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Posts posted by Entorwellian


    Glad to have the Vancouver one. I completely forgot how it sounded because I was fucked up on a lot of substances. Mainly just remember ambermonk, sweepstakes and throwing a small asian man into the crowd at the end. I was FUCKED.

    Lol that's about all I remember too, I don't even remember the small Asian man. I had a great time kicking it with the WATMM upper left coast massive. I remember making a couple obnoxious comments but I remember close to 0% of the set.



    I barely remembered the small Asian man too. It was only a day after the show that a person that saw me there asked "Why did you swing and throw that small Asian man into the crowd near the end?" that I recalled it.

    It was a sick show and hope to go to the next one just as fucked.

  2. Glad to have the Vancouver one. I completely forgot how it sounded because I was fucked up on a lot of substances. Mainly just remember ambermonk, sweepstakes and throwing a small asian man into the crowd at the end. I was FUCKED.

  3. Saw the netflix version of Fyre and the teflon documentary "The Devil We Know." They were way too easy and sympathetic on the perpetrators, promoters and, if anything, should have been framed as a scathing critique of late-stage capitalism and advertising in general. The Fyre Festival one especially. Rich kid "entrepreneur" having his perverted wish entertained by desperate employees by waving a paycheque in front of them, and they were framing it as "a charismatic con man." I got the same vibes from McFarland as I do from Elon Musk. Ja Rule just seems greedy and stupid as fuck. I heard the Hulu doc paid him McFarland 6 figure sum to be in theirs so he scammed people again!


    The only saving grace from it was that he fleeced a bunch of rich kids in the process.

  4. I always thought that Cicilisuite, Peel Sessions 1 & 2 and Stop Look Listen off of WAP100 would make a great album together. They all have a similar texture that would of coincided with LP5

  5. Ordered from the bcannabisstores.com again. The first time was alright but I wasn't too impressed this time around. My sealed container was opened and the buds were pretty dry, had lots of shake, and didn't have much of a smell. It was packaged in early December. I was sketched out. Did the measuring with a digital scale and there was 3.5 g inside, but when it came to vaping it I would call it a "lackluster mid", and this is paying more than what the medical dispensary charges. Did the post delivery guy open it maybe? Dunno if I would order it online again.

  6. I keep finding that I'm taking more and more out of my studio and gotten it down to about 4 pieces of gear altogether, laptop included. It feels really dependent on environment, space and necessity. I put some spider plants around my desk and have a laptop-holding arm clamp hold the laptop in the air while using only a korg MS-20, SQ-1, Microverb, MIDI interface all three and a behringer mixer. I'm finding myself more creative the less tactile the experience is for me and fewer user interface things there are. Took me a few years but hitting a bunch of drum pads and manually recording knob changes aint my thing.

  7. Uh this is kind of weird, cause it's not my problem, and it's not in the first world. My good friend is being held in a Chinese prison.

    Some other mutual friends have started a gofundme to help him out.

    The goal is modest, and I know none of us here are wealthy IDM scions, but any little bit would really help.



    The dude was doing business with Kim Jong Un??!?!

    Uhh... Something doesn't feel right about that.

  8. Worst back problems I've had weren't caused by any physical exertion but simply tweaking it weirdly when sitting down.


    Yeah same here. I've put my body through a lot of physical abuse with outdoor activities but I think my worst back and neck problems were caused by too much sitting, both at the computer and in the car. I've been doing these stretches that I have linked on my website that have been helping a lot but holy god they are hard to do for such simple movements.

  9. I'm only on my second listen through, just finished nts1 again.  Is anyone treating these as 4 double albums?  ie. just absorbing #1 for the next few months before moving onto the next?  Considering my listening habits that probably would have been a good way to go about this, along with their last 2 releases.  I'm still not at all familiar with either Ae Live or that other one that came after it.


    Been listening to it in my car and yes, completely agree on the 4 double-album thing. NTS 2 and 3 have a lot of similarities, but NTS 1 and NTS 4 stand out a lot on their own as seperate entities. El-Seq felt more like it was a whole, monolithic album.

  10. Also fuck owls. Every year I get attacked by Snowy Owls and those fuckers are mean. One of them attacked the back of my head and I thought someone hit me with a baseball bat. The only warning I had was hearing it's wings beating behind me. I always have to look up at the sky and behind me constantly when I'm hiking on the trails.



    This fucker right here:



  11. Who is this Sonic The Hedgehog film for?


    Like, seriously — what demographic is it for?


    Has Sonic become trendy with the kids again? If so, that would explain why the sudden film. But I think most kids are interested in Fortnite and stupid fucking dances.


    It can't be for the people who first played Sonic, since most of those people are in their 30s. So who is this film for?




    That guy, and the millions like him.


    Austistic people just flock to Sonic more than anything else. This has also been proven scientifically. I had to sit through a lecture on behavioural psychology and had to try my hardest not to laugh as the professor was explaining, in great detail, his autistic's patients inexplicable fascination with hedgehogs.


    ...I honestly think euthanasia is the most humane option for these people right now.

  12. Week 4 - Everything is almost back to normal. Still have insomnia up the wazoo but my lungs have almost reversed 100% and I've gone off my inhalers no problem. I was vaping WAY too much (1-3 grams a day was ridiculous) compared to when I talked to other people about how much they vapourize. I went and got bloodwork done and my eosinophils were back in the normal range (7%, just at the edge) I definitely don't want this to happen again so I'm going to limit myself to two about 0.25g a day (two arizer stems) and maybe just limit it to weekends only. Maybe take a week off each month. Apparently only 1 in 3 people have withdrawal symptoms off of weed, but those that do get it pretty bad. Mentally I feel about the same as I did on it but the physical symptoms were outrageous. I am happy that the symptoms are reversible at the very least.


    Also I made 3 vodka tinctures of a high thc, high cbd and a 1:1 (as per joyrex's suggestion) and i'll stick with those for the time being. 70% alcohol base apparently is good enough.

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