched this weekend gearing up for Halloween n'such: Malevolent Something charming about this indie-ish horror flick. The best horror* roots itself in human issues of its characters, using the scares/supernatural bits as a reflection of the inner struggles of those they afflict. There is plenty of affliction to go around here, with a pretty spot-on look at the methods and effects of misogynist manipulators (of the DV variety), interestingly viewed through the lens of a sibling relationship (though this carries over and beyond to other characters as well). Death/insanity/addiction are all reflected at least pseudo-realistically in the characters, as are adoration, sacrifice, and something akin to love or, at least, kindness. Well shot, well directed, well-scripted, and well-acted, nevertheless things never quite seem to come follow through on what is a very promising set-up. That being said, would imagine fans of the indie-horror scene (e.g., Hereditary, It Follows, etc.) will find a lot to love here. This one never reaches quite the heights of those films (or what's promised by the first 2/3 acts), but there is something heartfelt and genuine going on in the middle of this thing - just wish they could have stuck the landing a bit better. SERIOUS SPOILERS THAT WILL RUIN THE ENDING SO PROCEED ONLY IF YOU DARE!!!! (spooooky halloweeen voiceee!!!!!) 3rd Eye [Thai Horror] *unless that horror is a genre mashup of every US horror trope in the last 20 years, blended with what are (likely) extremely diluted and poorly researched indigenous myths, filtered through the lens of a director/culture that doesn't realize that some of those horror tropes are actually US directors aping (and in turn diluting) Asian horror cinema. At one point it's a ghost story, at another it's a possession tale, for a while it's sort of a zombie flick, sometimes a sort of cautionary witchcraft tale, and it all ends with what I can only describe as someone filming a live walkthrough of a JayCee's House of Horror halloween haunted house walk. It's a simulacrum of a simulacrum of a simulacrum, and is all the better for it. So, ok, this is by no means a "good" film. It's not even a "good bad" film. But it's a film that has probably evoked the most DIFFERENT types of reactions in me in any film to date. This film somehow managed to make me laugh out loud, literally (and heartily), at some of it's more histrionic aping of US (and other) horror memes, while also (somehow?) making me almost fall asleep at points, shock scaring me occasionally, and THEN surprising the shit out of me many with its many, many late in the game twists. I mean, we're talking someone was like, "Fuck, we got funded? Ok, well, this is the ONLY horror film we will ever get to make, so let's put, like . . . . TWO M. Night Shamalyan twists in there. . . no wait, THREE. It's gotta be THREE." You could take a straw poll of me at 10 different times during this movie and gotten a completely different take at each one. In the end, not the worst way to waste a lazy Sunday evening. From a purely cultural/cinematic standpoint, it's sort of fascinating to see what another culture thinks about what a "pop" horror movie should look like. Early on, there's a fly-through of the house the mimics the James Wan Conjuring style introduction to the cast, but it's not carried off with the same sort of unique confidence or artistry, and ends moving through a horridly obvious CGI door (a shot that is repeated at least once more, to gradually lessening effect). That's sort of a metaphor for the whole thing (take that as you will).
  11. My "optimistic" side sees this as being the potential grace arising from harm here - i.e., the Trump presidency is so polarizing that it's forcing people who would normally have their opinions veiled by a cloak of seeming civility cast that off. It's not pleasant, or the way I'd like things to go down - but this country certainly has severely broken systems, and sometimes things have to break down completely to be built back up. Either way, in the moment, it makes me very sad. Wish people (myself included) could take a step back and focus more on how we're all alike, rather than trying to force one ideology down someone else's throat.
  12. Where does one get such beautiful flutes from? A flautist.... Obviously Can't help it - this immediately makes me think: PS hope you got your midi stuff sussed out
  13. Ha! Yeah, looking forward to Sabrina too - like that all these horror/supernatural shows are dropping this month. Perfect Halloween binge fodder.
  14. Oh, nah, seems reasonable - 2nd season is very slow moving (I really enjoyed it, but I suspect if I had watched weekly or whatever it would have dragged). In terms of world building: Actually, I think they released season 4 online or something already. Read something yesterday...haven't looked into it yet. Looks like they released EP1, then will do the whole shebang on October 26 - nice that they're going to release them all at once
  15. Yeah, wow, holy shit that's fascinating. and scary. very, very scary. . . Edit: This article just came across the feed, similar take on the relativity of "truth": https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2018/10/02/brett-kavanaugh-lying-politics-220812
  16. 2nd Season is tops. 3rd season is pretty good too, but that 2nd season. . . whoof, too good. . .
  17. for real. Some real NLS (next level sociopath) shit right there. Love it. Huh. Nice take! Hadn't thought about in those terms (i.e., that creep is still there, just manifests differently). Makes me think about being one of the Beatles back in the day. . .christ how crazy would that have been?
  18. :-P same wavelength just slightly different delay modulations Yeah, Christ - the whole "I'm a single white male and they say I shouldn't speak but fuck-em" - - - it's like living in a Kay and Peele sketch, but absolutely not funny at ALL.
  19. This is pretty great. It almost (almost) has stopped me from vomiting in my own mouth about this whole, dreary, disgusting mess.
  20. If I went to a hot yoga class it would be full of hot chicks who think I’m a weirdo for being there I think. I’ve never done a hot yoga class but people just recommended it to me. k - yeah, so, IRL, I actually think this holds up. My wife is a yoga instructor, and we sometimes talk about how strange it is more dudes don't go to yoga classes for this very reason. I.e., being an anomaly in a female dominated area, thus being a point of interest. Plus, you know, lots of hot chicks working out around you/doing down dog? seems like a no-brainer. Other IRL places: ballroom dancing - took a few classes in college. The model holds up. Also, social work program, but that takes a lot more commitment. I guess I was thinking about online places/where you have a mediated personality. Maybe yoga forums? Oh, also, don't do hot yoga unless you really want to fuck up your body.
  21. This is more of a question than a pointless observation/thought: So, I've noticed, when a chick goes on to a predominantly male forum/virtual space, dudes FREAK OUT. Like, there is some thread on the Aphex reddit right now that has, like, 80 posts, and it's because some chick posted a picture of herself with an Aphex Twin shirt (yes, I know, clearly I clicked on it. whatever. This isn't about that). Or, like, back in the day used to play a ton of COD, to the point where I typically ranked top 3 in most matches. My wife (then girlfriend) would then get on the microphone and just, like, say random shit every few minutes. Dudes would flip the fuck out. "Yo, dude, is that a girl?!!!" It was hilarious. I also get it. The idea of some hot ass chick kicking your ass at a FPS is, like, the DREAM. That's not really what this is about either. My question is: Is there a place where this dynamic is reversed? Where, if a guy went on to a virtual space, chicks would totally whig out and be all fawning bordering on stalkery? Is that even possible, given our current social and gender dynamics?
  22. Yah, would guess not for most things but this seemed like more like an RDJ directed sort of thing? Will edit original post.
  23. Retweeted by RDJ EDIT(maybe) Very sweet EDIT: even if it's not RDJ and a nice counterpoint to the self-important video reviews and subsequent hate (however justified) levied upon said reviewers here (including meself in that - easy to hate on people from behind the computer screen) https://youtu.be/XOWrfLlxcPE
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