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Everything posted by Squee

  1. Yeah, pretty much ? And yes Babu Frik was amazing. Move over Baby Yoda. This is the real deal!!
  2. Ok, cool. I think you should focus on your industrial psychedelic goth drone nu-metal band.
  3. He's been impeached. But again, that doesn't mean anything until the senate has done their thing.
  4. Saw it last night. It’s a-okay compared to the last one and that’s about it.
  5. Do this one right, America. For fuck’s sake!
  6. Jesus fucking Christ, seeing the miniature photo, I thought the girl with the brown hair was that kid from Stranger Things who looks like a bird. That was quite the scare.
  7. Then they'll have more loose ends after season 1 than Lost did after 6 seasons, hahaha. In all seriousness though... it just seems like it's not really telling overarching story. The Mandalorian gets a job that pays so he can move on to the next planet where he'll be tracked down by more bounty hunters and we go "Oh!" at a celebrity cameo. I'm just kinda waiting for some bad guy to step in to propel the whole thing forward because it's kinda like watching an episode of Scooby Doo where nothing happens has any effect on the next episode. At one point I guess stuff will start to happen, but right now they're just running in place.
  8. Yeah, it's a weird movie. I think I would liked it better if it had just been all the low-key stuff and none of the action and attempts at humor. I don't even understand why people like the throne room fight scene as much as they do? I actually liked the fact that Luke was an angry old sot who had realised that being a jedi sucked, and I liked that Rey's parents were nobodies, I actually liked all the apathetic stuff because it was such a huge contrast to the cheery old space opera phantasm. But none of the action was any good (dear lord, what were they thinking when they made Luke spin around like a fucking dreidel while looking like Billy Mays?) And of course, nobody liked Leia floating in space or the cantina scene and Benicio del Toro was a wasted opportunity. And with that said... I would have liked it better if it had been nothing but Luke and Rey on that island for two hours and then some redemption action near the end.
  9. The first Postal was... unique but was the lesser of anarchistic games of ‘97. Like a mentally handicapped little brother to GTA and Carmageddon. Postal 2 went full retard.
  10. Let's see if they get back to me within the next week or so. If they don't I'll tell. But I don't want to shit all over them too soon.
  11. Well, now they didn’t live up to their promise. Actually, they didn’t live up to ANY of their promises and are not responding to my emails, so now I don’t know what to think?
  12. Why is he saying it like it’s actually happening? I’ve been away for a day but I don’t suppose anything as magical as that has actually happened.
  13. Ok, so people who show off new synths need to stop creating Vangelis/Blade Runner-patches and Stranger Things arpeggiators. Fuck off with that shit.
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