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Posts posted by NI64

  1. maria bamford and patrice o'neal


    also i'm sure the dr. katz fans already know but Home Movies is an incredible show!

    Home Movies is the best. Me and my friends still quote it religiously. Got into Dr Katz more recently but its golden - been hoping to find the complete series DVD for semi-cheap somewhere - Ive only seen seasons 1+2 so far

  2. I read a comment on the youtube vid for NY Groove with somebody saying it reminded them of 'vaporwave'. Sounds more late 80's/early 90's Rheji Burrell Nu Groove, Digital Distortion 'Mellow Bug' etc. to me.


    Hit me with some tracks - I love this style of thing. This Dam-Funk track gives me the same vibes.


  3. Nice, went to the Electric Fetus to pick up the vinyl, ended up leaving with the cassette! There was a second copy of it there too but I didnt wanna be that asshole that gets two just because I can.


    ^I wanna say it's from Xavier Renegade Angel... At any rate I know I've seen it before.

    It's not. In Xavier he shoves a gay guy up the popes ass and then cuts his head off so he can get the "first gay homo in heaven" lol god that show rules. "I'll smuggle you in via the under brown male road"

    Ha I wish I knew people that loved that show as much as me. Everyone I know fucking hates it. To be fair though it's a bit much to take in, especially cause his inner monologue NEVER. ENDS. I dont know if 5 seconds go by in that show without his voice rambling about something.

  5. Fuuuck payday is tomorrow. Might skip the tape - I never listen to the damn things anyway. Totally gonna cop that blue shirt - I was hoping theyd make some shirts for this!

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