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Everything posted by chenGOD

  1. my stupid fwp is that people post serious shit up in this thread. animal abuse/suffering? Come on dude, we're talking about "angry birds is slow on my 'droid" or, "too many pizza varieties to choose form when stoned". ;)
  2. I don't want to hear "random users choose their favourite AFX track". I want to hear what he thinks would make a compelling release/series of releases. Failing that, something curated by Mike P. (too busy running a great label), Sean and Rob (too busy decoding alien signals into human music), Tom J. (too busy designing new masks), or Luke V. (too busy being a boss). But really, really, really what I want is for the stream of great music to keep flowing!
  3. D14 - must be ages old. Pretend Analog extmx 2b - I'd hazard a guess that it's made around the same time as the analord stuff. edit: and jus biked in again to say that I fucking love PAE2b. good lord how did this not get pressed up.
  4. ooph latest two tracks are noisy!!! loving 5 7z. Such a great track for my commute this morning.
  5. Note they only voted against it because some trade legislation they wanted passed wasn't going to be passed. Still, I agree that not being able to amend a trade treaty conducted in secret is ridiculous. Also reading the comments on that article filled me with bottomless despair.
  6. Can we do what's wrong with Alabama while we're here? http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/drill-sergeant-from-hell-grandmother-who-made-her-granddaughter-run-for-hours-until-she-died-sentenced-to-life-in-prison-10244405.html
  7. Are they the same girl? Both have tattoos on their left arm Judging by the facebook profile pic and sheer edginess, I'd say yes. I wonder if she does it for the rush, the backwardness or the adaptation.
  8. luke - I think you bring up some very valid points. The IP section as far as I know is separate to the ISDS section, although it's been a little while since I read the leaked documents. Regardless, the IP section is the one that I have the biggest issues with. It's far too stringent and does basically nothing to foster innovation. I did some research/writing on MNCs and ISDS cases in NAFTA as an undergrad, and I concluded that while they do cede too much leeway to the corporations for suing, the panel decisions this far have not been ultimately disastrous. My opinion here is that TPP actually levels the playing field somewhat, as previously, it had been mostly US corps doing the dirty work. With regards to the FDI, I can't say I'm an expert, but from what I've read it seems that there is a marginal effect in play - that is, ISDS provision do increase FDI flows, but only up to a certain level - if the ISDS provisions are too strong, the effect is reduced considerably. The maths on some of those papers went a little over my head, and I had to get my much smarter friend to explain some of the results to me. Since I trust him implicitly, I have no reason to doubt the results of the papers. There was one very long paper from some Dutch analysts that basically said the risks from ISDS clauses are overstated, and that mitigation of them is possible with careful negotiation. Now, the issue that goDel brings up is an important one - I'm all for improved transparency in these dispute settlements, and I very much disagree with allowing lawyers who can represent corps in the future sit on the arbitration panel. If there was one thing I would suggest you urge your congressperson/senator to consider on the TPP (or TTIP, if that one bothers you) it would be wording that removes this conflict of interest. As the provisions for those panels currently sit, they are not transparent at all.
  9. If you are intent on staying put, then don't waste money on rent. You will eventually own the place you buy, and paying your mortgage is much more sensible than spending money on rent.
  10. They don't support Qatar Air - they paid to sponsor FC Barcelona - jersey sales bring in mega bucks for them. When FC Barcelona signed the sponsorship deal (the first in the club's history) in 2010, the issues were not receiving the kind of attention they are today. Barcelona is reportedly considering dropping the sponsor at the end of this year as the contract runs out and they are not comfortable with the social situation. Nike has never shied away from controversial labour practices though - remember this? http://urbanlegends.about.com/library/blnike.htm
  11. Luke: brief reply now- curious why you think ISDS provisions are anti-constitutional? ISDS provisions have been around for a long time (and I do have my concerns about overreach by corps and lack of proper oversight for tribunals) and they haven't caused the end of the world yet. Are they perfect? No. And I think some things in the ISDS provisions should be changed. The real worry for me in the TPP is the IP related stuff.
  12. TPP is happening, and while there are some (big) issues with it, on the whole, expanded trade is good for us (denizens of watmm generally not living in developing nations). Trade agreements are never set in stone, and shit can always be disputed at the WTO. Beyond that, furthering economic ties increases stability and security in general.
  13. I'm pretty sure the only thing sure to follow is more idiocy on your part. Why is it scary that people have guns? Hey that's a great rebuttal. I tell you what, I'll bet you one album purchase max 20 bucks that an innocent muslim gets shot in the US in 2015. Those idiots who opened fire at the draw-a-prophet thing (a stupid idea - almost certainly guaranteed to cause an incident) were not innocent, so don't think I'm condoning them. As to your last question, it's not scary that people have guns per se. There are a lot of guns up here in Canada. What's scary is that people feel the need to walk around shopping malls with machine guns, or that concealed carry is totally legal in all states along with stand your ground laws in many states (23 states have stand your ground laws) that would make it difficult to press murder charges unless there was an eyewitness or video evidence. Some jackoff in Florida or Arizona loses his shit cause he thinks you cut him off, then whips out his gun in the heat of the moment? So I guess what I'm trying to say is that your gun "laws" are ridiculous. Whoever wrote about the religion of peace thing - please, take a look at how many muslims there are in the world, and then look at how many are actively killing christians. Do you honestly, honestly think the actions of a few represent the whole? There's a far higher chance of being killed by a Christian if you're living in the US. Edit: and yes that's fucked up JE. I hope your sister stays safe, along with you and the rest of your family of course.
  14. For realz...when the fuck are they gonna fix animated gifs in crappatalk?
  15. I've been suffering from writer's block for a little over a year now - two reports due to finish my master's...blech. If the panel is an interview type setting, just address the weakness head on - say something along the lines of you recognize that your writing is not your strongest aspect of your job performance, but you are working on it blah blah. Anyways - soldier on - industry reports suck balls.
  16. chenGOD


    I like the bandcamp approach - buy the music, and get streaming as well. Does anyone on here who sells music through bandcamp want to chime in with their experience? Good/bad/meh?
  17. Well damn, looks like I'll have to make do with the 128 versions for now.... but hot damn am I ever excited about this set of 128 kbps tracks!!!!
  18. I don't know about all y'all, but if I were a muslim living in Texas (or anywhere in the south really) I'd get the hell out before I was subjected to anymore of that famous "southern hospitality". http://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/05/us/garland-texas-shooting-muhammad-cartoons.html
  19. Great suggestion. Bukowski is the man. Hit and miss sometimes but when he hits he HITS!!! any special book or whatever he did u recommend? Factotum or Ham on Rye. His poetry collections are great as well.
  20. Go and drink as much as you can for free. Do it for Bukowsky.
  21. Of course I'm on vacation with no earbuds. Fuuuuu.. well come Sunday night I'll have lots to look forward to!!
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