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Everything posted by Salvatorin

  1. I'm a little confused, since when is the idea of human-originated climate change false?
  2. What are you smoking? Are you implying the world would cold get fast enough that ice would form faster than people can move?
  3. However, water shortages, drought, floods, heat waves, extreme weather, crop failure...these are all very relevant concerns, and increasing in frequency.
  4. oh god...I can just imagine it...I'm on some kind of psychotic never ending acid trip locked in a house just listening to that over and over again...
  5. if I shut my eyes a little and just let it become blurry that one is very evocative
  6. I am about to eat dinner with my family, I go out onto the balcony, it is a warm summer evening. suddenly I notice a large insect flying my way. I realize it is not an insect, but a robot drone disguised as an insect. It starts to attack me and tries to inject me with some kind of needle. I manage to grab ahold of it and tear it apart. Immediately in the sky I see huge government airships emerge from the clouds, they are projecting green lasers everywhere and sounding a siren. I say "FUCK YOU GOVERNMENT!" and go back inside and commence eating dinner. A man in body armor and a jetpack lands on my porch and takes off his helmet, walks inside. he is an older fellow with white hair and mustache...he looks like this: He tells me he wants to show me these secret, next gen gov't weapons, they are chunky, ominous laser weapons. He says he wants to teach me how to use them. I agree, but instead of that he goes into my backyard and starts shooting at me, I take cover. He uses some kind of projectile weapon to blow up parts of my house. I grab a white towel and start flapping it around to try and get him to stop. But he doesn't, keeps destroying the house...then I wake up.
  7. woah that is fun to look at. I just wish it was faster.
  8. interesting, I hadn't heard of james ferraro before
  9. Yeah, in alaska last summer I didn't have a job (or a real home) so i just bummed about from one friend's house to another, and since it is light all day and night I'd often end up saying awake as long as I felt like and had no sense of time. Most of the time that kind of life is fun, but when you are depressed it is really pointless feeling.
  10. Salvatorin


    And to add to Gmanyo, I think there is a lot more to it than just being bipolar. In fact that might just be an aspect of your mental environment that interacts with your larger personality, which holds your experiences and knowledge base and ethics and all of that. I know you know you have bipolar, but in contrast, I used to think I had manic depression because of my ups and downs and never-ending racing thoughts, but over time I came to understand that the origin of much of my states lies in my thoughts and feelings in relation to my surroundings/life. Basically, turn that analytical process inward, and vigorously try to assess who, what, and where you are, you may find yourself at odds with what you reason out. That dissonance is not a mental condition, it is a (however much possible) rational assessment of your existence. Being depressed because your life is a lie or being up because you're free...well they are reactions to a rational take on your life, I'm sorry to say.
  11. Salvatorin


    Yeah, btw rhombix i found your post very easy to follow, it reads just like one of my ramblings (or internal monologues), following that associative logic that just flows out and crystallizes into precarious, yet elegant ideation.
  12. Salvatorin

    Split Pan Genus

    I'm just going to post this since it made me very happy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82GUjPConiE
  13. Salvatorin


    lol, we are the watmm unstable genius club. We live primarily in our labyrinthine, fractalline thought patterns, analyzing things that intrigue us at hi-speed 24/7 evurry day, revelling in the sensual and cerebral joy of our senses and intuition...and I'm just going to go out on a limb here...are complete wrecks with highly disorganized lives who spend most of their time fucking around on the internet.
  14. not every day but yeah, was in the city office yesterday. ended up getting totally drunk. now it's 7.16am and today is going to be harsh. lol!
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