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Everything posted by oscillik

  1. how much did you nab that for? Can't really remember. Got it from Skam years ago... they did a surprise sale of refound copies if i remember it well. Yeah, I missed out on that :( FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCK
  2. how much did you nab that for?
  3. real MASK500 or recent bootleg?
  4. Wasn't there some controversy about patching Fez on 360 was too expensive due to MicroDerp™? yeah I read that too, can't remember where but that does ring a bell
  5. According to this article, he basically wants money http://www.theverge.com/2013/3/4/4054634/musics-pay-what-you-want-pioneers-sour-on-giving-away-songs
  6. it's not his choice anymore, it's Columbia's
  7. Thats pretty interesting, I don't remember Exai getting into the top 40. Must have shifted quite a few copies. probably due to people buying multiple copies, because they had no choice considering that Bleep fucked up the delivery, so people had to go to retail shops and buy it again.
  8. My initial reaction to this album is closer to osc's initial reaction than to just about everyone else's in here. I'm a little surprised by the "top of their game" responses on here. It's good, but no. I know it's great to have boc back, but no. I should apologise for my ass-hattery several nights ago in this thread, had too much sun and even more mojitos... ...sorry Osc, and anyone else who isnae into this as much as I am. I'm just an opinion with an asshole and vice versa...they are forever, inextricably intertwined. it's cool, you're not on the hate oscillik bandwagon at the moment, so no offense taken. and i respect that you have an opinion, just so long as it's not just fanboyism. in which case I don't respect it. but I'm sure that's not the case, right?
  9. Please let us know after each successive listen so I can update my spreadsheet. since quite a lot of people here are alluding that the album will 'reveal itself to me upon successive listens', I thought it were prudent to actually give my opinion on successive listens. funnily enough, I don't see you or kaini picking apart at other people who have mentioned their opinion on the album after their thousandth listen, and their opinion is like sun coming out of their face. but it's cool to be seen with the cool kids isn't it? thanks jules and baph
  10. no no, you left out some stuff. stop pretending to be an angsty teenager, now that you're all buff and have a 'hot' wife, and lots of money. Some people aren't meant to be happy :( fucking lol
  11. dunno if it was you or someone else that mentioned the price in Ireland. is that par for the course for vinyl over there? that is fucking expensive.
  12. just biking in to say - second listen, exactly the same reaction from me.
  13. You should go listen to music about being disillusioned. I highly recommend this industrial band called Nine Inch Nails. stick to the early stuff though...
  14. no no, you left out some stuff. stop pretending to be an angsty teenager, now that you're all buff and have a 'hot' wife, and lots of money.
  15. I think someone already mentioned that it's an allusion to attempted suicide. if true, LOL
  16. There's a tour announced, and tickets are going on sale in a couple of days. The hype is for that reason, and only that. $$$ I wonder if this is the live stuff BoCult have hinted to in the recent interview...maybe they're doing support for NIN, for added hypetrain. skid marks
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