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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by BobDobalina

  1. Alas PPPP (puff puff pass protocol) suspended indefinitely during covid

    All I know is that those 'chre bros better not be mixing any tobacco in their weed

  2. 1 hour ago, Brisbot said:

     I dislike the DNC, however I dislike the RNC about 10 times more.

    Correct.  Time to wake up and realize these entities have basically both become crime syndicates, locked in a turf war to serve the needs of their constituents oligarch backers.  In this game anyone with 1/2 a moral compass has to back the lesser of two evils, and there seems to be no bottom to the depths of depravity the Rs are willing to go.  We're all just slumming up in the projects where the turf war is going down.

  3. 19 hours ago, thumbass said:

    We've got enough good music coming out as is, it's a shame if it wouldnt release this year of course but hey, enough other releases coming out to check out first

    Yeah totes, love to see the artists I love putting out new choonage, and yet it seems as I've gotten older, the library of music available continues to approach infinity while my time to consume/enjoy continues to dwindle... So yeah a slow drip suits just fine so long as properly hooked to my veins

    And don't glitt'r wrong, I'm excited af for new VHS. In the meantime all his material up to now hasn't not not failed to deliver, so they're always a gas to revisit on a healthy basis

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  4. It's pretty fucking sad alright.

    Our whole system of governance / constitution has long needed major, basic overhauls since the advent of the information age and global inter-connectivity, but I'm afraid it's too late.  If those of us with half a brain have learned anything, it's that it's just a system, and all systems are vulnerable to exploitation, especially those doggedly kept in locked in stone (like that c*nt Scalia's jerk off fantasy), all that founding fathers bullshit.

    The electoral college, no term limits, lifetime judgeships, corporate personhood, archaic tax codes, etc., are all bad government, but for decades Dems played along with a ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ , since they were quite happy with how they personally benefited from all the loopholes/exploits they had access to.  Now, the fun twist with an entrenched 2-party system is that it was only a matter of time before one of them went lower-than-low and exploited the system to the point of crashing.

    Hey!! Mericuh! -


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  5. Hold on hold on, let me get this straight - our government and military have been corrupted and operate as unaccountable slush funds??

    Well I never...


    ... expected heat rays to be the next big thing in 2020, but they're shaping up to be fall's hottest item! :cisfor:


    • Like 3
  6. 6 hours ago, Blir said:

    I worry that Trump will leave power

    I wouldn't worry about that Guv', dickhead's not leaving anything.  In the event all their election tampering still doesn't work, it'll be nothing but kicking and screaming, flinging feces everywhere, 'insurrection act' mobilization of goons abetted by Huckleberry Hound Barr, etc.  Be prepared for ugly, and the media acting all horrified and surprised 'n shit.  It's been demonstrated beyond scientific and legal proof that nothing is too low for this bleach-rim asshole, including starting another civil war need be.  Maybe we see a peaceful transfer of power with a lil' unicorn magic.

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  7. such wow, especially considering we're all living in a siMMMulation (or at least this is all a sweet figment o' mine)

    RoBBB pls, we already know the green disc is u maetl

  8. Nice track, but sounds less like actress and more like something from bonobo or other ninja artists in that vein. Hopefully it works better in the context of the album.

    Also the deluxe bundle is a lol

    Never realized that the Xoul single/EP got a digital release, so if anything happy to have found that



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  9. I've shifted away from physical releases for a while now so I was unaware of this debacle; kinda stating the obvs but this reflects really badly on the artists (modell & hitchcock) and leaves me wondering whether they deserve patronage anymore.

    At least reading some of those discogs threads corroborated my basic sentiments about the glut of samey material pushed out by them in recent years, with titles like DriftawayFarts (Ambient Dub Rehash Excursions I-IV)

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