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Everything posted by EdamAnchorman

  1. i think this might still be my favorite as well, just had one last night with some awesome homemade pulled pork sandwiches. and BCM, that is one hell of a b-day gift. quite jealous!
  2. I love the LEGO Technic super cars
  3. I bought three of each, only tried one of the 6 and 10, and two of the 8s. So far I think the 8 is my favorite. So fucking balanced for the amount of alcohol that's in there... it's almost like a dessert beer.
  4. i've been working my way through trying all of the Trappist beers and, oh my god, is Rochefort sublime
  5. that's insane, and would be pretty grim to look at every day.
  6. I believe the 70s-80s Engines are powered by a ton of Double AA batteries, but maybe the new ones are LiOn? Joyrex do you know? You guys are seriously making me consider buying a set for next Xmas. If they made a Moon train or Star Wars train, the argument in my mind would be over, lol They made a space monorail back in the 80s: http://lego.wikia.com/wiki/6990_Monorail_Transport_System I wanted that thing so bad when I was a kid.
  7. The new trains are powered by a rechargeable battery module that you build into the locomotive. Then you control it with an IR remote. My old 7722 ran off of 3 C batteries that you stuck in the tender car, and the on/off switch was on the tender car itself.
  8. The new Lego trains are pretty good, but it gets expensive after you have to buy the separate power functions and the track. That 7722 set was my first Lego train set, too. I still have the locomotive and tender built still, but the rubber parts around the wheels have gotten old and cracked.
  9. Those are amazing - I always have had a LEGO train fetish, and those tank cars are spot on! Thanks. My original design was to build a black tank car for flammables, the ones that usually carry crude or ethanol or gasoline, but apparently the large curved bricks which form the main body of the tank are very rare in black. I had a hard enough time finding enough in white. The Maresk shipping containers are spot-on as well! I'm really trying not to dig out my LEGOs and start building again... I have little free time as it is. The Maersk train was an official set that I got a few years back, and it's pretty good, but I've been wanting to design and build these tank cars for a while now. Luckily, I found some clear labels at work that I used to print the decals
  10. Those are amazing - I always have had a LEGO train fetish, and those tank cars are spot on! Thanks. My original design was to build a black tank car for flammables, the ones that usually carry crude or ethanol or gasoline, but apparently the large curved bricks which form the main body of the tank are very rare in black. I had a hard enough time finding enough in white.
  11. Just built these tank cars for the LEGO train to go around the christmas tree:
  12. they finally posted the stars of the lid brooklyn show. that drone during december hunting... was amazing, especially because i was right in front of one of the speaker stacks
  13. i am going to this. i'm really excited, only seen them live once before.
  14. Can't believe nobody's commented on how awesome this is. Also reminds me of a time as a kid when I got really into lining up dominos and doing elaborate Rube Goldberg things with them. the ending was a guillotine that chopped off a lego man's head (the all red bit on the table)
  15. I have loved building with Lego since I was a little kid. I have tons of 90's sets from space to city to pirates... I even took to building giant Rube Goldberg machines with my Lego and some marbles. This was my best one, maybe built when I was around 6 - 7th grade: Then I really got into the Technic super cars. I've been trying to collect them for a while now. These are the one's I've been able to get so far:
  16. i've always been a big fan of Chimay, and i recently found this in my local bottle king, the Chimay Doree, which is usually reserved for the monks themselves and visitors to the abbey and local inn:
  17. probably not strictly "ambient", but jonsi & alex's "riceboy sleeps" is one of the most gorgeous albums in the ambient vein in my opinion
  18. hakobune and celer, cannot beat this: http://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/album=3566078725/track=1355101785/size=medium/bgcol=ffffff/linkcol=0687f5/transparent=true/ another great drone track from hakobune: http://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/album=224969998/track=44989070/size=medium/bgcol=ffffff/linkcol=0687f5/transparent=true/ nobuto suda is another great ambient/drone artist from Japan; this track is absolutely beautiful: https://soundcloud.com/nobutosuda1101/star-missing
  19. nice! i recently picked up the original on vinyl plus second toughest in the infants <3
  20. the sound on mine is fucked, the volume knob is basically useless. the electronics just probably needs to be cleaned. when it is working, sound is decent. i don't think mine has an output. anyway, on topic, how did i miss the fact that arts & crafts re-released the two k.c. accidental albums on 2 x cd and 2 x LP?? these are 2 of my most favorite albums!!
  21. nice! a friend of mine gave me this newcomb a few years back:
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