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Everything posted by J3FF3R00

  1. fuck it. 1 Blue Calx 2 Klopjob 3 Alberto Balsam 4 Stone in Focus 5 On 6 Windowlicker 7 Girl/Boy 8 boxenergy4remix1 9 You Can't Hide Your Love (Hidden Love Mix) 10 Quoth Harder than I thought btw. Edit
  2. J3FF3R00


    When I was a kid, my dad had this one... I don't know if he still has it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01NHcTM5IA4
  3. J3FF3R00


    Any uninvited outsiders, especially those who don't pay rent, are intruders and therefore should be killed.
  4. I found this link though the GEJ site http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ld5Fsl_abuU&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8n3I5RjpQoI&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kMgNLZ-_Zo&feature=related
  5. OH. MY. GOSH. >>>>>> http://www.goldenerajungle.net/mixes/hype/dj_hype___at_love_of_life_autumn_1992_a.mp3
  6. High On Fire are my favorite metal band. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KODikJAtgc8&feature=related Celtic Frost's tune & the cover by High On Fire (HOF's version is better, IMO) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XesD_wpAp0http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6xzAcpn11w
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I67f3khYE5Q&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fH2Jznb2mk&feature=related
  8. I tried really hard to get into him for a long time and have come to the conclusion that I only really like his John Wayne Gacy song. It is amazing. The rest of his stuff all blurs together, imo.
  9. can't get enough of this right now... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-u5m_LfiXzM&ob=av2e
  10. Every part in that movie is my favorite part. It may be my favorite movie.
  11. You guys know what's up!!! Here is a self portrait of me and one of my prized posessions -> Yes... that is the soundtrack. I spent years hunting it down.
  12. That is fucking amazing. Some of my faves: *edit* I killed all of the dead links
  13. *opens mouth to catch and chew nuts, mid-teabag*

  14. I un-friended someone I went to high school with on facebook for dropping the n bomb in his status update. It was directed toward a black Utlimate Fighting Championship referee he didn't agree with.
  15. hahaha thats awesome, when i was a freshman, I got one of dimebag's guitar pics picks. You and I woulda been pals. Believe it or not, I was prom king senior year. It still boggles my mind. I couldn't give less of a shit. Some people were really pissed about it. I think it's hilarious.
  16. Here I am after getting Pantera's autograph, freshman year...
  17. 94-97 I'd say for the first 3 years I was definitely the acid-dropping metalhead. Senior year I was a hardcore raver.
  18. J3FF3R00


    I love that half of the encounters on this thread involve using drugs. That should be a hint. My whole life, I've had dreams about ghosts. I still do. Most of the dreams take place in the old house I grew up in and moved out of when I was 12. The majority of those have something to do with the tool room in the back of the basement. When I was young, it always felt like something was in there. It had a very heavy door that we kept locked and if I remember correctly I think it also had a small window. Once, when I was 10 or 11, I was practicing my drums in the basement. I was the only one home. Out of the corner of my eye, I swear that I saw something move quickly from one end of the basement to the other and into the tool room. The was a loud noise like a door slamming and I ran the fuck upstairs and shut the door behind me. After that, I didn't go back downstairs for weeks. When I started going back down, I would yell things like "I'm not afraid of you" etc. The dreams I have about that basement are too terrifying to put into words.
  19. J3FF3R00

    Brian Eno

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