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Herr Jan

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Posts posted by Herr Jan

  1. late... and FUCK! :(( rumor has it he drowned after falling into some river in france... i can't believe this shit. this is some john balance level fate fuckery right there... like srsly fuck you, water!


    love katodivaihe / gravitoni alot...



    I'd rather blame France for this


    (Always blame France for everything)

  2. Chuck was trying to get his lackey's fingerprints on the tape recorder, right?  I'm not sure what for, as Hamlin told him it would be useless in court.  Unless he's trying to get Jimmy disbarred with some fabricated scheme?


    this ep seemed to go a long way to travel a short distance, still love the Cinnabon stuff.

    I wasn't paying attention much during this episode, also I was quite out of the loop on basically every plot from season 2 so I might be wrong, but I think he intentionally got Ernesto to listen to that specific bit with the knowledge that Ernesto will spread the word and take action, so that this evidence is more believable in court (as opposed to just bringing out this evidence out of the blue). Hence the way Chuck overreacted about it? I dunno. 




    I saw Dragged Into Sunlight and Mayhem (playing their super mega hit album) last week and it was boring as hell. I still had a really good time though.


    One of my work buddies saw them last year in Texas and mentioned this lack of energy and kind of downer vibe from the band - he said they sounded good but just not engaging or exciting.


    Yeah, but that's exactly their point (they also play with their backs towards the audience) it's super edgy, kvlt and true not having to engage and having a lack of energy. As long as you have chalices, candles and goathorns on stage.





    oh shit nevermind wrong band - he went to some event called mayhem and saw megadeath last year which he described the way i wrote, lol sorry


    i don't think he's ever heard mayhem, i played him darkthrone once and he liked it, found the black metal "cold" lo-fi sound intriguing but he's mostly into the well known thrash giants, nu metal, etc.




    Well, still a good description of that other band though. I saw Megadeth 2 years ago or something and it was really, really good (beyond all expectations because I was already ready to rant months before the gig)


    I saw Dragged Into Sunlight and Mayhem (playing their super mega hit album) last week and it was boring as hell. I still had a really good time though.


    One of my work buddies saw them last year in Texas and mentioned this lack of energy and kind of downer vibe from the band - he said they sounded good but just not engaging or exciting.


    Yeah, but that's exactly their point (they also play with their backs towards the audience) it's super edgy, kvlt and true not having to engage and having a lack of energy. As long as you have chalices, candles and goathorns on stage.



  5. Just got an e-mail that the clear copy has been dispatched from Bleep HQ. Thanks very much, this one will be a great addition to the others :)

    Was just thinking it would be insane to say at this point I wouldn't mind a new Level soon, but yeah, after that live gig and mix (see above) I really want to hear what the colundi godz have in store for us in the future.

  6. That's a shame. I saw Mayhem a couple of years ago and they were absolutely amazing, even though it was in the middle of the day at a festival. That said, I saw them just after witnessing the abomination that is Marilyn Manson's recent live show, so fkn Nickleback would have been amazing in comparison :P

    lol, yeah that helps. 


    I dunno, I saw Mayhem in 2006, also with Attila, and the sound was stupidly bad. Hellhammer was horrible too but I still had a great time. This time around they were a lot more professional, the sound was top and they were all in top form. I just couldn't engage with it anymore, it was pure nostalgia wankfest. I dunno, a lot of people really liked it, I just tagged a long for shits and giggles and got what I deserved. Not disappointed at all. I guess I'm just jaded with seeing metal bands.


    In other news, Djenty / black jazz / mathcore / whatever heads, a couple of mates released their new album this weekend:



    (Features Jørgen Munkeby from Shining too)

  7. Fucking love the artwork and the title(s), samples sound quite fresh, not really convinced but I think it'll be a grower. As long as he'll not forget about releasing those Satomi Taniyama tracks next tbh, those are so good...


  8. On a similar tangent as above, more cheeky Dutch electronics:

    Got this on 7" a couple of years ago, turned into a little inside joke amongst mates, then I-F dropped this track in a set in Amsterdam I was at, instant party-theme.
  9. Not specifically dump related, but I didn't think it warranted its own thread...


    Penryn Space Agency posted Song in Song (from Touched's Covert II) to /r/aphextwin with the comment "Known Unknown ;)"






    It's quite hard to tell with this one imo, wouldn't say it is or not. It's definitely my fave track on the EP so far though!

  10. Might be just me but I'm quite satisfied with these, the super low quality mp3 adds to it a bit. Sign of the times, and it takes me back to those early 00's. However I'd definitely grab a nice cleaned up version on bandcamp :) 

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