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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. Oh I missed that you hadn’t added the plural. Sorry, once again, your memory is faulty.
  2. Yes, those lyrics are correct. But trane’s version is better anyway. https://youtu.be/qWG2dsXV5HI
  3. Well that’s ummm disturbing. ^^^ I don’t really hope that Stevie lad.
  4. Really hoping the girl who didn’t make the team is actually a transgendered male who identifies as black to really make the conservatives suffer some brain hemhorrages.
  5. I had no idea they made it into a tv series. Book is great.
  6. Steroids in your butts over PM for most IDM 2018.
  7. Planks my friend. Plus yes whole body exercises like bench press squats and deadlifts - but planks will strengthen your core the most. If it's fat loss around the abdomen you're after - proper diet gets you the six pack.
  8. Gah had a big reply typed out and now gone meh anyhow ina related note this appeared twice in my junk folder
  9. I don't believe either side is seriously considering reunification at this point. Public support for it is low in South Korea for a number of reasons, and political will for it in North Korea is low for one very obvious reason.
  10. Sorry, didn’t mean to come off snarky - you’d raised the point and I’d seen it elsewhere this week (in “reputable” news sources), so it was stuck in my craw. I’d also had more than a few beers when I made that post! I think it’s and important distinction to make, because the response to the situation should be different. Starvation like we saw in the 90s should merit an immediate and unconditional response from the international community (with appropriate monitoring put in place etc etc). The situation as it stands now with regard to food security requires a more considered response, and the community has time to deliberate on these things. My own opinion is sanctions like the type that are in place now on North Korea are completely ineffective and impossible to enforce anyways. They do nothing to achieve their stated goals, and make life much more difficult for average North Koreans. This is all true except on odd weekends it’s a natty ice always in hand.
  11. Ummm too much to think about to provide real responses here but for auxien: Up until 2002, China, Japan, South Korea each took up about 20% of NK international trade. After 2002, Japan started to wind down its trade with NK. North and South trading patterns varied depending on which sort of president was sitting in the South - more conservative == less trade, and vice versa. Important to note that UN sanctions up until 2016 (I think) didn't prohibit commercial trade with NK. Anyways, for the last 5 years or so, China has basically been it - like 90% of NK's trade. For tec: the whole "North Koreans are all starving except for the leader" meme hasn't been true for a long ass time. North Korea does experience food security issues yearly, but these are nothing like the famine years. Yes, an average American's meal probably has as many calories as 2 days' worth of food for an average North Korean, but Americans are in general, some lard-ass motherfuckers. As to whether or not Trump deserves credit - virtually impossible to tell, unless you're very high up in the North Korean Workers' Party. On the whole though - this situation writ large is more a win for North Korea than for anyone else.
  12. It’s the only way to be sure. I thought you had to nuke it from orbit Glad someone got the reference.
  13. Had drive into downtown today for a meeting, which meant instead of going against rush hour I was going with it. Nothing better than stop’n’go traffic first thing in the morning. Fml Ottawa needs good public transit.
  14. Yup - hence the incel comment. I gotta say, if the guy wanted to suicide by cop, he should've headed south of the border....the video of the one Toronto cop taking him down for arrest is in stark contrast to how I imagine that going down in the States. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flIu3cTGboY
  15. So the Waffle House shooter was disarmed...not by a good guy with a gun, but by a guy determined not to die. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-43873878 Meanwhile, in Canada, a fucking idiot decided to drive a van onto a sidewalk. Motive not yet established, but looking like he’s an incel fuckwit. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/toronto-van-attack-driver-profile-alek-minassian-1.4632435
  16. phling: is it his washing machine/dryer? Like what does "blocking it for a full week" mean? If it's not his, and he's leaving clothes in it or something to stop you from using it, take out his clothes, put them in a laundry basket (don't just dump them on the floor) and use the washing machine. Otherwise, kick out the Italian with the stinky cummies (but not before recording him for potential sample material).
  17. Any time any of those fucking asshats calls shootings like that "false flag" attacks, they should be sued to financial ruin. The most disrespectful thing ever.
  18. Two articles on the Syrian missile strikes: http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/syria-airstrikes-damascus-reaction-1.4620866 http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/syria-airstrike-russia-trump-chemical-weapons-strategy-1.4620381
  19. Mattis. Arguably Kelly as well. Doubts about Bolton. He looks to me more like the barking dog type. Lots of barking. Less stupid actions. But Mattis and Kelly though. And essentially the entire top at Defense. Again, influence the news cycle? Hire some Mexicans doing crazy stuff. Or have some fake news about Chinese tariffs. Mattis maybe. Bolton is a neo-chicken hawk. His preferred option on North Korea is pre-emptive strikes. He has always been one for advocating sending young Americans to their deaths, or military actions that will result in death and destruction overseas. I obviously didn’t mean it in a conspiratorial fashion, I simply meant the Drumpsterfire cabal is being opportunistic. When you look at his tweeting around the event it just looks like he thought “oh here’s an opportunity to talk about something that’s not my potential criminal charges”. It still blows me away that his team lets him use Twitter, and that he openly discusses policy on it. Also mad props to Josh on this recent topic: super informative posts. I also think the commentary on here in general is really a good example of civilized debate on a topic. Yes there’s not any alt-right in here, but dissenting points seem to be reasonably discussed. Well done WATMM!
  20. What adults around him? He has surrounded himself with toadying yesmen.
  21. Trump has been in office for just over a year. He has had ample opportunity to address Assad through serious policy options, and has failed to take action. While I’m never going to be able to prove it, the timing of these strikes, in concert with his tweets over said strikes, is highly suspicious. Trump probably thinks “Wag the Dog” is a documentary.
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