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Posts posted by BobDobalina

  1. ^ I love how you ordered them by increasing bear-boss level

    8 hours ago, Tim_J said:


    A young BobDob was into a young Sarah Silverman until an older, wiser BobDob came to appreciate her sister Laura.

    Not even gonna link but she voiced the receptionist on Dr Katz ages ago, they did a Dr. Katz "Live" sometime later where everyone played their animated character, incl. herself and Jon Benjamin as the son.  Clips are on youtube and in addition to being p funny fully demonstrate Laura's crushworthiness

  2. 45 minutes ago, cyanobacteria said:

    I doubt he will abdicate power if he loses the next election.

    I'll tell anyone who'll listen, this motherfucker ain't gonna just leave, no matter what the outcome.  Fuck fox noos to high hell, but also fuck the legacy media in advance for again putting heads in the sand only to act all surprised when the shit hits the fan knowing full well it will.

    I member one of the Hillary debates when one of those tools (I wanna say brian williams b/c he's an exemplary one, but probably not) began a loaded-ass question with "America has prided itself on a peaceful transfer of power from one administration to the next..."  Just knowing they'd get that titillating response from Fuckface they want, to get replayed across all other media outlets, thereby drawing attention to their brand, increasing their market share in the boomer demographic and boosting shareholder dividends by 2.5% this quarter.

    • Like 2
  3. ^ The subject of this rant really grinds me gears and is rampant here in the US.  It's basically some bullshit siphon-up-economics legislated theft: get power, pass sweeping tax cuts for the wealthy people (including corporations, who are people), then wait for the next budget cycle to roll around and "oh, noes! we don't have enough money for <insert basic social service here>, looks like we'll have to make some cuts."

    1 - this is gross dereliction of duty of elected officials to act in the interests of their constituents, you know the 50-99% who are getting screwed through such cuts, but hey those hidden reelection coffers aint gonna fill themselves (don't use the term "kickback," that's impolite)

    2 - it's almost as if rich people don't want to pay for stuff unless it directly benefits them

    3 - it's disheartening that the average american/brit/other can't see through this simple two (2) step process

    • Like 4
    • Thanks 1
  4. 50 minutes ago, ignatius said:

    ^^^ how fucking nuts is this guy?  pretty nuts.. pretty fucking nuts.

    Part of me wants Dr. Cornell West and/or Dr. Dre to issue a blanket n-pass to every non-AfricanAmerican on condition that it only be used in reference to Sir Shit-for-Brains, and a smaller part of me wants to believe that such an absurd thing would throw conservative media propaganda into a feedback loop ala tic-tac-toe in the movie War Games.


  5. That's weird and sad.  Guess they'll have to lay off all those workers packing downloads into zip files.

    Q: Has there been any recent ghost box release that you'd deem noteworthy or remarkable?  The last thing I really rated as Advisory Circle - From Out Here and I now realize that was 2014, yikes

  6. Can we rescript the Romanov reboot to include this Prince niBBA & Devos?  This whole episode of 'muricah (my life to now) has been a gradual erosion of what constitutes basic ethical behavior in our society, and good people standing by doing nothing, because they're tethered by trappings of modern capitalism or fear that a "something" would be arguably worse.  The latter being completely valid since whatever something it is, it's immediately denounced by the bootlicking soothsayers as even more egregious than thing.

    I'm non-religious and yet I see this very well as an inflection point in struggle between good and evil.  The BFP is that for every reality there's only one truth for every billion or so falsehoods, and the forces of evil exploit this informational entropy with great enthusiasm and effectiveness.

    • Like 4
  7. On 5/24/2020 at 1:50 PM, purlieu said:


    The 2CD version of 76 14 is currently going for £12.50 and there are a number of copies of the Remotion CD for around $10/£12. 

    Anyway, at the moment, the boxset is probably worth waiting for. But the secondhand prices are pretty good.

    They were both north of $20 USD when I was eyeing them years ago, but w/e, I shouldn't be making excuses.  Looking forward to buying this instead and seeing the communication knights get a proper cut of the action

    5 hours ago, chassis said:

    I would really like to get my hands on this box set.

    Tom pls

  8. You won't be doing yourself a disservice, that's for sure.

    I've had 76:14 on cd for ages, but only privateered versions of the 2005 reissue bonus disc and Remotion since both go for absurd secondhand prices on discogs.  So to say I'm defiantly buying this is an understatement, never even heard Pentavarate Mononucleosis in its entirety either so stoked AF for that.

    18 hours ago, hayhook said:

    The box sets

    Sets? :catbed:

  9. Yeah, if you try to make sense of Florida your gonna have a bad time.

    My home state (Rhode Island) is predominantly left-leaning, sprinkled with some conservative pockets in - wait for it - the rural fringe communities.  Our state legislature has a Democratic hypermajority, which from afar might look seem interesting and perhaps even promising, but - wait for it - the establishment here is a corrupt cesspool of cronyism and incompetence.  Recently, when a sizeable contingent of progressive female reps had established a caucus within the party to advance things like good government reforms (in the vein of Katie Porter & AOC), the RI democrats basically rewrote their bylaws to ban them from doing so.  Ironically we're still considered a "union" state, i.e., you need to get/stay in the good graces of labor unions to stay in office.

    The democratic party on the whole is shite.  Maybe not as bad as the repubs, but that's a fucking low bar these days.

    Also, our electoral college votes haven't gone to a non-democrat in like 60 years (Mondale even got us lol), yet another one of the many reasons the electoral college sucks.

    • Like 3
  10. 33 minutes ago, dcom said:

    And there's an error as well, don't know if it's intentional

    My favorite track on the album :music: (illuminated displays :wang: is great too, as is the whole thing).  @ PSN hardly come sloppy so I'm guessing it's on porpoise

  11. ❤️ monolake

    The middle and later albums are right good but I still go back to Interstate and Hong Kong the most (I think it was RH w/ T++ on both those but one of u nerds feel free to correct Annika)

    Also, Liumin by Deepchord/Echospace is a good album but I think I liked it better the first time when it was Hong Kong by Monolake


  12. If this is watmm Shark Tank I'm buying it, on condition u come up with a suitable substitute for times it must be said "<artist> dropped a few turds with his/her recent output "but, hey goys this new album is p dece ja"  Prodigal lushness or something like that.

    $50K(can) for 25% of your reputation points, final offer


    • Haha 1
  13. Spotify listens are only a partial reflection of idm enthusiasm, most og bronies are getting either the digital vinals or 24 bit wavs w/ lush nulls for listening on the home hifi snareush beats to gamer/sperg to.

    Aslo these are popularity contest metrics, who cares

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