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Everything posted by Squee

  1. I don't get the Moon love either, it was really nothing special. well-made and everything but it didn't really grab you. it should've been a 10 min short. Hahaha, agreed! I didn't get the love for that movie either. It was well-crafted and looked great (but the soundtrack sure as fuck wasn't as great as everyone said it was. Clint Mansell is overrated), but the "twist" wasn't really a twist. It just sort of happened and then... nothing.
  2. The Witness, Battlefront, Inside (if that comes out in this year), Just Cause 3, No Man's Sky, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Rainbow Six: Siege, and The Division (I have my doubts about this one though), But no horror games.
  3. Go outside, meet up with friends, try something new (food, coffee etc.), watch a new and surprising movie, listen to soundtracks. If all else fails, make some music that is completely out of your comfort zone. Make something corny, but just make something and finish it. It'll feel good and somehow inspire your to make the music you really like. All those things help me.
  4. Look, nothing is fucked, here, man... We don't know if Silent Hills is fucked or not. Developers have been removing demos after a couple of weeks/months for the past couple of years. Also, I'm in denial. I want Silent Hills.
  5. God damnit.... how do I embed this? http://leffew4116.tumblr.com/post/115985493738/im-posting-this-everywhere-but-i-cant-stop
  6. Anyone seen A Girl Walks Home Alone yet? It's on Netflix and looks and sounds interesting.
  7. Wasn't called in for the job interview. Guess I'm stuck with my current job a little while longer.
  8. [insert picture of a great fucking burger right here - the upload function doesn't work]
  9. Man... people (this means everyone) are assholes.
  10. The Babadook started out great. Then at one point it fell on its ass and couldn't get back up. I know it's an independent movie and all but the sound design was fucking atrocious. The sounds Babadook made (not the spoken part) was nothing but Sound Ideas samples. Anyone who has played Doom and watched this movie will have noticed this. Also... ...gawd.
  11. Shovel Knight is coming out on the Xbone next week... can't wait to find out what the fuss is all about
  12. They've matured when it comes to the stories and the story-telling, but it's still a GTA game. And if you love GTA then you should be more than pleased by GTAV.
  13. The story is probably just about to take off... just wait for it... waaaait for it...
  14. Working from home is the bomb. When I work from home I usually get out of bed 10 minutes before I have to be ready and able. Also, being able to pour yourself a good cup of coffee instead of the classic burned office coffee is fucking awesome.
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