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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. Yes and no. Since I'm not a mind-reader I don't know how bad you think it is. Yeah it was a foggy morning. One of my fav shots.
  2. Yo if they kill glen i'm gonna cut myself Also, does fire kill this brand of zombies? I didn't think it did, which is why, as ridiculous as rick's plan was, it was the only way to get them out of there. they needed to be gotten rid of because some were slipping through the cracks between the two semis, and more pressure from all the zombies pushing up against the gaps would opened them more. Anyways, first 3 eps were ok, last one was fucking boring.
  3. Oh yeah I forgot I promised a couple of people I would post some pics from North Korea. I'm not a good photographer, so photos that are worthy of uploading are few and far between. Anyways, here are a few.
  4. A friend lent me his tape of incunabula back in 94, then I bought Amber and have since bought all the LPs and EPs plus various other bits and bobs. Amber remains one of my fav albums of all time.
  5. lol technology is evil. technology is a tool. use it for your own benefit and stop blaming it for your lack of willpower.
  6. Ok so I was traveling in countries where the internet was either censored (China), non-existent (North Korea), or pretty shit (Myanmar) when all those new choons went up. The last thing I got was boxenergy4remix1, which put me at 252. Now I'm seeing some people say it's at 210, but i know that when my internet would sporadically flash into existence in Myanmar, soundcloud would pop up on the phone saying user18081971 has uploaded a new track, but I was never able to hear any of them due to shit internet so please please help a fellow out.
  7. This is acceptable usage. Organizing cables and patch cords will definitely help your workflow. You might want to look at getting a local carpenter to build you a table? Or alternatively, do it yourself - not hard. Big sheet of 1" ply, 5 4x4 posts, some 2" screws and away you go (I say 5 posts because it's a good idea to put one in the middle back of the table to distribute the weight of your gear more easily). If I do end up buying a house in Canada somewhere, can't wait to convert one of the rooms into a studio and start making tunes again.
  8. My fwp: could've != could of. Makes me wanna pull a 187 on a motherfucker.
  9. You should totally start a petition on change.org brah. Lol wtf like prisoners are gonna get processed on a weekend.
  10. I use trip advisor. I only leave reviews if I have something positive to say. Plus if you're a repeat customer at smaller shops the owner often sees those reviews and you can score some bonus shit.
  11. Flol red deer. What a shithole. I wouldn't like to live there, personally. Lots of money in the area though. Having lots of money in red deer is like being a fly living in an open sewer. Lots to eat, but it's still a pile of shit.
  12. I mean things are bad in Myanmar, but at least shit kind of works. Unrelated: my 6am flight this working was delayed 4 hours. Of course the notification through Expedia came while I was in the shower at 4 am. FML. Stuck in Bangkok airport for a few extra hours...not really enough time to get out into the city. Boo-urns.
  13. Yes yes but after a few hours slogging around in hot weather with no clean clothes it starts to accumulate Oh and North Korea makes Myanmar look like a land of freedom and endless wealth.
  14. Last day in Yangon, sad to leave. Seriously love it here. Off to Japan tomorrow with a 6 am flight. What the fuck was I thinking when I booked that flight??!!
  15. bah. You're using moisturizer as deodorant vs them using nothing as deodorant. Chen 1, Asia 0. (seriously though, during my travels deodorant wasn't even a thing for the locals. They wanted you to smell what they have been eating for the last couple weeks heh) I don't particularly care about others' odors, but I fucking stink like a rancid dogs ass after a few days with no deodorant. (Pro tip: moisturizer doesn't work)
  16. So far behind on this now...:( Still going to have to wait for two weeks until I get to Japan and have some decent internet and free time.
  17. 5 days in Beijing, 5 days in North Korea, 6 days in Seoul done. Now doing 2 weeks in Burma and 1 week in Japan. One lost suitcase and a few days of using moisturizer as deodorant in North Korea were the low points so far lol.
  18. I was at this live. Could have thrown a frisbee at Kim Jeong Un. It was fucking mental.
  19. That was at 1:10pm. Today is actually much better. Blue skies.
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