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Posts posted by Entorwellian

  1. I have it here too. It was a huge problem for me from 2012-2016. The first "gluten attack"  I had I thought I was having a heart attack. It was the second most painful thing I ever went through. I eat nothing but beans, rice, lots of vegetables, eggs and the occasional white meat. It sucked the first couple of months but your brain adjusts and makes the boring food more flavorful for you. I felt so much better and it is a relief not having to run to the bathroom 15 times a day.


    Before that I had a really bad diet. Like cinnamon toast crunch for breakfast, pizza for lunch and then ribs and fries for dinner for like 15 years.

  2. Canadian workers can apply for EI without the week-long wait if they become sick: https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/liberals-support-workers-businesses-covid-19-1.5493454 If I don't die, this is a huge relief.

    God fucking damn I feel so bad for you Americans and your frontline workers there. It's at a point of being a cover-up on how criminal their government's response as been, going so far as preventing Seattle from doing their own test. That is revolutionary-starting material.

  3. 8 hours ago, KingBo0 said:

    Seattle Washington... Currently the worst place to live in the US concerning the virus.

    It's currently the best place to live in the US because they are the only ones responding rationally to it. The rest of the country is fucked up beyond all measure. I hope you and your mom do well during all of this. Wash your hands like 6 times a day, bleach and wash down your door knobs once a day, and above all don't touch your faces.

  4. 57 minutes ago, thawkins said:


    This looks like obscure devices from 80s offices. I like it.

    But why should I get a box that is a tracker? I think the aesthetic demands a beat up old laptop with a clunky MIDI interface and some weird tracker software instead.

    forreal. grab a laptop from 2008-2012 for like $250 and load up milkytracker or renoise to achieve the same result.

    • Like 1
  5. 32 minutes ago, BCM said:

    Four out of five people who contract coronavirus will only experience mild symptoms, a WHO examination of data from 56,000 patients says.


    About one billion people catch [normal] influenza every year, with between 290,000 and 650,000 deaths.



    The 1918 Spanish Flu, which is a corona virus, was "just a flu" during the spring as well and had an identical rate to the flu as well, with more elderly people dying than other demographics. During the fall of the same year, the Spanish flu came back with a vengeance and killed off 3% of the population within a month, which was under 2 billion at the time. The population has quadrupled since then and the same thing is likely to happen when the second wave comes. It didn't discriminate this time and it killed far more young healthy people that time around because the first wave primed the immune systems of those infected and the subsequent cytokine secretions went out of control.

    • Sad 2
  6. 1 hour ago, BCM said:

    good quote from a guardian article:

    "When hysteria is rife, we might try some history. In 1997 we were told that bird flu could kill millions worldwide. Thankfully, it did not. In 1999 European Union scientists warned that BSE “could kill 500,000 people”. In total, 177 Britons died of vCJD. The first Sars outbreak of 2003 was reported by as having “a 25% chance of killings tens of millions” and being “worse than Aids”. In 2006, another bout of bird flu was declared “the first pandemic of the 21st century”, the scares in 2003, 2004 and 2005 having failed to meet their body counts.
    Then, in 2009, pigs replaced birds. The BBC announced that swine flu “could really explode”. The chief medical officer, Liam Donaldson, declared that “65,000 could die”. He spent £560m on a Tamiflu and Relenza stockpile, which soon deteriorated. The Council of Europe’s health committee chairman described the hyping of the 2009 pandemic as “one of the great medical scandals of the century”. These scenarios could have all come to pass of course – but they represent the direr end of the scale of predictions. Should public life really be conducted on a worst-case basis?"


    There is one thing that makes this different from all other epidemics: TRUMP

    • Burger 1
  7. https://arxiv.org/pdf/2002.03086.pdf

    Supermassive black holes, while giant cleansers of everything, also create huge amounts of water and organic compounds. When black holes collide or galaxies merge, their mass increases and stars stop forming as the black hole emits "active galactic nuclei" and the subsequent xray emission interact with the outer gases in the outer part of the galaxy  and start the process of creating water and tholin, which is a precursor to life when oxygen is added.


    We might have all come from a black hole colliding with another black hole.


    Also interesting and on topic: The last time our own galaxy had an active galactic nuclei event was a little over 3 million years ago, right before the first precursors of humans began to show up on Earth.

    • Like 3
  8. A Warning From a Scientist Who Saw the Coronavirus Coming
    slate.com/March 05, 2020
    'Mary Harris: Tens of thousands of people have been diagnosed with this disease worldwide, with more than 3,000 deaths. Yet there have been few deaths in the U.S. so far. Do we actually know how many cases are stateside? It’s been reported that we’re not testing that much, but that might change soon.

    Peter Daszak: In most outbreaks, you never really know when it begins, what the true caseload is, what the environment is. All you can see are the people who come to the hospital and get tested and diagnosed. You don’t see people with mild infections, or people who are pretty sick in poor communities and just don’t make it, or people in communities that have trouble traveling.

    When people start rolling out those test kits, we’re going to find a lot of cases in the U.S. and it’s going to look like this is spreading out of control. The truth is: It’s probably already been there, probably, and we’re now finding that out.'

    Just keep your filthy hands away from your filthy faces and from all of those other filthy places that other filthy people have been touching with their filthy hands.

    Sounds like hyperbole, but nope. Just assume that everything is filthy. Stay clean. Assume that it is in your neighborhood before you hear about it, because it already is.

    It's pretty much past the time to do the fist bump with everyone you would normally shake hands with and to get used to it. There is no shame, just assume everyone else is infected, and assume it's time for them to assume the same for you. Use your pinky or a knuckle to touch the card reader, and wash it all off anyway after. Do the scrub, soon.

    Do it all to slow down the transmission rates and allow an eventual vaccine to be created and/or the virus to decide that it wants to evolve into something less virile. Do it all because you don't want to get sick.



    This is the best advice I've read for dealing with the pandemic.

    tl;dr version: it's been here a lot longer than we realize and the best way to fight it is to wash your god damn hands, assume the virus is on everything, and don't touch your face. Don't do this: 

    https://pcmdnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/eat-poop.mp4 and assume everyone does this when you are not looking.

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