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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. All of those go “bad” if not treated properly. So it’s not surprising that you would only have that. It would be surprising if you had that amount of crude oil reserves (which is what the IEA standards refer to when they require 90 days). Still, you would think Australia would be investing heavily in non-fossil fuel sources of energy.
  2. https://www.vox.com/2020/4/20/21225016/protests-stay-at-home-orders-trump-conservative-group-michigan
  3. I believe you, it's just that one letter that gets cited - (where the order doesn't actually get cancelled) has gotten so much traction, cause it got posted in the NYT.
  4. Ok, it’s just that the letter that gets cited in that article is almost always accompanied by click bait headlines. The other examples in your post are much worse, but because that one got published in NEJM, it gets the most attention.
  5. I mean, how else would you expect the FBI to proceed? Criminals are 100% exploiting this situation, and loading the masks onto trucks that are disguised as something else is exactly what a criminal organization would do. Ultimately they let them go. As for the WHO angle discussed elsewhere: if Trump and McConnell's senate had bothered to confirm a nominee for the WHO, China would have far less influence.
  6. I just wanted to point out that while America has plenty of problems, millions starving to death is not one of them.
  7. There sure are, licensed and registered. Please note I said most of your guns, not all of them. For more information on what types of guns are legal to own in Canada please see: https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/cnslttns/hndgn/_fls/rdcng-vlnt-crm-en.pdf It's part of the reason what happened in Nova Scotia over the weekend is a national tragedy, as opposed to nightly news (apologies for my tone).
  8. Better idea - y'all can join Canada. That means you'll have to give up most of your guns (looking at you, weird parts of Oregon and Washington St.). I like BC too much to let it go to a separate nation.
  9. Are You Really the Product? Really good read on Facebook, data privacy issues, and some interesting solutions that we as individuals can implement.
  10. Hong Kong no new cases today: https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/health-environment/article/3080688/coronavirus-hong-kong-reports-no-new-cases-first
  11. Right, which (the bold part) is frankly, not very interesting. It’s been covered a lot elsewhere, and better. I preferred it when they dealt with the first part of your post, i.e. what is consciousness and should sentient robots have rights etc. That’s still such a new field that there is a lot to say about it. I suppose the tie-in between the two concepts is understandable, but I feel they could do more on the robot rights thing. the gamification aspect I can kind of see. I just think her motivations and actions have been very inconsistent this season, so maybe that will be explained through a monologue...?
  12. I'd go for off-white myself: https://www.off---white.com/en-ca/shopping/man?categories=136335&gender=2&pageindex=1&seasons=10337754&sort=newitems
  13. I find the irony in using Tool's music in a presumably anti-capitalist parody video delectable, given that Maynard's net worth is somewhere around $60M.
  14. This is incredible writing. Never before have I felt the urge to vomit so strongly after reading something.
  15. That is amazing - that kitchen space alone gives me a full erection. Post something you want to own from LAMM
  16. Lovely. That Steinway BCM wants would fit in there a treat.
  17. 5 companies control almost 40% of the market. Continuing with competition will inevitably lead to consolidation like you saw in media companies.
  18. Define private? Doctors and clinics incorporate often, but the public doesn't pay for service provision directly. There is serious discussion to incorporate funding for the remaining pieces such as dental and prescription drugs to the publicly funded model. Hospitals are generally run by charities, and funded by the government. For all intents and purposes, to the general public, it's a public health service.
  19. If they were starting from nil in an ideal world maybe, but you already have existing monoliths in the insurance industry.
  20. Insurance doesn't work that way though - economies of scale play a large factor in the ability of insurance companies to negotiate with hospitals. A small insurance company has no chance to compete with a big player, in terms of winning contracts from health service providers.
  21. Nice! Having had the opportunity to fly a few times on private planes - it's definitely the way to travel! No lineups, just arrive and get on the plane, land and exit the airport.
  22. Canada is largely public health, outside of dental, but there is a push to bring that into the public health sphere.
  23. Giving Americans a new choice, a public health insurance option like Medicare. If your insurance company isn’t doing right by you, you should have another, better choice. Whether you’re covered through your employer, buying your insurance on your own, or going without coverage altogether, the Biden Plan will give you the choice to purchase a public health insurance option like Medicare. As in Medicare, the Biden public option will reduce costs for patients by negotiating lower prices from hospitals and other health care providers. It also will better coordinate among all of a patient’s doctors to improve the efficacy and quality of their care, and cover primary care without any co-payments. And it will bring relief to small businesses struggling to afford coverage for their employees. As more people move to Medicare (which they will due to insurance companies being for profit and Medicare being not), it will have more negotiating power due to economies of scale. It will ultimately lead to something like what exists in Canada and I think Australia.
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