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Everything posted by Squee

  1. Got a couple of HUGE projects just around the corner.
  2. I'm late to the party, but... floooool HAHAHAHAH! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Here's a quick tip... if a girl, you don't know, contacts you on Facebook then wait a couple of days before accepting her request and I guarantee you that 90% of the time the profile will have been deleted the next time you take a look at the friend request.
  3. Yeah, I think it's based on the amount of attempts compared to how many times it's been completed.
  4. Aw, my new level has been ranked as Super Expert - but it's not.
  5. Really? Haven't seen it but the trailers made it seem like the most pubescent crap mixed with stand up comedy where people say naughty words that gets everybody at the age of 15 totally psyched.
  6. that hurts so much to look atI just got back from a coffee convention, my head is spinning from all the caffeine and that sketch up makes me feel sick and I want to throw up.
  7. New level is up, folks! https://supermariomakerbookmark.nintendo.net/courses/631C-0000-01BE-F6AE It's meant to be fun and make you feel good. Some of it is a tiny bit tough, but not like my other levels. It's a long level though. Tough. Had to try it a couple of times. I died right as I jumped for the p-block, but ended up clearing the level.
  8. I've had this for about a year and can't bring myself to watch it. Same here. I have yet to watch it.
  9. Roar - lolwtfbbq/10 So, it's about a guy who really likes lions, tigers, pumas, mountain lions etc. He lives with them. Apart from that I didn't really understand what was going on, but it's the story about what went on during production and the shit that made it into the film that makes it worth watching. From Wikipedia: Not a single person was killed during the production which is fucking insane when you consider what goes on in the film.
  10. Is it just me or does it look worse (graphic-wise) than it did last year? And I was kinda hoping it would be more extreme and have more enemies on screen at a time
  11. So this pretty lady started showing up at our place over a year ago... She stops by multiple times a day to get some treats and some rest... actually, she pretty much lives at our place now. I don't like cats but she's pretty cool
  12. "Dats a fuckin' toona bro, Aw man Jay" I've watched this so much hahahaha. Sounds like Pesci.
  13. Holy crap, my post seems to have struck a nerve here and there. I take that as a positive thing and consider this to be a thing that most people go through. I was just about to write down what had caused the sudden shift in my mood, but when I saw it written in front of me I thought to myself, that I was an idiot for getting all frowny about that sort of stuff. I guess all in all, I just feel that my everyday life has come to a halt and that my job (not my freelance stuff) and my personal life is to blame. I've become more boring and more awkward among strangers. I used to be quite cheery. The only thing I can talk about now is sound, music, and how dumb my colleagues are. I guess all of this just overshadows all the cool things I actually get to do as a freelance sound designer. But if it wasn't for certain things and my fulltime job I would be much happier. I feel like I'm drowning in shit I don't want to do. Also, it has taken me some time but I've finally realised how tough and what a huge job it can be to have a girlfriend. It can be really exhausting. I miss the times where I could do whatever the hell I wanted. It sounds like selfish and I guess it kinda is... aged 25 i did this all the fucking time, but now im just content and happy with what ive got. which is pretty much bugger all, im a kitchen porter. im currently working on a large enough repetoire to play smooth cocktail jazz piano in hotel lobbys, then im gonna buy a suit and go round every swanky hotel in glasgow that doesnt have a cocktail jazz pianist and see if they want one. other than that for a plan, my career trajectory is absolutely miserable. still happy though. got a nice chunk of studio gear however. That actually sounds pretty fucking cool. I wish I was a piano player at a cocktail bar, haha I find comparing yourself to other people is never healthy. What projects would you want to start that would make you satisfied? I know. Well, here's the thing I don't have time for anything anymore. I don't have time to make music for myself anymore - there's a reason why my next EP is going to be called "While at Work" ;) That fucking sucks, man. Sorry to hear that...
  14. Do you sometimes stop up and think, "what the fuck am I doing with my life?" I've had one of those evenings where I'm suddenly questioning everything. I was at a dinner party earlier tonight and there were all these people talking about all these cool fucking projects they're working on and my self esteem just got lower and lower throughout the evening. Now I'm questioning everything from my profession, my girlfriend, where I live, the things I didn't get to do and that I'm now in a part of my life where certain things are expected of me. For fuck's sake. Also tomorrow is most likely gonna be reeeeeeally awkward as we've filled out a employee satisfaction survey and from what I know a couple of people including me have complained about my boss. I especially told him exactly how I feel about certain things. Luckily, the survey was anonymous but if he just stops and thinks for a second he'll know which one is mine.
  15. x-Files was super cheesy and so was Twin Peaks. I am expecting Lynch to make something super cheesy and evil as well.
  16. Just get a good 60" tv. I honestly don't see any reason to get a 4K tv right now. If 4K is the new shit then I don't see it going anywhere anytime soon. Also, don't ever be an early adopter when it comes to technology.
  17. I got really far in that level but those hammer brothers are such a pain in the ass
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