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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. Yeeeeshhhh that's some special kind of florida fucked up eh?
  2. I feel your pain. I have a paper that's a year and a half late.
  3. Were you singing "bye bye miss american pie, drove your chevy to the levy but the levy was dry" the day the dankness died?
  4. 20 bucks from a vending machine in BC.
  5. Met Rick Stein on numerous occasions when I was working in Cornwall. He's a bit of a wanker.
  6. Japanese and South Korean growth in the 1960s through 1980s would beg to differ. Both of these nations utilized significant state intervention in their economic growth. neither were centrally planned economies, they were examples of your standard protectionist Keynesians if anything. externalities can always tip the scale, see Norway for a more modern example. utilizing strategic state intervention is not what I was talking about, though even strategic intervention has it's limitations, and will fail eventually in most cases. They were not centrally planned economies like the Soviets, or North Korea, but they were also not standard protectionist Keynesians. Read Alice Amsden's description of how the Korean government directed and disciplined the chaebol. It also goes into some detail about how the government got the prices "wrong". Some would argue that Korean and Japanese growth slowed after the transformation to more market based economies. Of course this is part of the problem - socialism can (and should in my opinion) involve state intervention in the economy - but every time you mention socialism to a committed right-wing, free-market nutjob (not saying you are one by the way), they jump all over it and assume you must be talking about Stalin or Mao and that sort of idiocy.
  7. Relevant:http://gawker.com/lawsuit-scumbag-pharma-price-gouger-stalked-and-harass-1732357240
  8. Japanese and South Korean growth in the 1960s through 1980s would beg to differ. Both of these nations utilized significant state intervention in their economic growth.
  9. "Socialism" is such a vacuous term. It's been abused by all sides as to become essentially meaningless.
  10. Yeah i just finished episode three, totally enjoying it now. Also just realized tonight that Martinez did the score. Wish work wasn't keeping so busy so I could marathon it. Well an episode a night is actually a pretty decent pace.
  11. Edit: sorry Limpy, that was rude of me. Here's a peace offering
  12. Ugh my office is moving to an "open" floor plan (well except the execs of course). They're shit.
  13. There are tens of millions of illegal immigrant invaders in the US, if you then count their children the numbers stack up to vast numbers that both destroy the ability of locals to be paid fairly and the tax system to cope with additional healthcare and education infrastructure etcetera (can you in anyway deny that these are not under stress) little stories mean nothing in the scheme of things, the bigger picture is a bugger and all of these people that did this are CRIMINALS for country hopping, the ones that used legal means suffer whilst these CRIMINALS are celebrated. So you are harbouring and apologizing for crims whilst hating on those locals that have been displaced from work to provide for the scab labour. get withit or perish .. This is the narrative that preys on the fear. Of course, discrimination of immigrants (both legal and illegal) is a proud Western tradition among some. From the Chinese and Japanese who helped build the railroads, to the Poles, Jews, Hungarians, Ukrainians and others who fled Europe during the first half of the 20th century. Subsequently - those immigrants have been a huge force in making America a pretty decent place to live (yes, there are problems, but it's better than a lot of places). The top estimate I could find for illegal immigrants was 20 million, from the head of the Border Patrol Officers (who wouldn't want to inflate numbers in order to make a case for increased funding, no not at all). The most widely respected numbers come from Pew research, who actually detail their methodology, and theirs works out to slightly over 11 million. In both cases they count all people, including the children. I'll compromise and take 15 million (even though I'm more inclined to trust the PEW numbers, simply because they actually detail how they got them). It should also be noted that this is the total number, not the number coming in annually, and the population has been level since 2010. 15,000,000/319,000,000 = 4.7% So um, what invasion? Now, the demographics show that the majority of illegal immigrants are under 44 years old (80%)*. So they are over-represented slightly in the workforce - making up 5.1% of the workforce. Imagine making them legal, getting them in on the system, and then reaping the tax benefits. *http://immigration.procon.org/view.resource.php?resourceID=000845#age Legal immigrants total population was about 41 million as per the last census. There's no evidence to show that they have suffered from illegal immigration any more than non-immigrant households. I would wager that many immigrant households employ illegal immigrants, either directly (as nannies for example), or through services such as lawn care, maid services, etc. So essentially, the wheel keeps on turning, this is just the latest round of "I got mine, now fuck you jack." It should also be noted that that's not the majority opinion either: http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2015/08/24/what-americans-want-to-do-about-illegal-immigration/ Now back to the kid - if they really thought it was a bomb threat - they would have evacuated the school. If it's a publicity stunt, well it's shameful to use the race card like that, but hey, if Trump can do it, why not this family. If it's not a publicity stunt, then the police fucked up by questioning him without his parents there. As to the idea that he bought the "clomb" (clockbomb, i'm doing a delet), if he had any engineering skills at all, it wouldn't be so difficult to put together a LED display, hook up a circuit board with a little program on it and away you go. Hell my friend's daughter has built way more complicated shit than that using some arduinos and some ingenuity on the hardware side - she's only 12.
  14. i wouldn't say it's just "hooh-hah" because he's the leading republican presidential candidate. when you see even 1% of his popularity drop then you'll know he's in trouble because every media company wants to be the one to report having found the donald's achilles heel so they'll really blow up the story meanwhile: a woman's kid got taken away because she refused to pray to god Any relation to Brian?
  15. Good to hear. And yeah the score, soundtrack and incidental stuff is all gorgeous.
  16. Watched Episode 1 of The Knick. Wasn't really on board until: Anyways looks like it'll be a pretty interesting watch.
  17. Can't stop watching..... my dads business partner is now a suicidal paraplegic from the neck down after doing this. There's gotta be something in there about handing out.
  18. i don't get these stories. why can't people just get everyday normal slaves? it's the height of decadence to have a slave dedicated to sex alone imo alco pls
  19. That looks pretty interesting. Thanks for the tip, Mr. Farr Will start in on "the knick" tonight. Will it hold up to Mr. Robot?
  20. Spoken with the authority that can only come from experience. My FWP: bought new trousers, upon wearing them for work, discovered they're a bit short.
  21. Yeah that would suck balls, and not in the good way. Especially doing the kind of work you're doing. You should macgyver a lock for the studio door.
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