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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. Shock top isn't bad on a hot hot day sitting next to the ocean on a patio.
  2. There's a whole lot of weasel words in there. Note that the study you are referring to is from 2001, while the one I first listed is from 2014, and the resultant number of attacks increased dramatically. If we cannot infer from the data that certain breeds of dogs have aggressive traits, then you're basically saying that data collection is useless. I don't have a problem with dogs in general, hell some of my best friends have a rescue doberman, and she's the sweetest dog ever (remember when dobermans were supposed to be falling out of the sky and leaping on children to sacrifice them to the great dog in the sky? - well that was nonsense - and there were only 9 reported fatalities from 1979 - 1998), and we used to own a springer spaniel when i was younger that was great fun to play with, but I would not allow a pit bull (sorry Stephen, an American Staffordshire Terrier) into my house. Anyhow - I think I've derailed the FWP thread enough - sorry everybuddy! My FWP - the temperature outside is not cold enough to warrant a sweater, yet not warm enough to just wear a shirt. I blame global warming.
  3. Sorry Stephen G - I'll describe them better: American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, and Staffordshire Bull Terrier. *punches self in the face. with dick* What controls would you like? In a study of attacks by dogs, pit bulls were by far and away the most likely breed of dog to attack. What unsourced conjecture - they clearly state where they get their numbers. But fine here's another study, from a non-biased group: https://www.avma.org/News/Journals/Collections/Documents/javma_218_12_1923.pdf Where 42% of dog bite-related deaths were caused by pit bulls. And another: https://www.avma.org/News/Journals/Collections/Documents/javma_217_6_836.pdf Where more than half of dog bite-related fatalities were from pit-bulls or Rottweilers. Yes - other dogs can bite. This is an obvious fact. Yes, environment can play a role in a dog's behaviour. But to deny that there is something in the breeding of these dogs is willful ignorance. I'm not disputing the numbers, but they don't prove anything about innate prevalence of breeds to violence. if you don't control for the environmental conditions then the numbers are completely meaningless wrt breeds. breeds like pit bulls and rottweilers, due to their physical characteristics, and reinforced by their reputation, are far more common as guard dogs, fighting dogs, drug dealer's dogs, dog's of general assholes, all situations that reinforce violence from day one. plant a golden retriever into any of those situations and the likelihood of violence would be just as great as with any other breed. the unsourced conjecture I was referring to was with the descriptions of the dogs behavioural traits at the end btw, not the numbers. So you counter with unsourced conjecture of your own? Also the first link says that they specifically excluded attacks from police dogs, guard dogs, and dogs trained specifically to fight. Haha quality, hardcore nut allergist spaz here and i get that from the peanut lovin missus all the cunting time So all 3,400 plus cases were because the owners were cunts?
  4. What controls would you like? In a study of attacks by dogs, pit bulls were by far and away the most likely breed of dog to attack. What unsourced conjecture - they clearly state where they get their numbers. But fine here's another study, from a non-biased group: https://www.avma.org/News/Journals/Collections/Documents/javma_218_12_1923.pdf Where 42% of dog bite-related deaths were caused by pit bulls. And another: https://www.avma.org/News/Journals/Collections/Documents/javma_217_6_836.pdf Where more than half of dog bite-related fatalities were from pit-bulls or Rottweilers. Yes - other dogs can bite. This is an obvious fact. Yes, environment can play a role in a dog's behaviour. But to deny that there is something in the breeding of these dogs is willful ignorance.
  5. No, dogs aren't bred to be more aggressive, there are just certain owners who mistreat their dogs and train them to be assholes, and they tend to favour certain breeds of dogs. It wouldn't be impossible to breed dogs for aggressiveness actually, would only take a handful of generations (Russians did an interesting experiment with foxes that proves this), but that isn't what's happening here, you kick most any dog around and train him the right (wrong) way and they'll end up the same. Is it the same with humans? Probably to a degree, the assholishness is probably innate, but how it finds ways to express itself will vary wildly depending on circumstance. lol have you had a dog at some point in your life, methinks perhaps that there are as yet undiscovered dog born amoeba effecting dog owners, we must get the word out, this could be big, explain much. Also, the russians were replicating domestication and tamed the fox by selective breeding. Which then interestingly caused changes in fur colour and many of the things we see in dogs, like curled tails, etc. Nwae, to suggest that something called a fighting dog hasn't been bred to be such, not just in physical form but temperament is to be rather an odd thinker. There are many examples from the media of these types of dogs being seen as good family animals, going nuts when a small child strays into their garden. What is probably happening to cause your assessment is that a good owner is conditioning a naturally aggressive animal to be less so. Veering it's core nature towards a more sensible direction. What they should have done instead is buy something less stupid, or a cat. the russians did two experiments with foxes, one was to breed tameness, another to bread aggressiveness. so, while I am saying it's possible to do, I'm also saying it's not actually being done. unless you can provide some evidence to the contrary? your example of random dog attacks proves nothing with respect to dog breeds, as it happens with all kinds of dogs, from small yappy feckers to big dogs. any dog can attack a human, for a multitude of reasons, their is no correlation between dog breed and innate violent behavior. you, my friend, are a dog racist. Evidence: http://www.dogsbite.org/pdf/dog-attack-deaths-maimings-merritt-clifton-2014.pdf
  6. Yeah pretty much what delet said re: certain breeds of dogs bred to be more aggressive.
  7. FLOL that's fucking awesome.Maybe we can make that the new "Florida man". Texas idiot. Has a nice ring to it. Darwin award? I would certainly nominate him for one.
  8. FLOL that's fucking awesome. Maybe we can make that the new "Florida man". Texas idiot. Has a nice ring to it.
  9. http://www.vox.com/2015/7/1/8876667/black-church-fires God and racists are burning black churches.
  10. The robot of course. Don't just let him get away with it! Quick! Someone call Will Smith! gettinjiggywithit.gif
  11. Never knowingly listened to any of his music until I heard this in a mix the other day: Think the album is great, gonna check out further - half-listened to "Illinois" while i was making breakfast today.
  12. Squee, your workplace always makes me happy-that I don't work there. ban ban He shot me down.
  13. I thought it was the Jews? Are Aztecs the next big thing for illuminati defeators?
  14. Unfortunately the links you provide are either outdated or mislead through obfuscation. If you bother to read the actual Civil Marriage Act in Canada, it specifically provides for refusal to marry based on religious belief: The lawsuit that you cite was decided upon public communication of hate speech, and did not prevent the individual in question from practicing his belief in private. You can read the full decision here: http://scc-csc.lexum.com/scc-csc/scc-csc/en/item/12876/index.do Oh and the Magna Carta is mostly an irrelevant document that has been mythologized And finally, if you think gay people have more rights in China than in Russia, you're very very wrong. Hey chunky. sup?
  15. Usually I try not to respond to your inanity, but really? Gay marriage has been legal in Canada for a decade now, and churches are not required to perform same-sex marriage ceremonies, nor do they face reprisal for not performing them. Since Canada is fairly analogous to the U.S., it seems fairly obvious that this nonsense you are writing will not come to pass. Oh and hey chunky. Sup?
  16. lol A couple of months ago some guy I know sent me a message on Facebook. I did not read the message, but I thought I knew what he wanted to ask me, so I wrote back: "Sure thing, man!". Turns out I didn't know what he wanted to ask me, because he asked if I wanted to buy an Espro. So, I accidently just bought another coffee brewer. I have like 5 different ones already. Anyway, that was a couple of months ago and tonight I'm seeing him and some other guys, so I'm sure he's bringing the Espro and will ask for his money. God damnit. Ok, so I tried the Espro last night. It was pretty fucking good. Such a nice and smooth cup of coffee. pls compare to aeropress is it just French Press with less sediment? Aeropress has nothing on the Espro. Compared to a normal French press the Espro has 2 filters that are 9 and 12 times finer than common french press filters, so there's absolutely no grit in your mouth once you reach the bottom of the cup. I got three cups of coffee, each brewed on the Espro, a French press, and a Chemex. The French press was muddy as you'd expect, the Chemex was a bit too bitter, but the Espro was so god damn smooth and clean. Bro how fine are you grinding your beans bro? French press needs a medium coarse grind bro. I never get grit in my coffee.
  17. Man. That is some awesome shit. I see dank memes for days.
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