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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by BobDobalina

  1. 24 minutes ago, Ivan Ooze said:

    That picture is so meme worthy emoji38.png

    >TFW you see the inevitable lopez shitpost in an actress thread

    26 minutes ago, Ivan Ooze said:

    Anyway looking forward to new actrezz

    Anyhoo yeah +1 - seems like its been a while too.  AZD and the Young Paint thing were both good but left something wanting.  Also I bought all those not-so-secret stupid pseudonym tracks (ZENO'S PARADOX, etc.) before AZD came out only to find they're album tracks, so there better not be any cosplay shit like that this time

    • Like 1
  2. 49 minutes ago, aencre said:

    so I’m left with a poll where Jan Jelinek and Jan St. Werner duke it out for the top Jan title.

    Alas, title goes to Jan Hammer (misspelled in video title I know)

    Also, every so often some tosser rolls thru a featured artist release thread (new Ae 'Live for example) and spews garbage about how the flacs or the 24 bit wavs (lush nulls) are ackchyually the only way to 'truly" enjoy/appreciate said release.  Would love to have a thread pinned in e'ry artist subforum to the effect of:

    Hey dipshit!  About you being able to "easily" tell the difference between a 320k mp3 and flac on your "audiophile" system? Yeah, the scientific community that actually studies psychoacoustics disagrees with you, so post some ABX test results or STFU.  It's placebo/observer bias until proven otherwise fuckface Billy Ripken Jr. 


  3. Oof. 3 of them I quite raete, the other 2 are just there

    31 minutes ago, jules said:

    Probably a double album of blyz castles.

    Exai, you're thinking of Exai my man

    Speaking of which, just noticed Exai was 2+ hrs, Elseq was 4+ hrs, and NTS was 8:00.000 hrs. So 16 hrs Ae incoming lads :pedobear:


    • Burger 1
    • Farnsworth 1
  4. Sorry to hear Marf, hope your Pa pulls thru man

    A hospice home just down the street from where I live got hit, sounds like a similar situation.  My aunt's nursing home is okay so far but she's basically living in a supermax prison for the indefinite future.  Too much fucking perspective lads, time for a drink and a spliff

  5. 1 hour ago, Alcofribas said:

    fuck ye$$$$$$nes$$


    1 hour ago, beer badger said:

    Loved the first album and still play it from time to time. POVision didn't really do much for me. I look forward to the third.

    POV is awesome, some of us ackshulally rate it a notch above TROG!  Horses for courses but it's not to be ridden off m666!

    • Like 2
  6. 46 minutes ago, Joyrex said:

    No VPN option?

    I should've been clearerer, it is thru VPN and TBQH it is relatively fast; only having a single monitor (as opposed to 2 in the orifice) is probably the bottleneck.  That and being so easily distracted!

  7. Man that sucks so hard.  I really hope that that the silver lining to this corona shitshow is exposing just how our shitty the state of health care / public health is.

    Yesterday during dinner a sizeable chunk of the porcelain crown on my molar broke off, got in for an emergency exam with my dentist this morning.  Got a talking to like I'm and 8 year-old because I hadn't bought and worn a night guard ($480 piece of plastic) and that this break was a consequence of that.  Also, our insurance covers neither the guard nor replacing the crown, which is gonna be like $1,200.

  8. 1 hour ago, thebotmakes said:

    (the alternative is hiding in your house and fuck that ?).

    Pretty sure Coronavirus got you covered blud ?

    I feel like I'm on the way end of some Celiac spectrum.  If I accidentally ingest gluten I have no GI distress/pain at all (maybe if I housed a baguette but I'm not about to find out).  Not counting the anemia the led to my diagnosis, the only real symptom I've ever had is DH, which is where your epidermis somehow gets tRiGGeReD by gluten and results in a rash (usually on elbows and/or knees).


    DH affects 10-15% of people with celiac disease. DH patients frequently have no digestive symptoms. DH can affect people of all ages, but most often appears for the first time in those between the ages of 30 and 40. People of northern European descent are more likely than those of African or Asian heritage to develop DH.

    This is me to a tee, thankfully since I've been strict GF for a couple of years now it's quite rare I get it these days (usually the result of a fuckup on my part) and when do it's really mild and unnoticeable.

    • Haha 1
  9. 4 hours ago, Blir said:

    I just don't see a future where this will ever happen.

    Sadly I agree, but at the same time I also find it unacceptable to live in acceptance this machination that, while not solely culpable, is leading this country and humanity to ruin.  the masses here have become so conditioned to the notion that money in politics is just the natural way of things that no one even questions or talks about it anymore.  great job media!  I can think of at least half a dozen other "good government" reforms that make complete sense that we've been conditioned to believe would be too "hard" or "who's going to pay for it" to ever get effected, so why even talk about them?  Term limits, ending lifetime judgeships, nonpartisan redistricting / electoral college reform, reigning in the power of a single Senator to basically gridlock the federal gov't...

    Anyway, I support this cause https://movetoamend.org/ since the first step is necessarily overturning the absurdity of Citizens United (again, something not talked about anymore) and has a growing base in the House of Reps.  Join us in the fight comrades.

    1 hour ago, Blir said:

    Politics is miserable guys. Cheer yourselves up:






    Who-ever chose that snippet for musical accompaniment deserves an award.  Boomer perfection.

  10. In no way do I see Biden as the more electable candidate in the general.

    First of all his brain is mush, albeit not the lard-and-faeces version stacked inside Dickhead-in-chief, but mush nonetheless.  All he can do is regurgitate the same empty rhetoric and promises that have defined the Dem party for the past 30 or so years.

    Second, all Asshole & Co. would have to do is dust of the Hillary playbook and run it again, that simple.  He's got all that srupid out of touch establishment Dem baggage that's so easy to pummel on.

    2 minutes ago, ignatius said:

    all this is a slideshow of scenery on the way to a climate catastrophe. 


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