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Everything posted by Salvatorin

  1. thank you. I consider myself to be 'leading the charge' on avant garde interior design
  2. wow that is some prime socio-anthropological material right there
  4. god damn I really love watching those old rave videos one of my favorites [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7qGzoGKEB4[media]
  5. wow. this really is good material. I could watch a whole 2 hours of this. It really is fascinating to see how quickly people respond with fear and anger. The concept of surveillance is really put to the test here.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKia4dexlOM don't know if it counts but its damn good
  7. a piece of matzo bread with sharp cheddar cheese, unsalted organic peanut butter, hot pepper flakes, and a microwaved local egg on top. mango-orange juice not from concentrate and fair trade organic dark roast coffee
  8. the reason you can't embed is because they need to be http:// not https://
  9. I just watched it. I would also give it a big ?/10. I sort of interpreted it as the mumblecore to end all mumblecores. I definitely don't think it cut deep enough to be hailed as some sort of powerful generational statement, though.
  10. can someone help me out? I'm trying to recall a scene in which a bunch of children in ww2 europe piss in a bucket or something and then force another child to drink it. I think it was "die blechtrommel" but I can't remember for the life of me.
  11. I love that, it would be cool if things like that were all over the place
  12. awesome. I remember when com truise went as sarin sunday on twoism forumz.
  13. great, when it freezes i can walk to england watch out...YEK is a comin'
  15. I'm too tired to try and do this right now. but anyhow Well I just looked at this recent doc by the IPCC http://www.ipcc-wg2.gov/SREX/images/uploads/SREX-All_FINAL.pdf and I'm not entirely accurate in bringing up floods and droughts as 'symptoms' of global warming really. In some places those things are predicted to decrease actually. but extreme weather patterns are predicted to increase, and godwin you are right in talking about resource management, because many of the ways various populations have chosen to use and depend on water are very vulnerable. And various infrastructures are poised to fail, or something, sooo tired
  16. This thread is just confusing me. I've read like a dozen books on climate change, many legit scientific articles, every single IPCC report...and I get a handful of 90's looking html websites from the early 2000's to try and tell me....what exactly?
  17. Godwin I'm not really understanding you, are you saying that the warming feedback cycles such as glacial melting, permafrost, deforestation, ocean acidification, etc. are signs of a coming ice age, or that it will get hot and then cold?
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