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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. In all honesty, I want to get rid of the grass and put in some artificial turf. Can practice football (not hand egg) with the kid, reduces weeding, and water usage. Last house would have been brilliant, yard was large enough to hold five a side matches. Anyhow, gardening awaits this weekend (and painting the interior of the house...wheeee).
  2. Oh yeah that's a good point about your locale. Up here if I don't rake before the winter they turn into sloppy moldy mush come the spring.
  3. The problem is, a lot of those require a very specific climate to grow. Like our fig tree in Vancouver wouldn't work at all here in Ottawa. @zero that many trees and bushes will be the bane of your existence in a few years. Raking leaves is a huge PITA. I'm in the process of getting rid of a lot of the overgrowth that has crept onto the property from the city managed park that our lot backs onto. Nets around the garden are a must to keep out most varmints (chicken wire fence is the best, but more expensive). Chipmunks will still find a way.
  4. How come this idea has been propagating widely in the last few months? All the Dutch people I've ever met (admittedly a small sample size) have been great people, never found them rude or overly blunt (I did find one professor who reached out to me for input very lazy (as in she wanted me to do her research for her - which I politely declined to do). This is a simple problem - Southern Europeans (generalizing) want the economic quality of life (not necessarily the cultural one) that Northern Europeans (generalizing) have, but don't want to implement any of the fiscal polices that the bloody Teutons have in place. This is not new. Martin Wolf wrote a couple of good columns for the Financial Times on this. Again, it's back to your original European sin.
  5. Yeah that’s shit. Pensions should be guaranteed, even in the case of bankruptcy. But in the US where unions have been gutted.... I hope your old man is doing ok, that’s shit all the way round
  6. Almost a Unit (0.9) is a great closer. Wicked stuff.
  7. Yes, that's completely ridiculous. While repealing Glass-Steagall in the Gramm-Leach Act is only one component that led to the global financial crisis, it is an important one. THat plus the continued deregulation on the derivatives market were the worst pieces of financial legislation in a long time.
  8. Lucky you! We planted some flowers earlier (local wildflower species), but those are all going to die thanks to the stupid fucking weather here.
  9. Corporations should pay much more tax than they do in the US, and the tax loopholes that exist need to be eliminated. The rich actually pay an ok share on their income (marginal taxes could be higher), but long -term capital gains taxes need to be raised. Also, offshoring practices and other tax avoidance strategies need to be eliminated.
  10. Uhhhhh about 20 percent for each? Last house had a nice big yard. Oh i forgot it also had a couple of fruit trees in it. Some kind of apple and ummmm something else can't remember what. We tried growing raspberries but the squirrels/chipmunks/birds just gorged themselves. House before that in Vancouver had a fig tree growing in the front, and since the landlord didn't eat figs we enjoyed the hell out of that. Fresh fig, good prosciutto and a nice crisp chardonnay? mmmm hmmmm living the bourgie life.
  11. I like the driving one a lot as well:
  12. I believe where you are located has several community gardens you could use? With regard to your original question, the last house we were (renting) we grew tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplant, carrots, lettuce, and a number of herbs (not marijuana, no point, since I can buy better quality and more variety online). We just moved last fall so this spring will be the first year planting in the new place - luckily the soil looks like it's been used for growing before. Front yard has some flowers and herbs, back yard will be vegetables (similar to above, though I think we'll swap out the cucumbers for something else, cucumbers take up an ungodly amount of room). Lot of digging in the near future for chen. Plus I need to build a garden shed. Luckily, lots of free time on the weekends....
  13. US banks in 2018 recorded $237 Billion in profit in 2018. Which was obscene, even for banks. The problem though is that in 2018 Q4, the total for deposits in the US banking system was $13.87 Trillion. So the banks' profit is 1.7% of total deposits in the US. Banks could save that money until the cows come home, and not have enough to cover the deposits. Additionally, banks invest their profits. The other issue with not bailing out banks is fractional reserve banking. Basically, if a big bank collapsed, all the checks/loans written on that bank become worthless. The problem is, most of those checks and loan instruments are being used elsewhere as part of the fractional reserve banking system. So if Bank of America collapses with no bailout, the knock on effect would be staggering.
  14. Everyone loves this goal, mostly because you get to see the luxurious mane on Giggsy's chest.
  15. 5 year olds have a regular schedule, and are less likely to suffer emotional breakdowns than Trump though.
  16. Full matches of so many matches available here: https://footballia.net/
  17. Once he directs all the food to his family...
  18. I don't think that will ever be a problem, America produces a lot of food. There are issues with food insecurity, but I don't like how the USDA defines (or rather doesn't define) a lot of the issues. From that link for example "97 percent [of households that reported very low food security(4.8% of all households in 2018)] reported that an adult had cut the size of meals or skipped meals because there was not enough money for food." What is the size of the meals they are cutting? "94 percent of respondents [of that same cohort] reported that they had eaten less than they felt they should because there was not enough money for food." How much food do you feel you should eat? The USDA defines food insecurity as "[the household] lacked access to enough food for an active, healthy life for all household members." What is an active, healthy life? USDA guidelines suggest up to 3,200 calories for an adult! 3,200 calories is a lot of food. I realise I sound callous here - that is not my intention. It's awful that households would have to think about budgeting to ensure that they know where their food is coming from (at least they don't have to hunt for it, lol), or have to make choices about whether to pay the phone bill vs meals for the week. That is really fucked up. But I also think that starvation is not going to be an issue for america, unless they had a real blight on their croplands. There's just way too much food produced in the US. On a related note: this series of maps from VOX explains food production in the US quite well.
  19. Sorry, I'm dead last in the debate club. Edit: my point was that it's not much to do with the secret service and espionage and all that other shit. It's literally all about the benjamins. the Marshall plan, plus rebuilding Japan, funding all kinds of shit under the "pax americana", that's what got the world slurping down american cultural values like a rock addict sucking dick in a bad 90's movie.
  20. Yeah - that's why I think the other examples you posted are better - much clearer in the point they're trying to make. It's still a totally fucked situation.
  21. Yeah well aware of the foibles of Australian govt energy policy - just a pipe dream on my part. Kind of like how Alberta here is completely and utterly fucked because of their over reliance on oil revenues for the last 30 years, and instead of investing the profits, they decided to have an orgy with high-end escorts and all the best Colombian pharmaceuticals.
  22. I mean, that’s true, but I still threw up a little in my mouth. Damned social conditioning!
  23. It’s all about the benjamins. I agree that cultural hegemony is largely a byproduct, but the world was primed for that from the British Empire. If you lot (zee germans) has won the war, it might be different, but I still think the lingua franca would be English. Kraftwerk might have been even more popular though! Imagine a world where Kraftwerk and not Zeppelin or Floyd ruled the radio in the 70s/80s
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