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Everything posted by EdamAnchorman

  1. some friends of ours got us a cookbook dedicated to cooking with Belgian beer. over 100 recipes from appetizers to dessert, even one using Westvleteren 12 (who would ever cook with this instead of drinking it?!). we had them over and tried out two dishes from the cookbook, a pork with Westmalle dubbel, and pears with Kriek. loved it.
  2. never had the barrel aged Chimay blue, can't wait to enjoy this with my family over the holidays.
  3. damn, that website doesn't ship to the US. was gonna ask the Mrs. to get me one for Christmas :( couldn't find one elsewhere on the internet either
  4. that's pretty awesome! are they sanctioned by the monastery, or made by a 3rd party?
  5. I wonder if global warming can be explained just by an entropic argument. Check this. Most animals, and humans until recently, did very little to change their surroundings, e.g., built a nest out of twigs or a dwelling out of mud and thatch. Now take a look around at what humans have done... Buildings and roads and power lines and railways and factories and computers. That's a big fucking decrease in entropy to build all that stuff, and it has to come at a cost. Thermodynamics says that you can never get more out than what you put in, some energy is always lost to heat. To create all this order around us had to come with a big heat penalty, thus accelerating global warming.
  6. Yes I am in the US, and have been looking for this beer since last christmas. Finally found one locally in the summer and didn't want to waste it. It's not easy...
  7. Definitely not a warm weather beer, which is why it's been sitting in my basement for six months. I always give it a longing glance when I am down there. Will report back after I've enjoyed it.
  8. i like your style, beerwolf. had a Rochefort 10 yesterday to celebrate the arrival of sub-freezing temperatures. i've had this in my basement for a good six months, just waiting for the holiday season to enjoy. never tried this one before, really looking forward to it:
  9. the mrs. got me a nice present to hold all of my trappist and other belgian beer caps. gonna hang it on the wall in the dining room. i know, i know, some of the trappist beers on here are not from Belgium, but gimme a break.
  10. Cracked open a 3 year old Orval. Was more smooth than the younger ones, to my unrefined palate. A great beer.
  11. decided to trade in my car while i could still get something for it. $5k from the dealer for an 8 year-old, 4-cyl chevy malibu LTZ with 111,000 miles is not too bad in my opinion. went with a chevy bolt EV, and am loving the whole electric car thing. my total battery range has been averaging about 250 - 260 miles. only have to charge once every other week or so while only driving to work and back. and my workplace having 220 V chargers and dedicated EV parking spots which are close to the entrance is awesome, too. i wanted a full electric but really didn't expect to end up with a chevy. i wanted the BMW i3, but after doing some research, the chevy really does blow it out of the water, as long as you're OK with the dorkier interior styling.
  12. some of my work was recently featured in a news video by the American Institute of Physics!
  13. I had quite a treat last night. Went to visit some close friends after they had returned from vacationing in Europe (one is German, the other Belgian). They know I have a thing for Trappist beer, and as a birthday gift they brought me back a bottle of Westvleteren 12. I about shit a brick. We sat there and shared it over lamb shanks, potatoes, and burgers. It was amazing. I never thought I would get to try this beer, at least without having to travel to the monastery in Belgium.
  14. yeah and i like how they made his helmet cracked at the chinstrap, which is what always happened
  15. i had some of those m-tron and blacktron sets as a kid. i always wanted the old space monorail set :(
  16. i'm still trying to buy this from the lego website and local lego store. perpetually sold out.
  17. funky as in it tastes like the smell of a barn full of animals. a little funk is OK, like in an Orval, but the Oudbeitje was too much.
  18. i've been going too hard recently on the Belgian strong dark ales / quads, so i decided to go in a lighter direction and try some old-style "sours" and such. Rodenbach is such a good fucking beer, slightly sour and INFINITELY drinkable and refreshing then i decided to go a little deeper and try an old-style geuze: it was good; very different and kinda funky on the back end, but good. soooo then i decided to really go off the deep end and try the Oudbeitje Lambic: wow this fucker is funky. too funky for my taste. i like sour and funk, but this was just turned up to 11. i managed to finish it, but i had a stomach ache the rest of the night. i have another bottle sitting in my basement, i'm not sure when i'll have the courage to go back around again on this one.
  19. I was just coming here to post this same thing. While I got into SILY immediately, this one has really taken it's time to unfold, which I love in an album. Stepkids has gone from one of my least to maybe my most favorite tracks on the album.
  20. i think this is a good assessment of the album. i read one review that essentially said this same thing, and pointed out that "since i left you" had "harsher" tracks like "radio" to break up that dreamy, nostalgic feel, whereas wildflower is basically just that one tone throughout. after living with the album for about a week, i am liking it better than i initially did, and think it is "quite good" . i am enjoying it very much.
  21. I like the album as a whole, not as much as Since I Left You, but I still think it's good. I think it's a good, enjoyable experience overall. I read somewhere, pitchfork maybe, that the album is supposed to be about just taking a drive out into "the bush" or somewhere rural and just getting lost; that kind of fits with the vibe I think. My only complaint is that some of the production / mixing is repetitive. A lot of the tracks follow the same pattern of playing the main verse or hook in the background through some filters, then everything comes in clean sounding, repeats a few times, then back to the background, repeat again... I wish they had mixed it up a little better, like on SILY.
  22. the other day i was telling a younger co-worker about how excited i was to be pre-ordering the album and how their last album was out in 2001 (in the US at least). then he told me that he was five at that time.
  23. On that note, is anyone else here interested in collecting caps? I have a deep photo frame on the wall filled with caps, I almost have enough to fill the second one but I've apparently drunk every drink there is to drink in this area with a vaguely interesting cap. Got lots of doubles for swappin', mostly Ontario/upstate NY but also some Eurobooze, anyone fancy a swap by post? I like the idea of collecting caps, but I already have too much stuff on my walls
  24. my cousin made these cool beer openers with a really strong magnet embedded in the back of the wood, i really enjoy using it and displaying my caps
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