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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. Or that an artist’s rendition of the actual item might not be 100% accurate? Shocking truth. Plus he ain’t even that buff. Do u even lift bruh?
  2. That's what's up! bacon, eggs and coffee for dinner for me tonight!
  3. Jesus is black in this timeline.
  4. Haven’t watched the latest season yet (rewatching the original series in a good marathon weekend) but essentially yeah. I still can’t believe this was broadcast on ABC. Still nothing as weird and good has come out since in my humble opinion.
  5. This is what I’m having tonight. 11.9%. 70 ABU but not overly hoppy. All around just a fantastic beer.
  6. Just watched this the other night. Can agree. Was not good. It wasn’t bad. It just was. It could have never been made and the world would never have noticed. Watched The Disaster Artist as well. That’s worth a watch.
  7. I mean it’s not piss like a bud or Kokanee. You’re probably right on them making it more bland to appeal more widely. Definitely can’t compare to a good pour as caze says. Got a good imperial stout for tonight. Looking forward to it.
  8. Yeah we had some freezing rain the day before yesterday. Came out of the office and my car was encased in ice. Then it snowed. So ice covered roads with snow overtop to hide it. Great driving conditions.
  9. Geez, Guinness really tastes like nothing compared to a real stout. I bought one cause it was the only stout available at the supermarket. Just ugh. Luckily I stopped by the liquor store as well and picked up a good porter to round out the night. Paired with a decent cheddar and some snacks.
  10. Today’s FWP: Have to get gas for l’auto but it’s colder than a dead nun’s cunt outside.
  11. you win.. that sounds fucking awful. mopwater infused nostrils while drinking coffee is just a thing that ruins it entirely.. you should in the least be compensated with a free coffee.. they should also ask everyone else but you to leave the coffee shop... they should also turn down the music to where it's just loud enough to drown out the idle chatter of the staff so you don't have to try to block out their stupid banal conversations... for serious. I don't know...I'd like to think my "angry birds is slow" post on the first page is up for serious consideration.
  12. I'm going to sleep on this. I can't fucking process these two sentences right now. I feel you on that one. It's like when you say a word over and over again because it just looks wrong spelled out.
  13. And he's covered in shithole now fixt it for ya. signed stable genius.
  14. That is correct, but you’re not thinking like a criminal. Criminals are lazy, they will do what keeps working until they get busted, or until something easier to use comes along. Monero is a pain in the ass to use. Criminals don’t care as much about losing big percentages on the Tx because they are, after all, laundering money acquire through illicit means. Traditional launderers will take anywhere from an 8-10% cut. Now, if you’re a criminal, and are offered a way to cut out a middle man (who is a potential liability) for higher fees, would you take it? Almost certainly. Also, criminals do launder large sums. Hundreds of thousands to millions. The issue with the privacy coins is a lack of liquidity. Let’s look at monero. The largest exchange by volume is Bithumb. But that’s a korean exchange, very hard to get accounts there unless you’re a Korean. HitBTC and Bitfinex are the next largest. HitBTC the volume is almost all XMR/BTC, so people are going from Monero to BTC, which as you say, is not anonymous. Bitfinex they’re going straight to USD, but Bitfinex will cooperate with US law enforcement (as do other big US based exchanges). So there are few avenues to get your XMR out in any meaningful sums. BTC on the other hand still has many ways to get large amounts of fiat out in other countries. The privacy coins will continue to grow in liquidity and will be a major problem for law enforcement within a year or so, but for now it’s still BTC.
  15. Zaphod: Upon reflection, the IRS will likely not care about small amounts of transactions. So if you don’t report your coffee purchases, you should be ok. I’m not a tax attorney, so obviously this is not legal advice. Consider it, hmmm informed advice? Money launderers are already moving to privacy coins, but BTC is still the dominant choice for them. Who knows how long that will last, but for right now we can hypothesize the amount will remain the same. Money laundering activities in crypto will increase because the people who launder money will move from cash to crypto.
  16. So ummm yeah. Theocracy making a comeback for most IDM 1286? https://www.yahoo.com/news/donald-trump-apos-spiritual-adviser-135804056.html
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