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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. All you need to do is look across to South Korea to see what happened when they relaxed things a little. https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2020/05/10/853468647/south-korea-records-spike-in-new-coronavirus-cases-after-nightclub-outbreak
  2. Bought a shed, now am going to have dig a fucking hole for the floor.
  3. I sincerely hope they get punched in the face by a truck.
  4. That’s just straight up belief in the superstitious though. It’s like “science? We don’t need no stinking science!”
  5. Ok, what the actual fuck is going on in the US
  6. Love them. You can control mint I’m just saying it’s easy as hell to grow, so even the collective watmm can’t fuck it up.
  7. Just found out we have burdock (Gobo) growing in our yard already. Nice freebie! Also, did I say this already, mint grows anywhere. So grow some and throw it in your upcoming summer cocktails.
  8. I'm not confusing anything. The people who made that silly website are doing exactly that however - they make it seem as if he has $139B just lying around in some Scrooge McDuck-like vault that he can he can just spend on whatever he wants. The argument presented in that graphic is "take $3B of Bezos' money to pay for COVID-19 testing." Which is utterly nonsensical (it's not the only argument, but it struck me and then i scrolled for a bit more and got tired of scrolling and I assume from what I saw that further arguments are much the same). I think Bezos is a dick and Amazon should pay its workers a hell of a lot better, but dumb arguments make for dumb policy.
  9. I mean this is obviously true. Look at the music we listen to. Sure you get the odd weirdo like Pen Expers who listens to the ‘chre and still thinks U2 is the greatest band in the world (I have no doubt he’s working for the Australian government now, setting carbon emission goals for the mining companies) and idiots like Theocide (hi Theo I know you’re reading) but in general, man, in general, the level on this board is mmmm yeah. Right? Am I right?? I’m right. But you don’t become a bald German raving to a car alarm without fully understanding the early oeuvre of the flahbulb, or recognizing the genius of torley wong. You know? You know. We’re like the fat bleeding edge of the movement started in the 60s except instead of smoking lids we’re all doing 2cb and salvia and figuring out how to avoid getting our cum skanked by any gender. And to think it all started because some people thought that disco wasn’t the peak of music. fucking amazing.
  10. In general, the tax rate for high incomes is fair. We both agree the marginal rate could be higher. Yes there are tax loopholes, but again, corporate taxes are where people should be looking most, especially loopholes. That’s where you’re making your revenue as a government.
  11. Like you understand that Bezos’ wealth is tied to amazon stock right? You can’t “take away” $3B from him to pay for all the covid19 tests in America, because he literally doesn’t have $3B. If Bezos sold $3B worth of amazon stock, what do you think that would do the price of Amazon stock? I agree that capital gains taxes could be higher, and the top marginal rate could also be higher, but this idea that the 400 richest Americans have more money than the bottom 60% is wrong. They have more wealth but not more money. This kind of thinking leads to bad policy making.
  12. I think that’s utterly useless. You all realize Jeff Bezos doesn’t literally have $139B sitting around in cash right? Make Amazon and other corporations pay their fair share of tax. Corporate tax evasion dwarfs individual tax evasion.
  13. I’d wager he’s satirizing. The whole bit about “the constitution, which I haven’t read” kind of gave it away.
  14. MJ, LJ, Larry, Magic. Those 4 are unconditional. After that it gets a little more difficult, especially comparing across different eras. Kobe is probably in with a good shout at number 5 though, and I fucking hate the lakers.
  15. Yeah I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s worth setting aside other shows to watch this, but it is entertaining.
  16. Sneaky Pete - halfway through season 2, and it's been really good so far (a little over the top at times in terms of suspension of disbelief), some great performances.
  17. Fully agreed, especially on the wall.
  18. We should let the far-right people have a little section of America where they can congregate to their heart’s content, but they can’t leave. Let’s call it...Al-obama.
  19. Also from Belgium: https://worldnewsdailyreport.com/belgium-health-minister-puts-ban-on-non-essential-sexual-activities-of-persons-3-or-greater-in-indoor-areas/
  20. Why do I feel like I should watch that one after the lil’un has gone to bed.
  21. Savage tackle on Ferdinand, and Smiths “elbow to the face” was soft as hell. But it’s Leeds, so fuck’em.
  22. I’m gonna leave this here.
  23. I actually liked the classic rock needle drop, only cause the lyrics really fit the scene. Episode 8 at least have me some hope they’re going to be able to resolve the various story lines. I’m happy Arnold got some closure. Caleb’s utter just eh whatever response to this is a little bit of an understatement. Anyway yeah mildly better than episode 7 but generally agree with what ignatius wrote up there.
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