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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. Sorry, my post probably came across as a bit rude, I did mean it with a bit tongue in cheek. There is no evidence to back up the assertion that more refugees brings more crime in Canada. While refugees are only a small part of total immigration, what we do know is that as immigration has increased, crime has gone down. http://www.cifar.ca/arrival-of-the-fittest-canadas-crime-rate-is-dropping-as-immigration-increases-is-there-a-connection Canada used to be respected on the world stage - not so much now. http://www.vancouversun.com/life/Detained+refugees+treated+worse+than+criminals+lawyer/10158286/story.html
  2. No, and you don't either, because while StatCan does collect some fairly detailed statistics on crime, race is not one of those stats (except for aboriginals, we're still racist as shit towards them). The Somalis (and refugees/migrants from other countries) that come to Canada face systemic challenges you or I could never dream of (that's cause of our stupid as fuck outdated laws on recognizing qualifications from other countries). Also it helps to realize that refugees make up about 1% of the population of Canada. I'll be getting the stats from immigration Canada sometime this month so I'll be able to give that to you in some more detail then if you care. So while some of them might fall into the drug trade (ever done a line of coke? Some Somalis in Alberta deal coke cause they can't find good work - so they meet a different kind of market demand) - their overall numbers of violent crimes is way below what it is for Canadians. It's just a numbers thing. In the mean, Canada continues to flush its international reputation down the toilet under Harper's watch: http://www.thestar.com/opinion/commentary/2013/12/23/how_have_refugees_become_canadas_new_boogeyman.html http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/why-so-many-somali-canadians-who-go-west-end-up-dead/article4365992/?page=all http://www.ucobserver.org/justice/2015/05/somali/
  3. Are you talking refugees from Syria? As of August, I think the US had taken in around 1,000. Current numbers of refugees from Syria is somewhere around 4.1 million. The vast majority have gone to Turkey, then Lebanon (whose population really cannot take that kind of influx), and Jordan. http://data.unhcr.org/syrianrefugees/regional.php Germany is looking to ramp up numbers. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/sep/02/refugees-welcome-uk-germany-compare-migration So far the UK has taken in a whopping total of 216 people. No, I did not miss off any zeroes That's from March 2014 - the new program significantly reduced the number of asylum seekers. UK has taken in about 5,000 Syrian refugees since 2011. Still not a really justifiable number, considering the resources at the country's disposal. Of course, Canada isn't any better, especially under Harper (who got called the Last Neocon in a recent Foreign Policy article). Shameful shit.
  4. Are you talking refugees from Syria? As of August, I think the US had taken in around 1,000. Current numbers of refugees from Syria is somewhere around 4.1 million. The vast majority have gone to Turkey, then Lebanon (whose population really cannot take that kind of influx), and Jordan. http://data.unhcr.org/syrianrefugees/regional.php Germany is looking to ramp up numbers. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/sep/02/refugees-welcome-uk-germany-compare-migration
  5. Has this been posted already? Worth watching again, fucking fantastic.
  6. See if you lived in a third world country, you could have had a chai wallah do you up proper, guvenor.
  7. I remember watching that Shawn Kemp dunk when it actually happened. Amazing. When Kemp was on point he was impossible to guard. But AI shows how you do it.
  8. So yesterday I just noticed a transaction from Macy's for $1100. Christ. Your credit card company should automatically flag that - I'm assuming you dont shop at macy's a lot, and that you dont spend that much in one go very often?
  9. 4 beautiful pints after work. Perfect way to end a Thursday.
  10. Jesus what's with all the fucking thieves. We're gonna have to start some watmm gofundmes
  11. Sorry, wasn't directed at anyone in particular. Just a general reminder. edit: juiceciuj - if you really want to see it, there are sites out there for you. one of them ends in a b.
  12. Yes, when we're linking to that video let's just remind potential viewers that there is some graphic footage there.
  13. Remaining episodes are shot in Vancouver, so expect plenty of forest lol. And i fucking hate the use of expanders in TV/Movies - that "pumping" effect the guy was talking about fucks up the levels so bad, you've got the volume cranked trying ot hear the dialogue and then "aghhhh holy fuck turn it off" as a car crash on screen punctures your ear drums. Awful.
  14. Btw just in case there are some who don't get it, obviously what happened to npoess is shitty and fucked up. Was merely trying to lighten the mood. Or inspire him to even greater heights of dankness.
  15. So what you're saying is, your place looks like this now? does not differ much from your place FWP: triachus has installed spy cameras in my apartment.
  16. So what you're saying is, your place looks like this now?
  17. Yeah got the threads confused...another fwp lol
  18. I pissed off one of my favorite posters on here. Sorry dude (u no hoo u r).
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