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Everything posted by oscillik

  1. IMAX as a shooting format isn't a gimmick. IMAX as a presentation format, I've heard a lot of places aren't projecting properly, so yeah that's a gimmick.
  2. Rumors going around that the fashionistas were told to remove all posts, otherwise they would not get paid.
  3. I think you should check yourself, and get down from your anarcho-idm privilege
  4. Apparently, some of the fashionistas that were promoting this on Instagram were there to greet the first arrivals off the plane, by filling their mouths with champagne and prancing about for a bit, before promptly fucking off when the shit hit the fan.
  5. oceanwave, the new genre
  6. It seems like even in the refugee status, there is a class system...
  7. Looks pretty similar to me.
  8. To be fair, the accommodation was literally a refugee aid tent
  9. fucking lol And this is written by Frank Miller Shouldn't this be in the bad film ideas thread? Wait, this isn't the bad film idea thread? This is the bad films realized thread. Ahhh see you nailed it, such a fine line between the two
  10. sad thing is it's probably not over-privileged people but people who save on for 2 years to be able to afford this shit the festival was announced this year And from the look of it, marketed almost exclusively via Instagram and social media "tastemakers"
  11. Don't fucking start with that shit. There have already been Robocop vs Terminator vs Aliens vs Predator vs Chucky vs Freddy vs Michael vs Jason vs Wayne Gayle comics
  12. It's still annoying me that the book makes out that Norma's mom died. She didn't - she's in the show.
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