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brian trageskin

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Everything posted by brian trageskin

  1. well, i guess i mostly agree with you that the game is rigged, except i'm not convinced at this point that this can't be fixed by simply changing the voting system - which, from a marxist perspective, won't happen anytime soon because the "bourgeoisie" won't allow it, i guess?
  2. yeah that's what i was trying to say in my reply to milkface, i did a very poor job though lol. @milkface it's ok to adhere to ideas, as long as you're open to revise your opinion when faced with facts that contradict your interpretation - which is something that bigots are incapable of doing (hence why they're bigots in the first place). every one of us is a patchwork of ideas and values that keeps changing over time anyway. all this to say, looking at the world through the prism of an ideology is the worst way to form an opinion about anything imo. it's the exact opposite of critical thinking.
  3. lol, never heard this term before but i like it! maybe i should have made it clear that i'm only talking about a minor portion of humanity. also, what kind of stupid-ass straw man is this? lol edit: it's not just a straw man, it's also a false dilemma. you totally got me wrong on this. just because i think your solution is unrealistic and likely pretty stupid, doesn't mean i'm defending the status quo, duh.
  4. capitalism is not just this though, it's also the arbitrary right to put a portion of the profit that was made on the back of your employees into your pocket. which is literally how capital is created, from what i understand. i'm not saying capitalism doesn't have its pros either. it seems to be the most efficient way human beans have found to create wealth, so far. maybe i just don't like the fact that it's so poorly regulated - which probably has nothing to do with capitalism per se.
  5. don't get me wrong, capitalism is an idiotic one size fits all system too, in my book. not a fan of it, at all. but as zero pointed out earlier, the alternative you're in favor of, while interesting on paper, seems completely divorced from reality. human beans are and will always be, in my view, vicious creatures who will always seek power and find ways to exploit each other, no matter the political system, the ideology or whatever. corruption will always ruin whatever neat plan you or anybody else had in mind. - brian trageskin, PhD.
  6. there's a huge difference between adherence to a single political ideology vs. multiple ones - adherence to ideas that are shared by different sides of the political spectrum, to be more precise. in my experience, those who fall in the 1st category tend to be cretins who see the world in black and white, 99.9% of the time. i should know, i used to be one of them. i don't see how forcing your idiotic one size fits all solutions down people's throats is a good example of critical thinking skills. sounds like the opposite of it, if you ask me.
  7. imagine the disappointment of having zeff as your son
  8. this app looks amazing. too bad i don't have a smartphone. https://melodear-app.com/melodear
  9. marcel duchamp would disagree.
  10. disappointing.
  11. the cosmos looks kinda cheesy actually. disappointing.
  12. meh https://webbtelescope.org/resource-gallery/images
  13. just a quick reminder that the tuss was released 15 years ago. that's right, you're old. that's all. bye.
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