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Everything posted by J3FF3R00

  1. I went to a taco stand today and ordered 2 asada tacos, 2 pollo tacos and 1 carnitas taco for my wife and I. They forgot to charge me for the carnitas taco, so when I went to the cook with the receipt I just could order the other 4... no big deal. The weird part was when he asked what 4 I wanted and I said 2 asada and 2 pollo tacos. He hen asked me "pollo or chicken?". I thought maybe I misheard "pollo" instead of something else, so I said "chicken". He then smiled and said "you mean pollo". I said yeah. He then scooped what seeped to be the runniest, pinkest chicken onto the 2 corn tortillas. When I sat down and started eating, my wife said "these are strange chicken tacos", and I felt they tasted a bit fishy. It turns out the guy just scooped canned tuna into our tacos. I think he was fucking with us because we were gringos. It pissed me off but I didn't do anything about it :(
  2. We have a small water heater just for our apartment. It fills up to just below the drain switch and runs out. it was about an inch over the drain switch, which means it filled up 2 inches with cold water. FML. I normally take scalding hot baths so, when I'm used to that temperature, it really fucks me off.
  3. Fuck. My wife gave me her cold and I've been chugging tons of vitamin C, so it's pretty mild. What sucks is that I wanted to go out tonight so I drew up a hot bath... but forgot to check it in time before it ran out of hot water. I wanted to cook the sick out of me with a good sweat but instead, I ended up sitting in a luke-warm bullshit waste of time. I'm really fucking pissed right now.
  4. Thanks. I'm actually 3 sessions in with a physical therapist. I haven't started seeing results yet, but I do feel a little better immediately following my exercises. I'm not 16 anymore. Fffuuuuuuu.
  5. Lower back pain. It's a real bitch. I get sharp pains shooting down my leg to my ankle. It's really uncomfortable to sit anywhere, let alone drive. I've also been having hip pain. Christ. I'm only 32. Why must my body fall apart? I think a lot of it has to do with me falling out of shape after my bike accident. What sucks is that right when my heel started to heal up, I nearly cut off the tip of my finger drying a sharp knife. I just want to be healthy and active. Instead, I'm depressed and gaining weight. FML.
  6. I find it's always unbalanced (from my experience anyway). One person does everything simply because they have higher standards. I've been on both sides of this, it's really weird and I don't know what to do about it. Are you better at cooking than her? I've had problems with that in the past - living with girlfriends who were amazing at cooking, and not wanting to cook anything myself because it'd pale in comparison. it's simple, wash the pots and stuff No, I meant I don't know what to do about it when my standards are higher than those who I live with. It's not really a question of standards. I mean, I'm a better cook, but that doesn't mean I should have to also wash the dishes, take out the trash, vacuum, do the laundry, buy the groceries, pick up the apartment, clean the bathroom, do the taxes, put away food that's left out, turn off electronics, close the windows when we leave, turn off all the lights, get the mail and keep track of the bills. Literally, I do fucking everything. Sometimes I truly believe my wife is border-line retarded. I have to keep tabs on everything or else our lives will go to shit. If you met my wife, it would al make sense. She is a lovable sweetheart but she does not exist in the physical realm.
  7. My wife does nothing to help out around the house. I do all of the cooking, cleaning and chores. On top of that, she just leaves food and shit out. I feel like I've tried everything. She just can't get her shit together and it's driving me fucking crazy.
  8. I just housed some cubes of colby jack cheese while the missus cooks up some trader joes frozen orange flavor chicken. Boo fuckin yah.
  9. No one mentioned the Smiths either??? [media='']http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfkvPnjb9hs&feature=related[/media] another good one... [media='']http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKWbMJOIkUk&ob=av2e[/media] In the chorus he totally fuckin shreds. He's also the best looking bass player, imo...
  10. This whole album is basically the best example of how good rock bass lines can be. Lets not forget John Paul Jones... the motherfucker... [media='']http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxYfQnXPVcc[/media]
  11. Here is the thread for you to post those bass lines you couldn't post in the "Bass Moments" topic. Some of mine... [media=''] [/media] *edit* [media='']http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYr_68el2KE[/media] Fuck! I didn't realize I posted the wrong version! It was the right image and I didn't listen to the video [media=''] [/media] [media=''] [/media] [media=''] [/media]
  12. I always liked the synths in this one... [youtubehd]2AA64eCt2zs[/youtubehd]
  13. Dude. Brothers in Arms is so fucking amazing. One of the best road albums of all time. We had the tape when I was a kid and would listen to it on long road trips. It kinda makes you almost want to try and install a turntable in your dashboard.
  14. @ amoeba... $15 [youtubehd]KVKvO3ab6H8[/youtubehd] $2.99 [youtubehd]jC1fWFI4Xyg[/youtubehd]
  15. Bottom left... Aphex logo? So. Aphex Twin is Coil too? But seriously. That is VERY gay. I remember listening to that album on cassette in my minivan, full blast, singing along when I was 16. If I had only known.
  16. Hey California... http://thescenestar.typepad.com/ss/2011/08/odd-future-to-play-the-hollywood-palladium.html Whoa. New WATMM interface. Where the fuck am I?
  17. My wife refuses to clean. It fucking pisses me off to no end.
  18. I was serious. Should I open it or should I leave it sealed?
  19. I got these... This one is the first two albums released by Tyrannosaurus Rex (T Rex), compiled into one double LP... Amazingness. I've been hunting this one down for some time. and this... Question about the last one. It is the sealed, original press and I'm wondering whether or not to open it. What would you do?
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-lRV7qLD08
  21. I'm not a huge house guy, but these take me back to the late 90s, on the south side of Chicago in some illegal warehouse raves. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1ylkpTxxpA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrQBpZMt9ws http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrutLOI5wfQ&feature=related but this is actually good... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syCdGazOGf0http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t16jinXyy3c&feature=related DJ Funk - Booty House Anthems (track list) 1. Intro 2. Pump It 3. Hold Up 4. P ssy Ride 5. Every Freakin Day 6. Freaks 7. Pop That P*ssy 8. Let Me Bang 9. Booty-Perk-U-Later 10. Pop Them Thangs 11. Work It 12. Pump Up The Jam 13. Weed In My Life 14. Pump It Up 15. Big O' Booty 16. Ho's In The House '99 17. Doggy Style 18. P-Funk 19. Shake It 20. Work That Body 21. Pump That Sh*t Up 22. Perk-U-Lated 23. Booty Bounce 24. Knock Knock 25. Getting High 26. Been On Over 27. Shake That Ss 28. Jump! 29. Move, Shake, Ride, Freak 30. The Roof Is On Fire!
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