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Everything posted by jaderpansen

  1. its on repeat :) awesome :D can't wait to hear stuff again @ home with some actual bass
  2. and we'll be getting these gloriosities every week for a whole month noe T_T TJHANKs U SO MUCH SCHORSCH AND BLOB! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
  3. edit: oh fuck yeah, takes me back to untilted / quaristice live times, theme-based shit edit edit: like srsly... loving it.
  4. still can't connect to it. but if you're right (and i wouldn't be surprised) i'm not missing much XP. Are you dancing intelligently to this? deffo! sitting behind me desk liek
  5. really diggin this one but it IS kinda IDM, if ya know what i mean
  6. life's so good rn... under BOAC 00 edit: can't quite imagine this'll be released as is... i mean sound quality yeah or no, this'll be out there in no time. my guess is the radio show IS the new live release and will be accompanied by another, probably less live (as in: edited) one. or something.
  7. shit's rampin up yo weeeee... yeah best part yet!
  8. can't hear dem pads through this shit ass workspace computer gnah... RECORDING PERSON(s), I WUV U!
  9. i guess this is how all electronic music sounds to me grannie. bleepedibloop.
  10. boom chuck boom chuck boom chuck boom chuck boom chuck
  11. oooouuukaaaayyy... anyone else got problems connecting to the chat??
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