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About Root5

  • Birthday 03/09/1989

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  1. gonk steady one is like the epic sequel of Ipacial Section and irlite (get 0). Powerful, frantic, nonstop rhythm paired with heaps of whimsey.
  2. Haven't read the thread... The really long track that starts at 1:17:30 is by far my favourite. It's straight power all the way through, but is simultaneously silly, somehow? Reminds me a lot of Untilted, in a very good way. Also, has anyone mentioned that the track starting at 18:45 sounds like a Vose In remix? I haven't compared it side by side with Vose In yet, so I'm not 100% on whether the chords are exactly the same, but they sure sound that way.
  3. I spent 30 bucks in a restaurant and left starving.
  4. church is pretty lush minus the dogma. Like, it's so serious and shit and everyone speaks and sings in unison. Sometimes you drink wine and shit. like, I can understand just going. It's what squares do instead of going to concerts or something. IDM as fuck
  5. I just spilled chicken-water on my socks. Ewww!
  6. If you move in with your best friends, you might grow to hate them. Don't worry, that's normal, and can't always be helped. You can cross that bridge when you come to it. My biggest tip would be don't let your diet go to shit when you move out. It's harder to cook good meals for a smaller group of people, so you'll have to look into recipes that work. If you share meals with your roomie it might be easier. Other than that it's pretty straight forward.
  7. I wanted to start the MOST IDM poll, so I bought an EKT subscription, but it hasn't taken effect yet and Joyrex hasn't checked his messages yet
  8. Root5

    elseq 1-5

    I think I speak for many of us when I say: This is very good.
  9. BC has never sounded so appealing. Cost of living there is insane. I live in San Francisco... Yeah, having originally come from Victoria/Vancouver area I can corroborate that BC prices are nowhere near this insane... It's just stupid down here. Lucky to live in a below market-rate situation here though, otherwise I wouldn't bother. It depends how much you're earning. The cost of living is much higher in San Francisco, but so is the median income. Vancouver is less expensive in absolute cost, but more so relative to its median income.
  10. I grated some cheese for my omelet, but I forgot about it and finished my omelet without it. So now here I am eating plain grated cheddar for dessert like some kind of simpleton.
  11. I usually fall asleep around the 40 minute mark and wake up filled with regret.
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