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Everything posted by zero

  1. I recently finished the Scalped series and am dying for more! I can't believe how good this was. I was thinking 100 bullets might be the best sprawling crime series, but Scalped IMO has surpassed it. The only gripe I have is I didn't like the guest artist who came in around Volume 4 as R.M Guera totally nailed it with the look. internet says they're supposed to turn it into a TV series... just started Thief of Thieves which is enjoyable so far
  2. I don't understand why the US networks (fox, nbc, etc) have such a hard time with dark dramas? Gotham sucks! I gave it until episode 3 before giving up. The cable channels (showtime, hbo, fx) can get away with language/nudity, etc., but it doesn't mean you can't still have a well written/acted/directed show... there are a few exceptions such as Hannibal, X-Files, Twin Peaks...but the majority of network dramas are complete crap
  3. I didn't see it that way since it was a vague statement. And I'm thinking there are bound to be surprises with this show... On a side note, I'm pretty sure I walk by the building they use as the exterior shot for Hannibal's office every day going to work: https://www.google.ca/maps/@43.646745,-79.385812,3a,75y,35.88h,109.6t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sxgVU5KO80gVsJnzM28gf_Q!2e0?hl=en
  4. Hannibal - now that's how you do a finale...just kill everyone I'm really glad I Stuck with this show I gave up after a few episodes into season 1 as it seemed like a CSI killer of the week show with Dr.Lecter as a consultant I got back into it after season 2 kept getting great reviews. Season 2 by far has been the better of the two, as its focused more on catching hannibal as opposed to all the other serial killers who live around fictional baltimore. I may have to read the books now
  5. latest episode was intense! face eating scene wtf!!! and how the hell does Gillian Anderson keeping getting hotter?!
  6. I recently read 100 bullets a few months ago and absolutely loved it. I've read some of Criminal by Brubaker and it's even better. I'm just about to finish the last volume of Sin City which I also love. Can you guys give any recommendations for more crime type comics/graphic novels? I can't seem to get into superhero/fantasy type stuff. Thanks
  7. The Fall - show about some serial killer blah blah blah when all I cared about was watching Gillian Anderson go back into Scully mode...no but seriously I really liked it. I liked how we knew who the bad guy was from the get-go and how he didn't fit the stereotypical TV serial killer mold. Broadchurch - I thought it was pretty good until the killer was revealed in the last episode...the motivation behind the whole thing just wasn't that solid. It definitely reminded me of The Killing in places...I did really like the 2 main detectives.
  8. excellent album...some of the tracks have a "lynchian" vibe to them
  9. He's been on a steady decline after the Extinguished Outtakes EP...the Ampexian album wasn't bad, but paled in comparison to the Outtakes EP. The Only She chapters was one of the worst albums I've ever heard and couldn't believe he thought it was a good idea to release it I've seen him live three times - both times as Prefuse were terrible, as Savath & Savalas it wasn't too bad. 1st was in 2003 after he released One Word and the show was just...boring. Scott stood around and mashed buttons on his MPC and some other guy scratched records. 2nd was as Savath & Savalas and was decent. 3rd time was after Security Screenings came out and Scott played the drums and another guy played synth/sampler horribly. I still think he's a talented producer and keep hoping he'll release something as amazing as One Word Extinguisher.
  10. I dunno...sounds like the same synth presets were used on every track. the synth tones definitely are not as warbly as before. I want warbly synths...warbles...WARBLES!!!!!! DAMMMITT
  11. zero

    Now Reading

    really? I like it. are there any better cormac mccarthy books you'd recommend then?
  12. zero

    Now Reading

    blood meridian - cormac mccarthy songs of the doomed - hunter thompson
  13. Haven't heard it yet, but looking forward to. It seems to have been getting good reviews: http://www.textura.org/archives/c/christ_blueshift.htm http://www.popmatters.com/pm/music/reviews...hift-emissions/ http://www.sistercomfort.com/bo_dir/html/C..._Emissions.html http://forum.benbecula.com/viewtopic.php?t...6d734616bb6f685 a few mixed ones from users on this site. Anyone care to elaborate why it is shit?
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