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Posts posted by T3551ER

  1. 13 hours ago, Nebraska said:

    i thought it was "okay". had some nice calls backs to his previous features and seemed to exist somewhere in the fleshy ExistenZ or Videodrome bodyhorror universe, but i personally enjoyed those other two films much more than this one. 


    13 hours ago, Nebraska said:

    ^^^ yeah, to be honest i was pretty excited coz we were reminded it going to be the first film he had written and directed in 22 years. 

    personally i was just slightly miffed because this was the second film in a row i was going to watch with léa seydoux. she looks like amber heard with a french passport

    btw: a quick revision of my analysis of this film is; imagine if crash was about someone obsessed with the plots of existenz and videodrome (instead of car crashes)

    Ok, perfect, thank you. Have been waiting to hear a "non critic" take on this. @dr lopezseems right that there was a lot.of hype during Cannes and then sort of nothing? 

    Not saying I'm not going to watch, just nice to have a sense of what im.walking in to (in particular I'm a pretty massive ExistenZ and Videodrome fan, so a return by Cronenburg to that sort of genre makes my expectations higher than they likely should be). 


  2. 2 hours ago, Nebraska said:


    i wish this was an episode of an anthology titled 'crimes of the future' because that way, maybe cronenberg can explore this "future" world rather than just giving us a hint of it's existence like he did with this film.

    Overall, did you like it though? 

    I just rewatched The Fly to get my Cronenburg Legs back under me before watching this one, May queue it up this weekend...

  3. On 6/15/2022 at 11:58 AM, chronical said:

    Two weeks ago I started the game of "Find my microSD card adapter that I put in a box while moving without realising all my Polyend Tracker projects are on it and I can't fucking find it anywhere what the hell did it drop out of the box while moving?" and it sucks. 1/10 would not recommend

    Ps I "burgered" this because it was the reaction that most closely approximated my irl reaction of "oh shit sry m8, I've been playing the other game in the series 'when I moved the home studio into the baby's playroom I lost the usb stick that had literally all my poetry and prose for the last 25 years and I've looked everywhere but all I can find is random Pretzels and baby goop' wtf also would not recommend" 

    To be fair, burger is pretty close to that tho. 

    In all seriousness hope you find it!!!

  4. 1 hour ago, Rubin Farr said:

    Season 1&3 are good, 2&4 are bad. ymmv

    Just finished s4. @GORDOfeels kind of on point here, as it sometimes feels like just all set up for last couple of episode. My wife says that "nothing happens" in Stranger Things (by which I think she means the above... sometimes it all feels like setup for more setup). 

    Had a realization though: because life there is no way I could have binge watched this. However, if I could have watched this all in like a weekend, I probably would have really enjoyed it. It's just NOT a season (maybe none of them are) where the episodes are really self contained or reach conclusion that's satisfying on their own (ep 4 maybe an exception). 

    Again, life/age but if I could do it over, I'd somehow have a weekend free and just do bingers at the beginning of each episode until I either reached the end or passed out and would probably be pretty happy overall. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Nebraska said:


    Ffffffuck yes. Been waiting on this one for years. Still remember caching this in the theater when it came out, possibly my fave Lynch movie. "Trailer" is also so perfectly Lynch too. 

  6. In the Tall Grass - adaptation of Stephen King and Joe Hill (his son) novella by the director who did Splice and Cube. Fanfuckingtastic. One of the most Stephen King feeling movies (I mean, as in, it translates the feel of his books when you're reading it into something that works visually), but also more bizarre in some aspects. Definitely some Cube like vibes here, won't say more. A solid pop horror effort, 9.5/10. 

    Bodycam - I watched about 10 minutes, fast forwarded through most of the rest and then turned it off. Some nice visual touches to this horror flick but Maru J. Blige (sry Mary) can't act her way out of a paper bag. I think there's some interesting commentary on policy violence but let's face it no one will ever sit through this entire film yo know foe sure. 

    Batman:Ninja - I'm about 30 minutes in. Made by the same team who did Afro Samurai. Gorilla Grod has a time machine that transports (accidentally) Arkham Asylum back to Fuedal Japan. It's bonkers. Totally OTT, dumb dialogue, Catwomans boobies are like size Z, batmobile turns into batwing turns into batcycle turns into ... a mech? Basically, it's completely awesome and takes less than 0 thought to fully enjoy. Imbibe quantity for maximum enjoyment. 


  7. Back OT/palate cleanser: The Night House

    Went in with pretty low expectations, left pretty glad I watched it. Rebecca Hall totally makes this one, as it's really a one woman show and she's just fantastic. I think the only other place I'd seen her was in Tales from the Loop and she was good there - and friggin' totally sells it here. Some really excellent audio work and some shit that legit made me rip the headphones off and have to, like, take a few deep breaths. Ending is a slight letdown and you kind of wonder if the Director has a cut somewhere which goes a little more bleak - but when you actually think about the ending and likely chain of future events .... it's still pretty bleak. 

    Go in expecting kind of low-level pop horror and you'll be pleasantly surprised. 

    8.5 HOL's / 10 but it's actually not really like HOL that much at all so don't go in expecting genius

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, zero said:

    you're good man. props for actually responding intelligently to that juvenile post. I know you've been here awhile and probably know this, but that guy's "shtick" is to jump in whenever he feels the need to call people out on here, and say some arrogant asshole BS making fun of them. it was funny maybe back in 2005, when everyone on here was acting about the same way. but most of us board regulars now are what, in our 30's/40's, have kids and shit, and are past the point of acting like anonymous dickheads to each other online. if the only guy you offended is a known troll on this board, then it should be obvious to anyone who the actual loser is.

    Thanks Z. Yeah, I think (for whatever reason) I missed it initially but then I went back and looked at some of his old posts and then I was like "ooooohhhh right." I actually thought about deleting what I wrote because, you know, don't feed the trolls and all that, but then decided I'd leave it. 

    I've been the target of random, violent verbal abuse in the past for no ostensible reason - sometimes because, well, I'm a minority. Sometimes, partly because of that "other" status, my defense mechanism has been to placate, which made me a pretty easy target.  So, I guess, in this instance I took a while to process and then responded in a way that felt honest but not yielding. It hurt me, even if it was supposed to be funny, but what I wrote is the sort of measured way I wish that I could have responded in the past (or now). So, I'm leaving it, if for no other reason than to remind me that there are better ways to responding to such things than either a)lashing back out or b)just caving to it. Or saying nothing. 

    And, lol, yeah, right? All OG's are now old AF -  this stuff seems like the equivalent of kids calling each other "fags" on Xbox live - maybe understandable for pre-teens who don't really understand what they're saying, but ultimately just kind of shitty and hurtful to anyone who might be the target (or class being used pejoratively) and not something grown ass men should still be doing. 


    3 hours ago, _vow_of_silence_ said:

    Me, me, me!!!

    Anyway it's a trap@T3551ER can't believe u fell 4 it... :trollface: xoxo

    Star Wars Adulthood GIF

    3 hours ago, beerwolf said:

    what zero said


    thnx m8 ?

    • Like 2
  9. 1 hour ago, Schlitze said:

    You must be one of the most generic twerps I've seen in this hellhole and that's saying something. Go away and watch a film that no one's seen and form your own opinion about it. 

    That seems .... unnecessarily harsh and pretty unfounded. I think I'm pretty clear about what my opinions are, that they are uniquely my own, with the caveat that what one conceives as self is largely a construct built off of a conglomerate of lived experiences. 

    I'd argue that my initial review/opinion of the latest Bats is also fairly counter to a lot of opinions to here which, I think, makes it non-generic (if one defines "generic" as something like normative i.e., in keeping with what everyone else is saying). 

    Certainly I didn't mean to offend, though I can't help but feel bit attacked here for no clear reason. I mean, is voicing what one person believes to be a generic opinion is worthy of such ire, I suspect we'd all be spat upon in such a fashion at one time or another. Which is, to say, more than anyone should ever be for voicing their opinion on a blockbuster film. 

    • Like 4
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  10. On 4/29/2022 at 3:29 PM, Squee said:

    I mean, I liked it too, but damn, man, haha. I can respect it though. And when take an extra peek at Nolan's Batman movies, they're really not very good. The Dark Knight is a great Joker film and that's about it.

    I did fucking love Colin Farrell's take on Oswald Cobblepot. His voice was unrecognisable.

    Yeah, I feel like... first Nolan Batman was great because it broke the mold / refreshed the franchise, even if it wasn't the greatest film. Dark Knight  w Joker I do really love, but a lot of that comes down to Heath Ledger being amazeballs. 

    This one... yeah, I think it also helps I watched it over 3 evenings (#toddlerlife). If I sat through all at once I might have gotten fatigued. That being said. I guess I just really resonated w the whole trauma/anger/trying to move psst that towards something more like hope/love. 

    Omg, I would have had 0 idea it ws Farrell. Apparently Reeves is going to do a whole Penguin series for HBO? That's def intriguing...

  11. Au-delà des murs (Beyond the Walls) 

    So... not sure if this is a tv series or should count as movie, but I just posted in the films thread sooooo

    A three part miniseries (or, maybe just a longish movie), french surrealist horror. I was doing a search for visual stuffs that had a House of Leaves vibe/Backrooms feel and this came up. 

    Its great. Best to go in not knowing much, but the use of liminal spaces is both well done and ends up going into unexpected places. One of those things where there is an underlying set pf philosophical principles that use the space as metaphor for internal, human things, not just "oh cool that's soooon weird." There's more than horror here, there is examination of loss, the human condition, love, etc. 

    Its not perfect. Some parts feel rushed and underdeveloped while others feel, perhaps, too languid. The visuals are not the best, but they do carry with them shades of Lynch, and (thank GOD) understand they are working within budgetary limits that shouldn't be exceeded. What that means is the .... things you see may feel slightly theatrical, but will age incredibly well, as the horrors are less about how things look as much as they are about the ideas about why they do. 

    On that topic, there are things that are left unexplained, in thr best way possible. Not that there isn't a conclusion (a very, very good one imop), more that the way things are presented are left up to you to think on/intepret. Less is more, show don't tell done right. 

    8 tesseracts / 5 and a half minute hallways 

    • Like 1
  12. The Batman - hands down my favorite Batman in cinema (note I said "my favorite" not "best"... mileage will differ). Reeves somehow took the gritty realism of a Nolan Battersea and made it even more gritty/real, with the result being a Batman who feels somehow more human but still fantastical. There is actual... character growth? That's just not something I think we've really seen before, and I absolutely love that


    A core theme of this is moving from vengeance to hope. That trauma can evince a desire to obliterate, and that can feel really good for a long time, but that approach only ends up hurting both yourself and the people you love. When he reaches out at the end, and there is this pause, because everyone is still just frightened as fuck, and the boy takes his hand... lost it. It's a create foil to the first scene where he saves that guy and the dude is like "please don't hurt me." 

    A moody, emo piece that I loved to pieces. There are two, very minor quibbles I have that make this a 9.9/10. But that 10 means perfect in every way in this context, so it's like a normal film's 45/10. 



    • Like 1
  13. On 4/19/2022 at 3:37 PM, cern said:


    I have the biggest NOOB question in the world.. 

    If I have for example one bass sample that is played in F then how do I play it like it should been played in the pattern?
    And what happen if I take that F and trigger it as a C? Is it becoming a C or a weird mix between C and F?

    Shit my brain is spinning too much around this.. 

    Just fyi, there is also a tool that will analyze a sample and automatically pitch adjust it to "C" so that when you play C it's a C. Search tools over at the Renoise site


    Edit: https://www.renoise.com/tools/easy-tune

    • Like 2
  14. ^ yeah think this is it. Totally get that they saw the writing on the wall and put huge efforts into creating a bunch of original content to prepare for the day when they lost all their popular series back to other networks. But, the downside is that so much of it is so middling that even though they put out some random amazing shit (I'm Thinking of Ending Things is a great example, I'd put Power of the Dog up there too) it gets lost in the noise.

    Also, just too much of it. I def have found myself sinking into the trap of just scrolling through content for half an hour unable to decide on anything... and having this association that whatever I choose is probably gong to be "ok I guess?"

    Then I inevitably flip over and watch something on HBO Max or whatever. ..

    • Like 2
  15. 32 minutes ago, Shimon_Shimon said:

    ^ I'm not anti ads, but I'm sympathetic to the concern about Netflix's impending volte-face on AVOD. Once they suckle on the teat of ad revenue, it will fundamentally change the product development. 

    Like you, I cut the cord a long time ago. I've only got access to Prime at the moment - I killed Netflix at the start of the year, and I never had it for more than a couple of months each time - and I'd like to move off of Amazon products as much as I can this year. 

    I've been buying DVD/Blu-rays of classic shows and films off of eBay the past 12 months, and adding to my instance of Plex. That's how I do most of my viewing. 

    In other Netflix news: https://www.bbc.com/news/business-61153252


    Yeah... for so long Netlfix was kind of this lone wolf, way ahead of the pack in terms of evolving strategy to stay a few steps ahead. Everything happening now just seems like such a step backward .... I mean, it is what it is. 

    It's funny, I've been finding myself going back to using Plex more and more lately. Out of curiosity: what do you use/how do you rip your discs and whatnot? Do you find you have space concerns? (I have a few seasons of various shows and they just take up so much damn space)

  16. 47 minutes ago, Shimon_Shimon said:

    20% drop in share price since the announcement right?

    Netflix are also claiming the sanctions against Russian lost them 700k subscribers... so with inflation cutting the pursue strings, and broadcasters restricting their IP from streamers... 

    Netflix have announced they'll be supporting an ads tier in the next couple of years. Their platform will be attractive to advertisers, not as many restrictions as broadcasters, they'll have flexibility with content, and a shit load of 1st party data they'll try and leverage; if they commit. It will then be the balancing act of stopping churn, keeping lower tiered subscribers happy. They'll probably work a variable ad load model, rather than slapping prerolls everywhere. 

    Yeah think that's right (20%). I haven't followed them as closely since finishing up because grad school trauma (jk ... mostly) but still fascinated by them. Iirc correctly they also refused to stream Russian propaganda channels at the outset of the war losing them a ton of subscribers.

    Adding Ad tiers is a terrible idea, and totally contrary to their mission statement. It's actually one of the reasons I still subscribe - its literally the only streaming service that has 0 ads for anything (I mean, not even ads for other shows). It's the reason I cut the cord almost 2 decades ago. 

    Oof. I mean, I get it, they are a business. And this is the predominant model for many streaming options. But still. Oof. 

    Also with @o00o here - the artifial downgrade to upgrade bait and switch is dirty. 

    Other thing Netflix does poorly: their original show model is to cover all up front production costs and then a graduated payment model whereby after year three, payments go through the roof to creators/actors/etc. in a series. That's why so few shows on Netlfix get past S3. Which is fucking dumb. Figure out a better model and come back at me w more Santa Clarita Diet pls? K thnx bye. 

  17. Actually did my capstone project for MBA on the good 'ol Netflix. Think part of this is due to a massive uptick in subscribers at the outset of the pandemic- like their Q1/Q2 2020 numbers were through the roof. So, they gained way more than expected, then tail end of 2021 they started seeing declines for some of the reasons above: Disney+ and other competitors entering thearket (e.g., Peacock, Apple+), tightening economy meaning people will elect to drop unessential services (or choose between say HBO Max and Netflix). Sure the uptick in prices aren't helping. 

    They are pushing hard to try and appeal to global markets (where they haven't saturated yet) but oof - 2 millions lost subscribers is pretty tough pill to swallow. 

    TLDR: massive uptick in subscribers during pandemic means artificially inflated numbers coupled with market saturation in US, competition from others, tightening economy and charging more and need to capture larger global market share probably explains this

  18. 3 hours ago, thefxbip said:

    Yeah i started it just before the war in Ukraine started.

    It kinda hit even more when there is a war going on. The tragedy of it, the absurdity, the foolishness of men.

    Makes you cry and laugh at the same time.

    It's a beautiful book.

    also this is worth a watch:


    Cheers! Watched part of this at lunch, look forward to finishing it up. Weirdly comforting to hear his voice sounds eerily similar to what I heard in my head while reading....


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  19. On 3/14/2022 at 12:18 AM, thefxbip said:

    Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut

    3/4 through

    Certainly one of the best novels i've read.

    Found: ''The Norton Anthology of short fiction, 3rd edition'' for 5 bucks at thrift store. 108 stories. Now that's a good deal.

    Read a few including:

    “The Babysitter” by Robert Coover

    ''Rape Fantasy'' by Margaret Atwood

    Both excellent.


    Funny, just finished Slaughterhouse V. Heard such great things about it for years, finally decided to pick it up. 

    I .... don't know what I was expecting. Somehow in my mind it was going to be a "jolly good, mind bending sci-fi time travel romp" and uhhhhhhh it turns out the guy who writes back of the book synopses for books I've never actually read got it way wrong. 

    Fantastic, but really gut wrenching. Probably the best anti war novel I've ever read. On par with Requiem for a Dream as being the best anti drug movie I've ever seen, and vaguely The Jungle being the best anti meat book I've ever read. By which, I mean, all of these make me never want to fight in a war, do heroin, or eat meat, respectively. 

    It also made me think about the horrors that are going on in Ukraine right now. It's like... fuck, human beings never really change do they? I know that's cynical but. ... oof. 

    On the flipside it also made me really grateful to just exist in a non-war state. Like, it does such a good job of evoking the numbing claustrophobia of war and PTSD that simple things like crapping in a toilet suddenly seem like a godsend. 

    1 lovable scamps / innumerable moments of existential dread


    • Like 3
  20. On 4/12/2022 at 9:42 AM, perunamuusi said:


    In the IMDB review we get this movie very good.

    Fatal Trust shows how well a story can change without notice and never take your eye away from the screen.

    When Kate (Amy Jo Johnson)comes with her son to start a new for her family when her husband was killed.

    With the help of her half sister they begin to rebuild their lives and get to be a family again.

    When Kate takes a job with Dr.Mark Lucas (David Jones) the loyal Dr she seems to enjoy the job.

    However she will discover that Dr.Lucas is not that he seems to be.

    This movie story is a strong one that is not found in many movies anymore, it was well thought out and well build together for a movie made for TV.

    The Characters were very clever and well put and they were played by great actors.

    The Music really plays well and each scene has a score that tells a story with that scene.

    You really need to get this movie a try and it does keep you guessing.

    Overall Fatal Trust has a strong story with very good cast and really enjoyable that should be worth watching.

    I give Fatal Trust a 8 out of 10






    I keep coming back here and misreading the title as "Fatal Thrust"...

    I guess that'd be a good candidate for the porn titles for normal films thread yeah?

  21. On 4/9/2022 at 11:01 PM, chenGOD said:

    Severance is dark as fuck and I love it. Can’t wait for the season finale, even though I know it will leave me wanting more. Ben Stiller is killing it with his direction. 
    Raised by Wolves S2 is mental. Halfway-ish through and this is great fucking television. 
    Moon Knight first two episodes have been surprisingly good. Oscar Isaac is quality. I have faith Disney will fuck it up. 

    I'm 3 episodes into Severance and holllyyyy fffuuucck it's so good. Reminds me of how I felt when watching Devs - not necessarily the tone or subject matter, but definitely the omg wtf is going on I don't know but I love it. 


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