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Everything posted by oscillik

  1. Tried the first episode of The Leftovers, at the recommendation of someone. Got to the end credits and saw the name Damon Lindelof, and realised that I didn't need to see that name to know that it was a waste of a fucking hour of my life.
  2. Yeah techmoan's video is pretty good at breaking down the types! Thing is though, with that Pavlovs Children tape, I think it's just a bad dub. All of my tapes are just bog standard ferric ones, and they all sound way better than this one.
  3. I guess it depends on at which point the "cassette-ness" has been applied 1991 seems to do it right, as the digital downloads seem to be cassette rips - the actual cassette versions sound great. I do have a cassette release that sounds terrible, though. Just thinking about artists like Tobacco - who recorded loads of his last album on a crap Tascam multitrack, according to this ep of Song Exploder. I'd be interested to know what the mastering guidelines are for tape too, as I've read loads about vinyl but not seen anything about cassette tape. Looks like you sold a few tapes there, can't be that bad!! Ohh I didn't mean that was me, I meant I have that release on cassette :p Was just really disappointed with the sound quality, it really is rather terrible. I'm sure there's a few people on here who have some tips on mastering for tape, I know brisk definitely knows a thing or two (he's 36 on bandcamp)
  4. I guess it depends on at which point the "cassette-ness" has been applied 1991 seems to do it right, as the digital downloads seem to be cassette rips - the actual cassette versions sound great. I do have a cassette release that sounds terrible, though.
  5. Ahh sorry, I misconstrued the multiple questions marks to just be sarcasm. Figured watmm was already aware of this being a trend
  6. Disappointed that those posters follow the orange/blue trend
  7. i bet it sounds like shit also lol playing music is about the user experience of appreciating mechanical motion baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarf There have been a load of flashy design mockups showing up on Kickstarter and Indiegogo lately, mostly for bullshit turntables. I lump this in the same category.
  8. Yesterday, some chump on my way to work was blasting shit EDM in the train. I really wanted to push him out of the car right before the doors closed Should've stood in front of him, dancing, and never breaking eye contact. When I lived in Boston, there was a guy named DJ Night Train. He would wear UFO pants and lots of raver candy and play really bad techno. He would dance the entire time on the train and kept it up for years. As far as I know, he's still doing it. That guy gets a pass for being so entertaining. A real life Tyres, fucking amazing
  9. Yesterday, some chump on my way to work was blasting shit EDM in the train. I really wanted to push him out of the car right before the doors closed Should've stood in front of him, dancing, and never breaking eye contact. kinda reminds me of this
  10. It's a bold strategy, BCM. Lets see if it pays off.
  11. Well, Adam Savage did some behind the scenes videos for Ghost In The Shell, which turned out to be generally regarded as shite. He's doing the same for Liaen Oven Cant
  12. Not necessarily. (edit: I suppose it depends what you mean by 'this kind of community'). They've generally been the format of choice for noise, dark ambient, black metal, industrial and so on - they never really went away. And these days there are some fairly big releases on tape. The new Slowdive album is coming out on cassette. Yeezus by Kanye West, Madvillain by Madvillain, both on tape. You can buy Prince and Eminem tapes from Urban Outfitters. I think a lot of people do still buy them without playing them, though. It happens a lot in the vaporwave scene, which is particularly annoying as the tapes are really fucking limited most of the time. You end up with people who'd actually play them not able to because they sold out, and the actual tapes sitting on someone's shelf never getting listened to. Yeah, this along with the discussion in the other thread has been an eye opener for me, as I had always assumed the majority of people don't have the means to listen. I definitely agree with you about people buying up limited releases and then letting them gather dust. Can't fucking stand that. I've got rare stuff that I play, I see absolutely no point in letting it go to waste as a conversation piece sitting on a shelf.
  13. see, this is what I've assumed for a while too. It's always seemed like a niche thing within this kind of community.
  14. damn, yeah that is a good second question. But the current one is still useful in trying to see if I'm full of shit for thinking that most people can't play them
  15. Just wanted to see how many of you have the ability to play cassettes. It's a StrawPoll topic, as I'm trying not to limit this just to WATMM I'm trying to figure out if my assumption that not many people have a cassette deck is accurate or I'm just fucking wrong.
  16. http://www.urdesignmag.com/technology/2017/05/02/audi-lunar-quattro/ edit - Audi claims this shit is actually going to the moon on a privately funded lunar jaunt. BRILLIANT
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