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Everything posted by oscillik

  1. Well, thanks for making it so I can't be annoyed with the lack of continuity without looking like a massive cunt! (this is a really nice reason)
  2. This was Jean-Michel Renault (a 4th brother) A fourth brother whom shouldn't exist, since the whole reason that Jean Renault was so hell bent on killing Cooper was because he lost all his brothers due to "dis biz nessss"
  3. When the one in the cell appeared, I was sure it was Jerry but all blacked up. Now I'm not so sure, as this second appearance of a blacked up person doesn't look quite the same.
  4. Broken a dry spell (due to lack of funds to travel)
  5. Fingers crossed it'll be on this: https://boomkat.com/products/twin-peaks-limited-event-series-soundtrack Apart from the re-used music from the original run, all the music and soundscapes so far sound more like David Lynch's work rather than Angelo Badalamenti, in my opinion anyway.
  6. Yes, this film was very enjoyable because it didn't waste any time hand-holding the audience. And it didn't need to.
  7. It's infuriating as fuck that these releases are only available in the US We ended up with a pretty good version though with the recent BluRay box set of the series/film (that seemed to be only £15 in HMV for a while!) You mean the one that hardcore Twin Peaks fans jumped on for pre-order at £40? :p Yeah it is a very good set. It's just that Criterion are renowned for doing amazing transfers, and really nice packaging.
  8. lol what the fuck, I've been seeing a lot about the server issues and bugs, and had automatically assumed it was an Early Access title. With your description, it even sounds like an Early Access title. But it's not. They're actually asking full price for this. lol.
  9. Totally agree (I would also hope that the sound design stuff gets a release, as it's awesome). I was too young to watch the show in it's original run, on a weekly broadcast basis. I think the week gap really helps. It'd be a headfuck to have all 18 hours instantly streamable all at once.
  10. It's not mean. I'm not reviewing the book. If I wanted just the 'content' then I would've read the book. Trying to make out that the visual look of a TV show doesn't matter is reductionist. In any case, my opinion about the show (and the rating I gave it) is subjective. Just because I don't love it as much as you, doesn't mean I'm wrong.
  11. I've got nothing against visuals being overly stylised (Utopia is up there with the best shows I've seen in recent years, and I still love The Matrix), but this is particularly egregious. It's not only the clipped shadows and highlights, but the colour grading just looks like shit - as if someone has thrown brown shit everywhere. Even the sky is no longer blue, it's yellow-brown shit. But man, dem eyes. And yes, the slow motion. There's only one director who in my opinion does slow motion correctly, and that's Wes Anderson.
  12. Legit question - since when was Buzzfeed regarded as a reputable source for anything?
  13. The Handmaid's Tale - first episode For some reason they are digitally brightening the eyes of the handmaids, it makes it incredibly distracting to watch the show when it's almost like watching Who Framed Roger Rabbit every time there's a close-up of someone's face. For a show that's supposed to be grounded in some sort of 'around the corner dystopia' realism, it really pulls me out of immersion and just makes me lol every time I see it. The extremely low contrast, earthy colour grading looks like someone went overboard with VSCO filters in the phone app. It really doesn't look good at all. Unfortunately this seems to be a trend, as shows like Broadchurch (and pretty much any ITV 'drama' show) as well as Sherlock, are going for this over-the-top fake filmic look (completely crush the blacks, shave off some of the highlights), and it immediately dates a show as being produced during the latter half of the 2010s. As a photographer who likes the filmic look in photos, even this looks way too over the top. I admit that in my early amateur days, I would do the same. But it really does look like someone just discovered curves in Adobe Premier. I know the show is based on a book, where the majority of it is presented in the form of Offred's internal monologue, but the constant voiceover seems too much. I haven't read the book yet though, but at times it really feels like the show is relying on voiceover as a hand-holding mechanism. I'll see what the rest brings, as the base story and the 'world' is interesting enough. 5/10
  14. Did you watch Fire Walk With Me, without having seen the first two seasons of the show? If so, you did it very very wrong. Also, you don't watch Lynch to get answers to questions, you watch Lynch to ask the questions.
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