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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. jeSuS wASn'T mUrdereD by FASCISTS dIdn'T DIE on the crOsS so yoU cOuLD be A socialist
  2. I advocate for you to go live in one.
  3. Not a personal attack just a comment on lack of experience. Apologies if you took it as an attack. It’s not simply that it’s annoying. It takes experience to develop the expertise to paint a house professionally (I did it for a couple of years while I was going to university and was never more than adequate) and to understand what sorts of paint to use, how to sand and prime properly etc. In your hypothetical scenario, you’d presumably still want people doing what they can specialize at (otherwise you end up with shoddy work or low quality end product). Nobody is painting houses for free for long enough to gain that specialization.
  4. lol you’ve never painted a house have you.
  5. So no choice in the matter eh? Who’s the fascist now.
  6. contracts are for the rich, abolish them Social contract is for everyone. Police enforce the social contract otherwise you get the Hobbesian end.
  7. Trial and then straight to the gulag. We have justice after all comrade.
  8. Sorry, we got rid of all lawyers because there was no one to enforce contracts.
  9. Did you just admit to trolling? On a forum where trolling is verboten?
  10. Gotta love you two. first zeff accuses me of missing the point of the racist system after a post where I discuss how the system needs changing, and brian comes out with an ad hominem and performs some mind reading.
  11. I also think that 1000 deaths (we don't know if they are all murders, we don't know how many of those were killing unarmed people) is completely unacceptable. One unjustifiable shooting by the police is one too many. But what I'm saying is: social media amplifies the issue so that we cannot have rational discourse about it. Everyone goes on about how the cops are racists - but this study indicates that White officers are not more likely to shoot minority civilians than non-White officers. This is an important point that speaks to police training. Again, one unjustifiable death is too many, and there needs to be a significant increase in transparency in the oversight process, but given the percentage of police interactions that result in a fatal shooting, the claim that "all cops are bastards" is a reductionist strawman (sorry Braintree - it really is - it's easy to snipe from the sidelines but when it's your livelihood on the line, in a paramilitary culture that doesn't brook dissent, I think most people would do the same). The culture needs to change - but how do you change the culture of an organization that is designed to suppress violence? By attacking it with more violence (I am not saying that all - indeed not even most - protestors are violent, but there have been incidences where police cars have been surrounded, for example which leads to their mammalian brain plus their mandate to suppress violence combining and running over protestors)? I don't think that's an appropriate way to address the issue. Luckily we are seeing some change, and yes some of it can be attributed to protests, but again, without the right people in the right places, none of even these changes would be possible. So again I say - vote in your local elections, write to your city councilors and reps, do that hard work. Or join the bureaucracy and try and change things that way. Protests and solutions proposed so far are really just band-aids. It's not my issue to solve (we have other policing issues in Canada - that again get conflated with American ones because of social media), so really I've already said too much, and bored the hell out of everyone, and led others to think i'm fascist apologist (i'm just a capitalist bootlicker, really), so I'll just leave it here.
  12. You wrote "That means out of all police-public interactions in 2015, that means approximately 0.002% ended in the death of a member of the public. So again, while one wrongful death is one too many, the amplification caused by social media and echo chambers/media bubbles makes the issue seem like genocide." Which I read to mean you think it's not all that much. My bad It’s bad, but not as bad as social media makes it out to be. Does that make sense?
  13. I'm not even talking about him snubbing congress, more about his efforts to derail peace talks between the Koreas. But yeah all that shit too.
  14. Yes, so we agree, the police system in the US needs to be reformed.
  15. TBH - bolton is a self-serving warmongering fuck, so hopefully he gets eaten by one of those gators.
  16. i don't think everyone asked for it.. it was definitely sold to americans by politicians though. and certainly lot's of people came around to thinking it was all a very good idea because law and order blah blah blah.. but i'm sure if black people were asked about it back then they'd have a different opinion to the 'silent majority' or whatever we want to call it. it was a big part of the party platforms. It’s both for sure. Some people asked for it, it was sold by a lot of politicians (definite pandering to a majority of white voters) and there was a lot of terrible thinking around drugs and addiction at the time. Of course once programs get entrenched it’s hard to back away from them, which is why the private prison industry and all the terrible laws around drugs still exist.
  17. Literally no idea mate. Unless you’re talking about all the dross that came out in the 80’s, and how a lot of it sucked compared to television now?
  18. This came into my recommendations today and it's been on almost the whole day. Xerrox île and Xerrox sans retour are making it real.
  19. How many times do I have to say "one wrongful death is one too many"? What about "fuck the culture that lets them get away with it [police brutality]". Hysteria leads to bad decision making. And I see a lot of hysteria on a lot of issues being caused by social media bubbles.
  20. Channeling zeff? What I'm trying to say is that hysteria leads to bad policy choices (like some people wanting to abolish the police altogether, as opposed to defund and reform policing).
  21. The problem here is that social media amplifies shit so much. I agree 100%, fuck the shitty ones, and fuck the culture that lets them get away with this shit. But, it truly is a case of a massive minority being total dicks. In 2015 there were 53.5 million interactions between the police and public (source: https://www.bjs.gov/index.cfm?ty=pbdetail&iid=6406). Obviously one wrongful death as a result of police actions is one too many, but in 2015 there were again slightly over 1,000 deaths caused by police. We don't know how many of those were truly justified (i.e. a police officer's life was truly in danger), so let's say none of them were. That means out of all police-public interactions in 2015, that means approximately 0.002% ended in the death of a member of the public. So again, while one wrongful death is one too many, the amplification caused by social media and echo chambers/media bubbles makes the issue seem like genocide.
  22. I'm a dum dum and don't know how to link direct to reddit videos but this is gold: https://old.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/hfkxg8/like_a_parks_and_rec_town_hall_meeting/
  23. I was born in 74 so I saw lots of 80s films. What’s your point?
  24. Yeah the climate change thing really really should be top of the list. New green deal to both stimulate the economy and save the planet America fuck yeah. Apparently Biden and Sanders have a number of committees that they’re meeting on to already have the administration hit the ground running on a lot of those issues. Something along those lines. World is counting on you Americans. No pressure.
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