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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. Has this study been posted here already? I feel like this is right up WATMM's collective alley: https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/04/coronavirus-found-paris-sewage-points-early-warning-system#
  2. While I appreciate these completely ostentatious displays of wealth, I feel like people are missing the aspirational part of the topic. Like as in it might be feasible to own one at some point. Both of the sexy objects of material desire that make me ejaculate all over the proletariat are things I could actually own at some point. I'd really prefer the Audi if it was an electronic car, but for now all the Audi electronic cars suffer from range limitation. Are we heading to zeff's place?
  3. Cause the president at the time (Syngman Rhee) was a raving nutjob who had no issues sacrificing more Korean lives to fulfill his power trip.
  4. There's nothing "left" about that. They simply go over the usual revisionist history that was made famous by Bruce Cumings (great historian, excellent speaker), and don't talk about anything remotely economic/political. They also reveal nothing new under the sun. And while they take a great deal of pleasure in poling fun at the rhetoric of the US media (which is mostly painful, on that I'll agree), they offer no real counterpoints to the absolute fact that the vast majority of North Koreans are malnourished, have very limited freedom to travel (internally, never mind abroad), and are completely unable to criticize their government's policies. I say this as someone who thinks the majority of sanctions against North Korea should be lifted immediately (we'll leave off sending them nuclear centrifuges for example), but trade and dialogue are the only way to begin. But to gloss over the problems that exist in North Korea, and to treat them as something solely made by the US/west is completely asinine.
  5. A good piece on how rumours around DPRK start. http://blog.keia.org/2020/04/rumors-north-korea-develop/
  6. All rumour and conjecture with no certainty in either direction.
  7. Tried to find it in the App Store...there’s a candy swipe made by a Vietnamese developer, but not this Ransom dude.
  8. Crazy first world problem right there. I’ve never given the game a cent...
  9. This is correct. People are even being told to stay home during Golden Week. Crazy times.
  10. Yeah I had the postcards (back when I still bought physical representations of data), but the original limited editions would have been fantastic to put up on the wall. Sigh - I wish I could afford his full discography. Some day.
  11. His output is so varied and vast that I think it's impossible to answer that question, just go look at his bandcamp and dive into the catalogue. You'll be there for days! Have fun! Winterreise was a spectacular take on providing a setting to the poems cycle. Apparently there are some photos related that were available at some point from Raster-Noton?
  12. There is no gate it’s a park, not a private garden. It’s open 24 hours. I love this paragraph: “The move to prune the roses hasn’t gone down well with some residents. “The roses at their best are worth seeing every year,” a 76-year-old man who regularly visits the park, told the newspaper. “I think it’s a waste, but we have no choice.”
  13. I'm failing to see the downside here.
  14. https://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/cuomo-reminds-mcconnell-new-york-pays-more-kentucky-state-bailout
  15. Yes, I like the space, but don’t want to have to water the lawn, use weed killer etc etc.
  16. Depends on the variety to a degree but yes they do grow like a mofo. Also @J3FF3R00, lettuce will bolt, and since both of yours (romaine and butter) are of the "head" type, it's best to remove the plant entirely once all the edible leaves have been picked.
  17. @Enthusiast I think Krugman gets a lot of stuff right, he doesn't get the moral bit right here. The austerity measures were too stringent, but that's no based on morality or teaching a lessons - just a policy failure. Although Martin Wolf (an actual German economist) uses a fable to illustrate the 2008 crisis, it's not done as a morality play, rather to highlight the differing roles each party played. There's no moralism involved. Wolf - Elucidating the Grasshopper and the Ant.pdf
  18. If you can't see the difference between a prescriptive generalization like yours and a descriptive generalization, I can't help you. Sometimes they're useful, sometimes not.
  19. Doesn't do much mate - better to save the bath salts for when you feel like eating someone's face off. To fend off the birds - netting across the top of the frame. Best time to transfer depends on your climate. Look it up on the ol google machine, as there will be all kinds of helpful folks with gardening advice specific to your area. Generally after the spring has started proper though - if there's a risk of frost after a false spring, that's no bueno for most plants/veggies/flowers.
  20. And there's the generalization that we want to avoid.
  21. Yeah the old shit was just that - shite. But the modern stuff is "quite good".
  22. They don't have to. This is where the northern euro policy makers need to learn from the recent past.
  23. The second leg of the semi-final against Juve wasn't half bad either ?
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