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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. what the hell are all those westerners doing there? tourists, people on the trip with laibach, etc Pretty much exactly this. One of them is the guy who organized the whole thing (Morten Traavik), I don't recognize any of the others.
  2. Stop reading fox news, it's crippling your ability to think. Some actual analysis from people who actually study the Korean peninsula: http://thediplomat.com/2015/08/relax-the-korean-peninsula-is-not-on-the-brink-of-war/ http://thediplomat.com/2015/08/north-korea-is-mobilizing-for-war/(go to the analysis section of that piece) We've been here before: http://thediplomat.com/2015/08/north-korea-and-the-diplomatic-utility-of-violence/ South Korea's 'trustpolitik' isn't helping, because President Park isn't doing anything to move the needle on exchanges/relations between the two: http://thediplomat.com/2015/08/after-north-korea-shelling-another-look-at-south-koreas-trustpolitik/ (Yes all from the diplomat, but I can tell you from personal conversations that at least one of those authors is very much in the "realist" school of international relations and thinks engagement is a waste of time).
  3. I was thiiiis close monday. It takes a lot to get me angry, but I fucking lost my shit at a meeting. I actually ended up yelling at my boss. Had a looooong conversation with my boss afterwards which resulted in a meeting with another colleague, which has now resulted in a lot of changes that we'll present to all the worker bees Monday morning. I asked for my colleagues to change one tiny thing (make sure that all the files we recieve are 48kHz, 24bit) and then they told me that that was way too much work. And I'm not kidding. It was too much work to check if a file is in 48kHz, 24bit? What the actual fuck do they pay those employees to do?
  4. Today I learned that the Microsoft Office Specialist World Championships exist.
  5. Man protecting a muslim-free gun store accidentally shoots himself
  6. "buying one of the numbered prints online for $50 automatically enters the purchaser in a raffle to win the original confederate flag painting. a statement on florida gun supply's website speculates the original painting could be worth up to $100,000, which is the price zimmerman's last painting sold for on eBay." capitalism at it's best. if one guy gets away with selling potatoes with custom greetings, then it's a free for all. can't flim flam the zim zam Solid business model innit.
  7. Yes. There are some amazing videos of them using industrial vehicles to crush "illegal" imports. Npoess: IWTTS4M
  8. Jump to 2:02 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhBqdADSZHs&feature=youtu.be&t=122
  9. Jesus that's just grotesque. More on it here: https://medium.com/matter/i-watched-14-police-officers-take-down-a-one-legged-homeless-black-man-outside-twitter-hq-1b3a9bf10e0f
  10. No, he's a nice fellow and very good at what he's supposed to be doing, he's just not very tech-savvy. hah, you just won't fight the system will you. [-; /recommends golf Since he's from an older generation, (older than me even, christ), I place no expectations on his expertise with software. He is however, very good at what he's supposed to be doing. He didn't get to his position through aggression and backstabbing. He simply developed different presentation skills before the onset of powerpoint (which has become one of the most misused tools in an office environment). I don't expect my mechanic to be able to expound on macro-economic theory, horses for courses, etc...
  11. Yes indeedly doodly, one of my favourite stouts.
  12. No, he's a nice fellow and very good at what he's supposed to be doing, he's just not very tech-savvy.
  13. I was reading this without realizing we were in the FWP thread, and was about to suggest heading to it. But, well done, I think you have found the true meaning of first-world problems. I mean that makes my FWP pale in its magnificence (one of my managers couldn't figure out how to edit a font in our powerpoint template).
  14. mea culpa. Still, you should move to North Korea. You'd be welcomed as a hero of the revolution.\\\ (which revolution though, that's the trick) Also, love the newfie joke.
  15. unless they're lying in their interviews, BoC have been making music basically full-time since the late 1980s ... they lived in a commune (for most of this time) and made a ridiculous amount of music. i'd guess they have roughly as much stuff as RDJ. and even if they have less, i'm guessing it's higher quality than a lot of this Aphex soundcloud stuff ... I worked through most of it today and obviously 2/3rds of the tracks are crap (which is fine, that still leaves ~100 quality tracks; thanks Richard!). this is the dumbest thing two people have ever talked about points waschermann to every compson thread, ever.
  16. https://www.reddit.com/r/drunkmomtexts/
  17. Yeah they are standing up to the imperialist bastards. Lool, and they are too, when they banned perfumes that fuck with people's allergies, I wanted to move there, such a place of enlightenment as this exists, i thought, I must make haste to this new found land. But then I didn't. Since perfumes were on the list of sanctioned goods, any such ban by NK would have been meaningless. OTOH, you can find countless Chinese knock-offs of famous perfume brands (since China doesn't really abide by the sanctions much, making them essentially moot) in the departments stores there. Still, you should move there. You can rail against the Western and Japanese imperialists as much as you like, with no fear of reprisal or having your electronic communications spied on. Of course you'd have to stop making fun of Kim Jeong Un, and you wouldn't be able to post on WATMM anymore, but still, sacrifices must be made. Onward against the imperialists, comrade! In the name of the Dear Marshall Kim Jeong Un, and his father the Dear Leader Kim Jeong Il, and the Eternal President of the Republic, Supreme Leader Kim Il Sung. Together we shall smash the exploitation of the Americans and make Korea united again under the Juche ideal (right after we figure out how to feed ourselves).
  18. Yeah they are standing up to the imperialist bastards.
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