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Everything posted by Squee

  1. So I bought and watched this movie last night with some friends Holy moly. It was pretty much what I had hoped for. As an experience: 10/10 As a movie: -10/10
  2. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Yes!! Can't find the video I'm looking for though Wait! I found it
  3. Usagi, you might be able to help me... Do you remember that terrible YouTube rap artist who is completely impossible to understand? He's super buff and the video I'm thinking of takes place in Las Vegas. Also, I think he drives around around in a Ferrari or something
  4. Yeah... http://www.gamereactor.eu/news/318624/Konami+not+abandoning+consoles+in+favour+of+mobile/ Well, they do love their gambling apps
  5. Please be true, please be true, please be true, please be true, please be true, please be true...
  6. Looks beautiful. But Batman's voice is a bit overdone, isn't it? Don't force it, man.
  7. Oh, absolutely! No doubt about it. "Can't someone else do it?"
  8. Exactly! Some people are simply afraid of new things. Must make their everyday life really hard. She wouldn't get it. Trust me. Yesterday I overheard the same person say, "I know what WeTransfer is, but I don't know how to use it". We're talking about a 32-35-ish year old woman. just put them out of their misery. And just to be sure... lol
  9. She wouldn't get it. Trust me. Yesterday I overheard the same person say, "I know what WeTransfer is, but I don't know how to use it". We're talking about a 32-35-ish year old woman.
  10. I was just asked by a colleague if it's possible zip a bunch of files as MP3s... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQLLabj8Iyk
  11. Pretty fucking awesome gameplay idea. I'm liking it more and more, and I've gotten more used to the controls now. But the fighting mechanics seem quite clonky. I'm having a hard time targeting my foes
  12. It's pretty much impossible. I got this job out of pure luck. I applied for a job that I knew wasn't for me but my boss wanted me to be the company's sound engineer. And ever since I got the job 11 months there has only been one job ad with any sort of relevance for me and I didn't get the job. Did you find a new job?
  13. Here's a follow up post to yesterday's bullshit. The very first thing I do is to ask our finance guy whose name I should create the App Store account in. He gives me the info, I go create the account and set it up to his email address. I then ask him to click on the confirmation mail, but because he's fixing everyone's salery today he doesn't have time to fucking forward me the email. So again I'm stuck... working on my own personal MacBook Pro... for the 11th month in a row. Also, the office I was supposed to move all my shit into is being used as a meeting room and has been booked all day. Oh, and another thing, we've gone through this value course over the last couple of months. It's been fucking terrible. They've created these fictional characters called "Winnie Wow", "Sitting Responsibull", "Charlie Challenger" etc. that represent our values. It's fucking cringeworthy. Anyway, they wanted us to focus on creating "wow" (to impress clients etc.), to challenge our status quo and so on and so on. It's fine and all but why treat us like fucking kids? Winnie Wow? Give me a fucking break. Well anyway, our very last assignment was to go around to some colleagues who are ambassadors for some of the values and ask them for help in certain situations. Come on now, people... I know how to fucking behave, and since I'm the only sound engineer at the office I know how deal with the problems I run into. But, because I didn't complete the last assignment, my boss refuses to give me my course diploma, hahahaha.
  14. Spent the morning trying to convince some clients that they wanted a 64kbps MP3 and not a 64kbps WAV file. Apparently, someone must have told them WAV files are better than MP3s, but a 64kbps WAV (8kHz x 8bit = 64kbps) file is certainly NOT better than an 64kbps MP3. Then, after 11 months, I finally receive my work computer. A brand new MacBook Pro. I then ask around for our Adobe license so I can install Adobe Audition. I end up at our HR guy who then starts going through all his documents and he can't find anything. He then says, "Oh, but 2-3 weeks we're going to hire a new graphical guy... and he's going to need that Adobe license". Well, duh, you fucking moron, I need the license now so I can work. He couldn't make up his mind on what to do, so he ended up saying that I should ask my boss what to do. My boss tells me to buy the license. Easy as that. I then ask our credit card girl if she knows if we have an App Store account. She doesn't. She then passes me on to the HR guy again, and he doesn't know either, so he passes me on to my other boss, who says we don't have an App Store account, but that I should ask my other boss about it. I then ask him, then he goes back to my other boss and asks him what to do, which then leads to him going to our finance guy who tells him what to do. Jesus fucking Christ!!!!!!
  15. Such a bummer that the big Ghostbusters Firestation HQ that someone created for LEGO Ideas and received 10.000 supporters wasn ever put into production. https://ideas.lego.com/projects/60632 :(
  16. Yeah, but I didn't necessarily mean platformers. It goes for all genres.
  17. goddamnit i love this. probably the longest review in the thread is for a 0/10 film. haha brilliant. Haha, well, it was more of a summary to prove that nothing happens. I'm still completely baffled!
  18. Gif video? Never seen that before.
  19. Still lukewarm on The Witcher 3. Decided to play some Rayman Legends instead. Now there's a game! And when I play Rayman I think to myself, "that's what I want the future of gaming to be like!" I want crisp animations, awesome art direction, great music, and great controls. I don't care about godrays, shaders, 5.1 Surround etc. If you can't make that sort of thing work then don't. Make something that works. Make it simple, make it good. I'm looking at you CD Projekt Red...
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