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Satans Little Helper

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Everything posted by Satans Little Helper

  1. That's close to the russian border! I hope you have a bunch of russian flags lying around to show them you are on their side
  2. I wish you all the best. And I know it's not my place to comment on this, but please consider getting out of Ukraine. Unless you want to join the fight. If you don't though, I don't think staying will do you any good. (Again, not my place to comment. But this is a life/death thing, so I'm afraid I can't bother with being nice and friendly. You have to think about your own safety and those around you. And it's simply not a safe place to be right now) On a sidenote, here's an interesting video (hopefully not already posted - havent kept up)
  3. You're probably familiar with this talking head on youtube. Here's a rather amusing "what if Trump was president". Should be lovely to serve your Trumpist friends and family. ?
  4. From the bits and pieces I've seen, it's pretty clear Lex is fairly critical. And Zuckerschnitzel usually avoids addressing the issue and instead throws in a bunch of legally safe answers. Which does make sense, given the potential legal scrutiny. The fact the Zuck even considered doing the interview suggests to me they're desperately trying to save either the company and/or Zucks position within the metaverse. Plus, his virtual reality visions don't make any sense to me whatsoever. My guess is, Zuckyboy wont make it till X-mas running that company. He'll be pushed aside into some vague position where he can do no harm. Sooner than later. IMO
  5. Yep. Fighting a war like he is currently doing, costs a lot of money (and resources/organisation). So, even if Putin stays, he'll stop having the resources to just continue claiming former Soviet Union countries eventually. It will become a hermit nation with scary missiles. At least he wont pull the crap he's pulling now.
  6. So, I guess Russia will become another North Korea. Even though the economy is still very large atm, it might shrink like a ? in freezing water. I hope it does. (not fun for the russians, but they need to kick that idiot out of his autocratic chair) And, of course, as Kim Jong Un, Putin can threaten using nuclear missiles until he is finally ousted. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/feb/28/ukraine-war-sanctions-hit-russian-rouble-crashes-as-zelenskiy-speaks-of-crucial-24-hours
  7. Anyone actually thinking these negotiations will amount to anything? I'm sorry, I don't believe for a second these will go anywhere. It's going to be a long and bloody affair.
  8. I'm sorry for getting tired of Putins bullshit. Can we drop a nuclear bomb on his head? Please? Like right now? Just his head. The rest of Russia can stay. Putin however...
  9. Good tunes, but imo the "relationship" with Drexciya doesn't help. These are good tracks you'd expect on a label like UR, but they don't sound like Drexciya apart from some incidental sample here or there. Would have been better to completely drop the Drexciyan iconography. imoooo
  10. Ah! Size matters. In my humble opinion, both small and big opinions matter. No matter how irrelevant. ? Edit: Cern, for the record, I have absolutely no issue with you making a thread about this. Like Ignatius, I'd argue this is def a subject where people need to be allowed to vent. Secretly, I hope we'd have a poster from Russia with an interesting perspective though. Although it would be better for such a person to remain silent, I'm sure.
  11. Since his return from the benzo episode, he's a bit...how shall I say ... cookie. And I'm sure there are plenty people arguing he was cookie before. But I hope, regardless of whether you think he was cookie before, we can agree it has become worse. Way worse.
  12. I don't think that much different to making a thread about it on some forum, though. I mean, in terms of opinions, don't you think "The world is gonna change alot now and this is only the beginning. " is any less self important?
  13. The majority of the public in Europe have a different reaction to someone using Dr. From the same wiki: Feel free to keep on having this discussion. I'll pass from now on.
  14. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doctor_(title) edit: I mean, fuck off yourself too, sir.
  15. All? Can you help me? I can't find a single one. Not one. https://www.youtube.com/c/Campbellteaching/videos
  16. I'm sorry but let me start with saying you've wasted your time on this post. For the rest of your post, there's nothing "turns out" about this whatsoever. He didn't pretend. He never said he was a medical doctor. His "about" section is pretty clear. Also note his educational videos from way before the lockdown. He's been doing educational video's on youtube since 2007. Is there anything specifically he said was false? Perhaps you want to comment on that instead? In other news, in Europe countries are still opening up. Despite huge numbers of cases. Interestingly, a part of the population very much against opening up societies. Which I don't want to put here as some form of judgment, btw. It's just a sober observation that in the event government decide societies to open up, there's going to be a part of the population very much against opening up. Even a tiny minority arguing to do the complete opposite (more strict lockdown). I mention this because - obviously - there's always going to be a variety of opinions. And it is good to know this can also happen in a scenario where it's actually good to open up. Even in that scenario, there's going to be a bunch of people pretty much against it. So regardless of where you or others are on opening up societies, please note that the scenario where everyone agrees on the decisions being made on a national level does not exist. It's always going to look like a shit show. No nuance. Just woke BS from both extremes. And as always with the nonsense claims about reality. Have to admit this wokism BS is really getting on my nerves.
  17. What happened to that? Some rumours evolving into some album which didn't even exist? That was short before the Novation AFX thing, I believe. Still an interesting idea though.
  18. Yeah. File it right next to Graham Hancocks BS theories. Can anyone give a quick summary of the lex fridman podcast? I really don't feel like spending too much time on a podcast about ufo's and aliens. But in case I'm missing something out, I'll be gladly be on the receiving end of some harassment (not having an open mind etc) ?
  19. I suspect things got lost in translation. Especially when it comes to the term "endgame". Some might think it means the end of the virus. While others might think it's not the end of the virus, but a transition of the virus into something which is more similar to influenza. In which case the endgame refers more to the end of the various lockdowns and other national strategies to keep the virus in check.
  20. A recent study has looked into this. Although education wasn't explicitly part of the model, "trust in science" was part of it. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(22)00172-6/fulltext In other words: lots of the variation could not be explained. But trust in government and general interpersonal trust were important. Something which the US excels at! ;D Personally, it looks a bit like a "throw a lot of factors into a model and see what sticks" study. But it gives an indication of how these factors perform wrt one another. Even if the deeper underlying causal relations are largely unknown. Or, put differently, interesting to look at, but please don't confuse with TRUTH. Yeah, I typed that with capitals. Given the bunch of "woke" individuals roaming this forum. Always in a fight to earn points for having THE BEST grasp on "reality". The BEST reality. * Trump fingers * ?
  21. OK, I want to respond, but there's a lot to unpack here. Your post is a compilation of facts, speculation and opinion. And it's all intertwined like a plate full of spaghetti bolognese. Example: First the facts: you're not hearing plans for the next 5 years. OK, the explanation is pretty easy: planning suggest predictability. Or certainty. And we're simply not in a situation where you can predict how the world looks in 5 years time. Let alone plan on how to deal with it. This has nothing to do with a lack of consideration (that was speculation and or opinion on your part). It's painfully obvious to various governments that some things are to stay for a while. (Like the climate crisis.) It was already mentioned at the first wave, I believe, by various political leaders around the globe that we were in a process where we would have to learn how to live with it (short and long term). And just as obvious was the conclusion that stuff like healthcare systems (eg. amount of available ICU) should be improved to the new situation (whatever this "situation" specifically is -> note the importance of specificity to be able to actually make a reasonable plan). But this also impacts economies and businesses. Remember the panic about the availability of face masks in those early months of the crisis? That's another component that needs to be addressed. Lets assume there are many more. Also note that while everyone is following the media hype, few are aware of the steps already being taken. Why? Because normal politics is boring and not clickbait-worthy! Yes, we're all clickbait sheep complaining about stuff we don't have a clue about. So in the meantime, various countries have actually implemented plans - and in some cases executed - to localise certain high risk industries. Do you see that in the news? Perhaps. My guess, only if you know where to look. And if you do, it's easy to forget with all the other noise. Also note that the news focusses on the stuff that bad. The good is not interesting. As it is assumed to be obvious. Nobody's interested in reading that today the traffic lights performed perfectly, right? You only read about traffic lights when something went horribly wrong. Again, just stating the obvious. And another factor is the variance between various countries. Not every government (country) is the same. Perhaps your local government is exactly as you describe. But in that case, I can only assure you that your local government is not a good representation of all governments. In which case this generalised "lack" wouldn't be general at all. Other than that, we can't tell what is "normal" in 5 years time. This was also the exact same conclusion of the video you posted earlier. It was in big bold letters. Something like "WE DON'T KNOW" or "WE CAN'T...". Or something along those lines. Finishing with a remark about not believing anyone telling you otherwise. I hope you understand you can't just make plans on how to deal with the situation in 5 years time in a situation like that. Especially when the risk/impact of making the wrong plans is huge. As any investment will be huge. Don't forget you're talking about limited budgets. If you spend more budget on ICU capacity, you have to spend less on other parts of the budget. (schools?) Also note this stuff is highly political in the sense that there are many stakeholders and important issues. And there needs to be a reasonable equilibrium between all this "stuff". Governments are forced to move budgets from one important issue to another. And yes, that does require "deep" plans. Don't expect those deep plans to be published soon though. Even if those plans are currently finished. Which I doubt. It takes time. And yes, there's an argument that it requires too much time. In which case I will point to all your fellow citizens of your country with vastly different (opposing) opinions. Without those people, it's difficult to change things. Coming back to your "lack of consideration": often it's better to assume there's a lot of consideration at the governmental level. Unless you live in a completely corrupt country, that is. And that this sense of a lack of consideration is more a reflection of the political discourse, if you will. Which includes - as far as I'm concerned - the opinions of the general public. (Also note the impact of the media and it's publication bias: clickbait...conflict...etc) Lastly, I know I have told you little you didn't already know. And I suspect that your post has a strong emotional source, if you catch my drift. In that case, no explanation from me or anyone else would change that, I'm guessing. (or at least my wall of text wont) And perhaps this is more about coming to terms with the realisation that life will remain uncertain for the coming period. That's not just for governments. That also for us. Please note that governments can not just create certainty by force or magic. At least not when it comes to issues like corona or the climate. Also note that uncertain doesn't mean it can't change for the better.
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