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Everything posted by Squee

  1. Remember how I said I hated airports? I'm stuck in Manchester Airport!!!! And what a fucking shithole it is! I was given a voucher for 20 pounds because my plane was 3 hours delayed which means I missed my connecting flight and the breakfast I just had was the worst fucking meal I've ever had. The scrambled eggs tasted like potatoes that had been boiled for 20 hours. I honestly think it was just microwaved. And now the guy in front of me is sucking on his fingers. FUCK this place
  2. I just walked by a tv in the airport with cnn on it and saw something about someone in the Trump camp who posted a drawing of Hillary with a black face. I have no idea what's going.
  3. Still move like a tank, and zombies just home in on your position... no thanks. RE has been surpassed by other zombie/survival horror games, IMO. Still a good game for its time... Even if the controls were super awkward
  4. Do they finally have a date for that? I'll probably jump back into DS3 when the DLC comes out... A new Tenchu would be badass. Tried the beta for Titanfall 2, pretty damn fun, I'll probably pick that up in Oct as well. Also recently finished Until Dawn, definitely one of the better horror games I've played in a while, I need to go back and save everyone though... I had just about everyone alive until like the very last scene where I guess I picked the wrong thing and killed like 3 of them all at once, I also missed a trigger and got Chris killed a little before that. As far as I know Obduction is already out?
  5. best resident evil game imo How they fucked up 5 & 6 so hard I will never understand I was about to say that it was because Shenji Mikami wasn't involved but then I remembered The Evil Within. 5 was just an amped up version of 4 and it was way more Japanese than anything should ever be. It was fucking terrible and they reused so many animations from 4. I only played the demo for 6, but oh man...
  6. If you own a television, you have to pay a £145 licence annually for the privilege. Even if you don't, they try their damndest to get you to pay. They've now changed the rules so if you watch BBC television online, you have to pay. I do not do any of these things so I should not have to pay. At least, in theory, I shouldn't. I expect more letters soon enough. It's the same here. I'm not paying either because it'd be the same if I told everyone with access to the internet that they should pay me for being able to listen to my music - even if they don't. But the fact that they CAN means that they should pay me a monthly fee. In here it's now a tax that's mandatory even if you don't own a TV but it's based on your income so if you're poor enough (make less than 7500e per year) you don't have to pay anything. The highest bracket pays 143e per year. Basically it goes to maintain the government owned TV and radio stations and related internet services. Yeah, it's the same here but 90% of the stuff they show on those channels is pure garbage.
  7. If you own a television, you have to pay a £145 licence annually for the privilege. Even if you don't, they try their damndest to get you to pay. They've now changed the rules so if you watch BBC television online, you have to pay. I do not do any of these things so I should not have to pay. At least, in theory, I shouldn't. I expect more letters soon enough. It's the same here. I'm not paying either because it'd be the same if I told everyone with access to the internet that they should pay me for being able to listen to my music - even if they don't. But the fact that they CAN means that they should pay me a monthly fee.
  8. This is the most epic commercial for condoms I've ever seen. Hahaha! Yes
  9. He has done some electronic stuff before so I'm super curious. A little less sexy sax though please.
  10. Visited some of my colleagues who work at our US office and they immediately started bitching about the exact same things that I've been bitching about for the past year. Like, it was the exact same things and they both said they were going to quit their jobs if things didn't change. It's a problem but I'm also really glad someone else mentioned this. Guess I just needed to get it off my chest.
  11. I just had a Five Guys... I took one bite and was on the verge of dying. Not in the good way. So I took another bite. And another one. I had two bites left and then I laid down on my bed and had my girlfriend take out the trash because I was feeling sick. I can feel my impending doom slowly washing over me in awesome wave... How is that even possible?! I don't even
  12. I bought Battlefield Hardline for half the price of a pizza yesterday. Played a couple of rounds. It's Battlefield.
  13. I've been waiting for this one to be released for quite some time. I'm fairly proud of this one :) Again, I did the music, sound design, mix etc. ;D Randers Tegl from nv_audio on Vimeo.
  14. I just watched Cave of Forgotten Dreams and Into the Abyss. It is such a relief to watch documentaries by Werner Herzog. They are so low-key, they seem real, and the fact that you get to hear him ask questions instead of just watching an interview that's been edited to pieces so you don't hear the questions asked. It seems more more real this way. Can't wait to watch Lo and Behold. Keanu was the best part about this movie. And no one has ever said that before about any movie.
  15. I'm wondering if the timing really was a reaction to the NMS thing - that preview definitely had lots of: '.....and this is how it really should've been done' moments ! I'm sure they used NMS' launch and people's disappointment in that game as a springboard to show everyone that THEY'RE doing it right. Or at least they're saying they're doing it right. They seem pretty open about their game, they make video diaries where they show off new features, and they even dare show pretty rough gameplay videos. So after what has just happened with NMS I bet these videos will have a new and calming effect on people who supported SC. But SC also kinda scares me. A game that huge which gets released in chunks and via minor updates seems so odd to me. I complete understand why this is but I don't think I'd be able to keep an interest in a game that I'm just constantly waiting for new updates for.
  16. God fucking damnit, I still haven't finished Doom because I'm stuck and I refuse to lower the difficulty
  17. Also people who don't pay attention to what you order.
  18. People with voices that sound like they're on the verge of dying
  19. Pretty good timing considering the dust from No Man Sky's albatross landing still hasn't settled yet...
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