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Posts posted by Entorwellian

  1. That is a really messy patch, but not super complicated. His dac~ is in the middle of everything, ffs. There are unlabelled subpatchers there too so I have no idea what is going on even being literate in Max. He obfuscated it like that by choice to make himself look like he knows more than he does.

  2. 12 hours ago, MadellisTheSixth said:

    tossing up between buying Renoise or getting a yearly sub to Max 8.. I love the workflow in Renoise. Does anybody use it with a laptop (w/o numpad)?

    Get Renoise unless you see yourself spending a lot of time reading and programming. I also use it with a laptop(no numpad) and it owns.

    • Like 1
  3. Three things I can think of:

    1. You'd have to have both programs and then use something like ReWire to use one to control parts of the other, or vice versa. This is the sanest option.

    2. You could also export everything out as midi and wav data separately when you transfer one to the other, but that is both time consuming and prone to many errors. I don't recommend doing this option, but its the most straight forward one.

    3. Both of you could use ableton and then pick up Redux, which is the vst plugin version of Renoise. This is the most expensive option.


    Whatever the case, you can't save a renoise file as an ableton file, and can't save albeton as a renoise file.

  4. 51 minutes ago, Stickfigger said:

    I'm really into the first 4 tracks and the last tracks.


    Not a fan of that Boc track that recycles the drum break from Oversteps 

    Pretty much my take of it too. Good starter and ending, but the middle tracks are just kind of *there*.


    31 minutes ago, modey said:

    I'd love to see Max4Renoise actually. I've always thought it'd be a better fit than Ableton (though I understand why that particular partnership happened).

    Omg yes that would be incredible. I'm using jit.matrix right now in max for the tracker interface part but having the entirety of renoise inside it would be insanely powerful.

  6. On 5/9/2019 at 11:22 PM, plugexpert said:


    Dunno about the devs tracking dogmas,  but I think available development time is the reason you wont see that soon. Taktik has shared juggling multiple projects on more than one OS plus a family. Being the sole programmer at the moment he picks his battles wisely. I wouldn't mind stuff like that but would rather see more nerd stuff, moar pattern commands ?.

    Redux and that "alike-samples" finder thing were duds.

    Not just pianoroll and loop point modulation, but there are some ways that I'd like to chain fx send signals back into previous fx tracks in a recursive manner and it's impossible to do so in Renoise. There are obvious reasons why it's disabled, but I'd rather be allowed to do it and risk my audio project exploding than to not be allowed to do it at all. It's why I use Max to 'fill in the gap' in that respect.

  7. Great program but the development team is too conservative with wanting to keep everything the way it is. It's still my number 1 DAW of choice and there are quality of life additions that could make it so much more better, but the orthodox userbase would throw a shitfit for blasphemy if they were ever implemented.

  8. Zizek is a windbag with no qualms about talking vehemently about things he knows nothing about. Just listen to him talking about depleted bee populations. Plus he hates Chomsky, so he can shove it IMO.


    Pretty much. Zizek respects Chomsky though, given how often he cites Manufacturing Consent in his talks. I think its more their schools of philosophy: Chomsky comes from the cognitive psychology, political and lingustic sciences and is someone that critiques not only the content but the way someone uses language for persuasion methods. Zizek is with the psychoanalysis/german school of thought and comes off as anti-scientific and bordering on charlatanism with his use of posturing and polysyllables to hide the lack of scientific theory on a subject.


    Having said that, Zizek is a great 'pop icon' and I think he has a shot at de-programming the Jordan Peterson followers and make them interest in learning more about political theory outside of the usual conservative dogma.

    • Like 1
  9. Did your tolerance ever decrease enough to where you could enjoy it again? I haven't smoked in a few months but I'm fairly certain it'll just have the same effect. Oh and did it ever make you kind of irrational due to things being more intense?


    Major anxiety seems incredibly common. First year or two is the 'honeymoon' period, then enjoyment tanks. Actually now that I think about it, I think I did have some kind of withdrawal when I was smoking the most 2-3 years back. I was super irritable and short fused when on it, and remember being still more irritable than my sober 'baseline' if you want to call it that. Smoking makes everything more intense now so I end up over-reacting to things. Whereas it used to make everything less intense.


    So I suppose now I know why many people in their 30s-40s+ who like weed have a blunt or two hidden around the house for special occasions. I used to figure they just got bored of it and grew up, but many of them probably experienced what I'm experiencing now.


    I'm really dumbing this down because I don't remember the specifics, but there have been recent studies that show that long-term chronic users have pruning of cannabinoid receptors in their neurons because of the overabundance of it in the body. When you stop cold turkey, neurons stop the pruning process and start creating more and more until you put it back into your body again. However, the neurons prune back even faster to where they were before because its the body's new homeostasis setting that its used to.


    Fortunately, cannabinoid receptors (CB1 ones at least) return really fast after an absence of weed in your system and 50% back to normal after about 36-48 hours. Consuming it every other day will keep your tolerance levels balanced. After 72 hours, its about 75%, with a full week being roughly 100%. So basically a t-break doesn't have to be any longer than 2-3 days.

  10. https://www.dynavap.com/dynashop/vaporizers/special-products/the-m/the-m-2018-m


    Got this little doohickey along with a water pipe that is comaptible with it. God damn this thing gets me wrecked more than joints, concentrates or any of my other vaporizers. It uses up the entire load in about 3-4 hits and you get a 10 minute vape session in about 90 seconds. I'm ripped out of my mind for a good hour and still feel it for another 3. I'm going to get the omnivap titanium version of this next because this is the best vaporizer I've ever used. Only thing that sucks is that temp control is hard, as it is dependent on which length of the cap you heat up. It also looks like a meth pipe.


    Its also only $70 Canadian and is powered by butane, bic lighter, your stovetop pilot light, heating element, campfire, hot plate, whatever.


    Also fuck owls. Every year I get attacked by Snowy Owls and those fuckers are mean. One of them attacked the back of my head and I thought someone hit me with a baseball bat. The only warning I had was hearing it's wings beating behind me. I always have to look up at the sky and behind me constantly when I'm hiking on the trails.



    This fucker right here:



    have u considered u might deserve it.


    No its not like I'm a rape victim




    this vid gave me mad nostalgia

    edit how tf do u embed


    Actually i'm still using the same pirate copy of Cool Edit 2000 since... around 2000 i guess. Still does the trick.


    I wish I could still use the original Cool Edit (before Pro), but it won't even run on modern OS or machines. I made an entire EP back in my freshman year of high school using only that and Stomper.



    Happy to let you know that Windows 10 updated their legacy drivers about a year ago and Cool Edit works beautifully again. Not 100% sure about the non pro version, but the pro version was broken for a while. Lots of the things that make cooIedit pro so amazing is that there are no limits to the rational numerical values you can put in the effects and options. You can put in negative values and values exceeding the 16 bit architecture, which would lead to either an amazing new effect or the program just outright crashes from an overflow error. It's incredible enough that I made the switch back to it from Reaper.

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