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Everything posted by Squee

  1. Wookiepedia has a section on breasts in the Star Wars universe.
  2. I'm kinda required to use it unfortunately as I need AudioEase's plugiins. But I tried out a plugini last weekend that required me to register it via iLok and it took me an hour to get it working. I've even somehow managed to attach my Soundtoys plugins to my email and not my account which has fucked things up to a whole new level.
  3. Trump getting 157k likes on a post like makes me wonder how many “like” it because it’s ridiculous and kinda hilarious? Or do 157k Twitter users actually like that tweet? If that’s the case then yikes.
  4. So Palmer Lucky (the inventor of the Oculus Rift) turned into a Far Cry villain - or at least, he looks like one.
  5. When I got fired from my first job it shook me way worse than I thought it would. I had been with my girlfriend for 4 months and even though I thought I was doing ok it was pretty fucking evident that I wasn’t. I stopped paying attention to my girlfriend and after a while every day around 12 pm I would get so tired I could barely keep my eyes open. No matter how much coffee I drank I felt like going to bed. I simply ended up going for extremely long walks and it was great. It took a while for me to get back on track, but getting a proper rhythm in my every day life helped me so much. After a while I got the chance to work on a couple of projects which meant I wasn’t able to go for walks anymore. But working on those projects meant I didn’t have time to be tired or be bored and they really helped me get back on track. (Oh and I still have my girlfriend and we’ve been together for almost 7 years now) So don’t underestimate walks and a proper rhythm in your daily life. Or just make sure you don’t have time to get bored ?
  6. Don’t worry, man. As long as you’re aware of what’s going on. Go out for a long fucking walk tomorrow and don’t come back until you’re tired enough to go to bed. What did you do at your last job and do you wanna continue down that road?
  7. Hey, maybe trump catches it.
  8. At one point I thought the same, but there's something extremely calming about following the instructions and seeing what is possible with LEGO. It brings you new knowledge and inspiration to build things that you didn't realise was possible.
  9. I thought we had a Sonic The Movie thread? Anyway... Holy shit, this is bad, hahaha
  10. While we’re on the subject of Ted Cruz, let’s not forget about the time he liked a photo from a porno film on twitter on 9/11. I would gladly post a screenshot but I would have to give myself a warning if I did. Anyway, Google is your friend. Or Bing. You can find so much porn on Bing.
  11. Oh, trust me. I'll scream it out loud while doing the helicopter.
  12. In some situations you guys live in the fucking stone age. The next time I'm in the US I will pull out my dick out in front of a kid while eating a churro. Judge Pettit’s ruling argued that it shouldn’t be up to courts of law to decide if laws are fair: “It is not for the court to decide whether the Legislature’s enumeration of lewd conduct is wise or sound policy.” The statement does beg some questions around where one might go to challenge unfair laws if not court. Buchanan says that the incident happened in fall 2016 and remembers she used the situation in her home as a teachable moment, telling her stepchildren that “a woman’s chest wasn’t inherently sexual, and that if they were comfortable seeing their dad’s chest, it shouldn’t be different for her.” However, authorities say it happened sometime between November 2017 and January 2018. And though Buchanan was not interviewed until much later, prosecutors say there was alcohol involved and allege that Buchanan said she would only put her breasts away if her husband showed her his penis. It’s unclear whether Buchanan will appeal the ruling. If not, the case will soon be headed to trial. https://jezebel.com/utah-judge-rules-its-lewd-for-a-woman-to-be-topless-in-1841159569
  13. Is it one of those where you put in water and then hit pulsate in order for it to clean itself? Got one that does that as a Christmas present and it’s amazing!
  14. Paul Dano was excellent as well! I'm not sure that'll help that heaping pile of shit that was the theatrical cut.
  15. He was pretty good in The Scent of a Woman, but... yeah, I know what you mean. I like holding actors/actresses up against Daniel Day Lewis in There Will Be Blood because that is a fucking pinnacle of acting.
  16. I just upgraded my laptop to Catalina. Owning a Mac is like being in an abusive relationship. You can't really get out of it, everything just fucking sucks, but you still try to make it work.
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