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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. Yeah it just shows you as typing if your focus is on the text entry box. yeah I can agree with your second paragraph. But how does that relate to making snide comments and passing judgment on people you’ve never met? Like surely that’s a tenet of basic human decency.
  2. Imagine thinking that breaking a random window of some apartment is really "sending a message about systemic inequality in America". Those kids didn't murder anyone. Yeah maybe they're apathetic, but maybe they still think that equality of opportunity should be afforded to everyone. Until they meet a person who starts getting in their face about how "you're not a good enough ally!" Anyway. Have at it. Sleep and work and fam keeping me busy tomorrow. Stay safe if you do protest.
  3. And yet you expect them to care about things that are important to you. Don't you think showing empathy would be a better approach than violence and judgement? You're the only one doing that here.
  4. Maybe he owns the apartment? Maybe it was a condo? Even if it was only a landlord this time, next time when it's personal property? What will your excuse be then? Great discussion. Top notch debate. Much language.
  5. "It's not worth nitpicking these specific often baffling slices of chaos and forcing people to pin their entire ideological and political views on how they react to it." Nails it to a tee.
  6. @Lada Laika don't just throw a facepalm reaction emoji. I'll make it a question to answer. Do you think being snide and denigrating online is a good way to conduct yourself when trying to motivate people to join your cause?
  7. You know, sometimes politicians are really bad. Other times they manage to speak with poise and dignity.
  8. I'm saying - we don't know this guy's situation. Is he a douchebag frat bro? Maybe, but maybe not. Does posting all high and mighty about him not doing enough make any difference? No, but that approach isn't very becoming for people who want to talk about civility. And I'm not saying all lives matter (they do, but they can't until minorities have at least an equal starting point) but I'm saying typing shit like what you typed makes it super easy for people who aren't down to jump all over you. Know what I mean? Edit: Zeff come on dude you've been typing for like an hour. Just call me a capitalist bootlicker and have done with it.
  9. That's a pretty high bar. What if he donated his life savings but still has both his lungs? What if he only has one lung but only donated $10?
  10. Maybe they've all been in isolation together for 2 weeks so they know they're safe? Maybe not - whatever, you don't know their situation so why so quick to judge? You're the only one doing that here man. you do you though.
  11. My dude - when you use stereotypes as the first go to for IDing someone, you're the one who's trolling. Imagine your reaction if the reason the cops gave for kneeling on Floyd's neck was "stereotypes".
  12. What - how does this make sense? So you're going to stay at home now for the next 14 days? Like good for you being out there protesting, but how do you know the "frat bros" weren't doing the same thing?
  13. Are you judging people for playing beer pong while you post on WATMM? Are you at Capitol Hill in Seattle right now?
  14. This could go very badly. Response by police leadership critical right now.
  15. Police agencies implicated in extrajudicial murder are usually of the municipal level - the cities are responsible (reading the article, he actually writes quite a bit about this). There's a lot in that article that makes sense - but it's not something that's easily digestible and doesn't resonate with the people who go "capitalism bad". This is the most important takeaway from the article from my perspective:
  16. Can you replace “we at [Brand] are” with “I [name] am”...? (not you Spiral, I’m talking about another round of social media activism from the “woke”).
  17. Yo, if they are outside groups, then doesn’t that actually make the protests legit?
  18. So do you think burning rich black peoples cars is more or less likely to help POC overcome systemic racism? Explain your answer.
  19. “Those people”? Damn...that sounds pretty uhhh... I thought the race struggle was part of it? Ah only poor POC are impacted by racism. Got it.
  20. You said an upper class well managed all black neighborhood wouldn’t have profiling. I’m telling you they would. Burning those cars is unproductive for any number of reasons, but mostly because it puts the people who can actually do something about systemic racism (those with wealth) in an antagonistic mindframe.
  21. You don’t think rich black people look down on poor black people? Have you never seen the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air?
  22. What I’m looking forward to is drone ship landing/launching pads in the atmosphere. Much less propellant necessary to shoot one of these things to mars.
  23. I mean it would be ironic if POC owned any of those cars. For certain though, burning them will surely open the eyes of the rich to the struggles of the proletariat, and not in any way galvanize them against the poor. Definitely not.
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