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Everything posted by Salvatorin

  1. thank you. i forgot to say, I enjoyed your 'color study' painting
  2. you've got to admit, it would make a great short film
  3. 1 pickled spicy polish sausage 2 pickled eggs
  4. this thread is losing its strangeness and dissolving into tumblr inanity
  5. That is a crazy dream. I ask about the killing spree because I had a dream recently that was kind of strange and I think I'd had similar ones (rarely) before. I was in a mall, and I'd just found out that I was actually in a simulation, no one was actually real, so I took out a huge knife and started murdering people left and right. I targeted adult women in particular and I remember cutting into a lady's stomach and then sticking the knife into her vagina and slicing her up. I think there was some aspect of desperation to it, like since no one was real, I was kissing and hugging people and then killing them and mutilating them in search of intimacy...while knowing that they were artificial intelligences and were not truly conscious. Very disturbing dream, especially since I am an extreme pacifist and averse to any type of violence.
  6. Has anyone here ever had dreams in which they went on a senseless killing spree?
  7. I want to read charles burns. Has anyone hear read X'ed out or The Hive?
  8. I had a dream last night that I was on an old farmhouse porch, somewhere on a hot southern night, playing some little instrument. I then demonstrated for an old lady my ability to dance like Flip the Frog (MGM's first cartoon). And sang a song out of the corner of my mouth like a tinny 1900's vinyl recording. I then actually woke up, and didn't know where I was, didn't recognize my room or anything, and felt really good for like 30 seconds. I didn't have any clue who or where I was, it felt good.
  9. I want to hear sound design that will blow any stupid brostep excision bullshit out of the water. Come on, autechre! Draft 7.30 is easily one of the most textural and frequency-range rich albums ever made. All these noobs are stealing your thunder. All of your subsequent albums have been tinny or flat and just over all sonically withheld. I want lushness.
  10. yeah. that is the way I want my world to be
  11. I just started reading this: http://www.rice-boy.com/vattu i rather liek it http://www.rice-boy.com/see/index.php?c=001 this is really coolt oo
  12. thx gaarg. he can...and he did....and how do I say...he 'broke my guitar'...
  13. I could show you a rip snortin' good time! if you like ky-jelly, baklava, and gold wire
  14. wow nice asymm, a fitting picture of an 'experimental electronic' musician...bald...beard...glasses...austere lighting
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8DHbv1i2ug
  16. Looking for answers to confounding questions asked of you on WATMM? buy The Complete Anthology of All WATMM Inside Jokes only $34.99 at your local idm shop
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