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Posts posted by Entorwellian

  1. Just to report back: I abstained for nearly 3 weeks and my asthma pretty much gone. Felt better but was still waking up with a crummy feeling and feeling a bit sick. After drinking about 4 glasses of water I was back to normal. Most of my symptoms got a lot better.


    Fast forward to yesterday where I went up to meet with some buddies and had about 0.2g of vaped cannabis. An hour later I get a burning periphreal neuropathy in my arms and legs, blood pressure shooting through the roof and my throat seized up dry-like. The neuropathy is still lingering around this evening but it looks like cannabis is off the table for good for me.

  2. speaking of the tx81z, i'm working on a tribute in reaktor that is close to being finished. here's a peek..




    you can see that it expands upon the envelopes by giving you dx7 style ones, and the times of each env can be made longer or shorter with velocity and or keyboard position. also, the SCL knob moves all the times down together so that when an env needs to be made longer or shorter you don't need to change each time knob. also as you can probably tell there are no algorithms, just free patching (as much as i like algorithms as a good jumping off point for patch creation).


    so far i'm pretty happy with the sound, it certainly doesn't have the magic of the TX81Z but i think it's just as fun to use. only using about 12% cpu on my laptop with 8 voices of polyphony. i've already made a sample pack with it which i'll post ITT soon and i'll put the patch up when it's done.

    That looks really cool. You did a good job on the UI parts. Would love to hear it.

  3. Thank you guys so much. I got the CBD tincture but haven't used it. Think a good month sounds like a plan to let everything heal up. It's been a week now and the sweats and chills are gone. IBS is starting to return to normal as well. The insomnia sucks but that's mild compared to the asthma attacks, which were frightening. They have tapered off a lot now and I gone my first night without having to use the ventolin. I was using my rescue inhaler 4 times a day on top of the two QVAR puffs  :cerious: . Yep its addiction alright.


    The weed capsules and ediblesrock but they can take up to 4 hours to kick in. Tinctures seem to be hit or miss with me, even with the 'holding under the tongue' and I can't make my own because B.C. prohibits the sale of everclear unless you are a pharmacist or doctor. I'm going by health canada's guidelines now for medical cannabis with dosing. If i am vaping more than 0.15g x 3 a day, its considered heavy use (abuse) so I think keeping under that will be required now. If the attacks return then yeah I think edibles and decarb'd capsules are the only method to go.


    On the plus side I'm more productive now that I have been in years.

  4. I've been thinking that the reason FO76 isn't available on steam and is Bethesda.net exclusive is so that they wouldn't be subject to refunds. Although I'm not certain whether refunds are an option on their proprietary service or not.


    But who am I to judge. I haven't tried it yet. But I might later, who knows.


    I'd wait. I think it might become a free-to-play game in the coming months considering how negative the reviews are coming in.

  5. Anecdotal report here: I've smoked cannabis for a heck of a long time, and consider my self a very-heavy user (anywhere from 2-12 joints a day). I've quit several times and had not too many side effects, except for excessive dreams and mostly psychological. Fast forward to the last year that I have vapourizerd weed heavily (1-3 grams a day) for the past year and a half. I'm on my first t-break for this and I am having insane amounts of physiological symptoms. I never thought it was addictive due to the lack of physiological symptoms, aside from irritability and fatigue, but it's been pretty brutal this time around.


    Within the first 2 days I was excessively going between hot and cold flashes, irritable bowel syndrome, sweating a gallon of water at night, intense dreams where I am waking up every hour, chest tightness, wheezing, itch in the back of my throat, and I think my inhalers are not working as well anymore. I was drinking about 12 glasses of water a day and my body still feels like it needs more. All of these happened at night time, whereas during the day I am mostly fine.I think the only benefit I've had so far is that I don't cough anymore and my mucus is more watery now than chunky before. I never had these when I quit joints and bongs. I haven't found anyone else who has experienced this on the internet. I honestly would have thought I had the flu or COPD, but I have no fever and the spirometry tests ruled out COPD for me as an issue.


    I don't know if it is due to vaping or what but jesus christ marijuana addiction and withdrawal is a real thing.

  6. Do we know anything about how they made this? I was thinking they might have used this: http://warmplace.ru/soft/ans/ , it's from the creator of SunVox which has been mentioned in AAA iirc.


    Max/Msp/Jitter is both for audio and visual arts. The nature of the program lets you exchange data between both types. The visual add-on came on later than the msp (audio generation), and before msp it was just max (data for midi generation and graphic user interfaces) so you hear more about the audio stuff than the visual from it. There are objects in there that allow you to build what Autechre have. Heck, one of the first series of new tutorials in the program is to build your own version of mspaint.





  7. Splesh

    A post about Splesh


    What's the deal with Splesh anyway? I think I really like it, but when I first heard it I was like "alright then". It has that ridiculous watery reverb going on, that sorta clubby bass, it fades out into All End for some reason. Has Splesh+all end happened yet?... I mean I don't know. It doesn't take itself seriously in the slightest. It's completely ridiculous and yet I never turn it off. I feel like it must be one of their more divisive tracks ever made. It sounds really obnoxious to me, but there are nice little details in there as well.



    Splesh is legit good and goofy, but not fLh goofy.

  8. Now that it's been a month since legalization passed and overall I think Canada did a good job (Ontario exempted), there are definitely some positives and a few negatives that I've witnessed.




    • Health Canada's cannabis information, for both recreational and medical, does a very good job at informing readers about the current research findings, allowable smoking and vaping locations, safety, symptoms it treats and potential health problems that can occur (cannabinoid hypermesis syndrome, c nerve fiber irritation from toxins and hot air, etc...) and even dosage and temperature recommendations for vaporizers. All the cited research comes from respectable journals and government websites. There is so much to learn on there that I've learned a new breathing technique and use far less cannabis than before now that I've learned to vaporize at lower temperatures (180-185 instead of 210) and cut down my consumption by a factor of 10! I'm probably only vaping 0.3-0.5 grams throughout the day and feel pretty high off it. This is coming from someone that was smoking 7 joints a day. They've borrowed a lot from the dutch model and it will be interesting to see what the research will reveal in time.
    • Far less anxiety with law enforcement and judgement. It feels weird carrying a water piece outdoors on the streets and sidewalk, but it's slowly starting to feel semi-normal. No one cares except for stingey geriatrics now.
    • Pardons for anyone who was arrested for possessing an ounce or less, and only a 200 dollar fine for most offenses.
    • The government weed ranges from alright to *very* good. I ordered two 3.5g containers of a cheap one (God bud) and a more pricey one (Shishkaberry). The pricey one was on par with the medical dispensery's stuff and was pretty powerful. The Godbud was the gov'ts version of domestic beer and was about 1 dollar more per gram than what I pay for my medical versions. It was a bit drier than I would have liked, had some shake at the bottom, and the taste was kinda so-so. It got me high, but that's about it.



    • It's a bit pricey relative to B.C.'s prices. It didn't make a dent in the black market. The legal cannabis ended up being a bit pricier because they have to send it to get tested in a lab. This also lead to some pot taking longer to process than others, and you can end up with pot that was packaged a month or two ago and can have an increase in thc degradation and more shake at the bottom. I think a good compromise would be to get the black market dudes to be allowed to apply for craft-weed licenses to compliment the government sales.
    • The only people that really benefit from legalization are white, rich people. since most outdoor areas have vaping and smoking being forbidden, as well as concentrates and edibles are not allowed to be sold. Consumption is mostly limited to private residences and there are no cannabis lounges really allowed to operate (No fuckin way am I going to sexpest Marc Emery's downtown.) Lots of the laws in place still make it easy to target minorities and the poor with some b/s, but the consequences are less severe than before.
    • Ontario fucked up in so many ways it's almost comical.
  9. Anyone able to help me with a super boring max issue? Might be a little difficult to describe but I'll try my best.


    So after way too long of putting it off, I'm trying to set up a half-decent storage system that's adaptable to whatever abstractions I've got in the patch. I've got a master pattrstorage in my main patch, and then another pattrstorage in a sequencer abstraction, named so that it's recognised as a unique object for each instance of the abstraction that's loaded in (i.e with #1_seq). The pattrstorage in the abstraction is linked up to a preset object, so I can quickly save and change states, with the master pattrstorage then saving the states of multiple different instances of the abstraction. Hope this makes sense so far.


    So what I want is in the sequencer abstraction to have an internal sequencer that can cycle through a set of the saved presets. Issue is, this obviously can't be linked to the abstraction's pattrstorage because then each preset includes the state of the internal sequencer, resulting in a loop where the internal seq changes the main seq state which in turn changes the state of the internal seq. So is there a way to have the internal seq settings be ignored by the abstraction's pattrstorage, but recognised by the master pattrstorage?


    I've been messing around with subscribe messages and a few other approaches but nothing seems to work. Would really appreciate any suggestions.

    I tried working on this but I could not come up with a solution either. I tried experimenting using the pattrhub object and with the subscribe mode arguments for pattrstorange but I can't find anything that will work with that level of abstraction you want. Though I have never worked with multiple pattrstorages either. 

  10. Thanks and yeah Cornell method is better for retaining lots of information I find. I have a video link about it on my webpage but the just of it is that you jot down notes in the middle part, write key concepts or words on the left margin, and then summarize those key words and concepts at the bottom into one paragraph. If you can't summarize everything in a single paragraph in your own words, there is something that you probably don't understand and have to go get more information on it. It's also recursive, so you can do another Cornell notetaking on your summaries and truncate it down even more. You end up having to go through everything 3 times and 2 of those you have to put things in your own words so it becomes not only a better tool for memorization but also to test your understanding. And instead of having to go through hundreds of flashcards, you just read the summaries of each note and is way more faster.


    I REALLY wish I learned about it during university.


    Been using it for a month now. It's probably the most user-friendly and newbie-friendly version of Max that has ever existed. I skimmed through the tutorials and noticed that pretty much everything you need to learn Max is self-contained in the software, so long as you are paying attention to details and taking your time. Polyphony used to be a tricky thing to do and required a degree of complexity, but the MC objects make it so much easier. Just as sweepstakes mentioned, there are some novel uses for them that I'm still discovering.I had a big rant at sweepstakes about how I hated that you couldn't see data flow properly in Reaktor, and it was a huge weak point. Whereas now Max you can literally just hover a cursor over a patchcord and it'll show the data coming through it like a voltage reader. Genius. Debugging is a lot faster now too.

    100% agree... it's funny, I was into Max off and on for a couple years, and then got out of it when I foolishly decided I wanted to use "real" code to accomplish the same type of stuff. Getting back into it now is really like riding a bike, and I'm not sure how much of that is just the fundamentals that Max has always had, and how much is the very welcome updates. Yes, MC in particular is a real game changer. 


    The documentation is brilliant but it does have some gaps in it, and I do still find it difficult to keep track of things as I'm learning. I'll find 2 or 3 really handy, related objects at a time and I'll forget half of them and have no way to go back and find them. I guess it's just like learning any other "language" but it bears repeating that Max is very, VERY deep. To keep better track of things, I've started a wiki for my own benefit and I'm kind of half-assedly adding my notes to it. Anyone who's interested, PM me and I'll throw you a link.



    That's awesome and I agree with you with the low-level language programming aspect of it: it made learning max way more of a cakewalk and gave a a much greater awareness of how to plan and design things. Also good idea on the wiki part. I switched from flashcards to the Cornell method of notetaking for learning it, ending up making it into a paper version of a Wiki manual. I'm finally going through the Javascript, Jitter and Gen~ components of it after ditching them for the longest time. Jitter gets complex :(


    I wouldn't mind a link at all to that wiki

  12. Been using it for a month now. It's probably the most user-friendly and newbie-friendly version of Max that has ever existed. I skimmed through the tutorials and noticed that pretty much everything you need to learn Max is self-contained in the software, so long as you are paying attention to details and taking your time. Polyphony used to be a tricky thing to do and required a degree of complexity, but the MC objects make it so much easier. Just as sweepstakes mentioned, there are some novel uses for them that I'm still discovering.I had a big rant at sweepstakes about how I hated that you couldn't see data flow properly in Reaktor, and it was a huge weak point. Whereas now Max you can literally just hover a cursor over a patchcord and it'll show the data coming through it like a voltage reader. Genius. Debugging is a lot faster now too.

  13. i just fully charge it but it still won't connect to the app... shit...

    i have to try it with a different phone with a different android version or an iphone...


    Ugh. Sorry you have to go through that. I've had some problems with android apps not working properly with devices as well. At least the app stuff is optional. It's still a good vape on it's own merit. The second temp is pretty much perfect to stay on if you're vaping flower.

  14. just got my pax3 but I've tried to use the app with it but it doesn't connect with the app... my phone finds the pax3 on bluetooth devices, apparently there's something wrong with the app... :(


    Either two things:


    1. It's the power in the Pax. Charge your pax to 100% then reboot your phone and make sure bluetooth is enabled, then physically shake the pax 3 until the lights go blue. Then open the Pax app.

    - If that doesn't work, try opening the pax app first THEN turn on and shake the pax 3.


    2. You got a fake Pax 3. The app is also a method to determine whether your Pax is a knock off or the real deal.


    I would be worried if it is the latter and would try and get a refund if possible.


    edit: I dunno... it *could* be something with the app itself if your device is legit. You could ask around reddit's vaporents or f*ckcombustion for more troubleshooting. Otherwise contact Pax's support.

    Just had a hit from my old Pax 2 as well. It's harsh as hell but it *does* get results.

  15. I'm digging it so far. I like to build my bpatcher user interfaces akin to a vertical rack-module so I can slide them in place like books and they used to take probably 20 seconds to load up. Now they take maybe 3-4 seconds. The new multichannel oscillators and filters are awesome as well. A single mc oscillator can have up to 1024 voices and you can change those parameters in various ways on the fly. I'm impressed with the performance, for sure.

  16. Max 8 was just released https://cycling74.com/articles/max-8-is-here


    The update is focused on performance, better UI with improved real-time feedback and built in polyphony (MC) objects. The Max library and documentation are now 100% built into the program and there are tons of new debugging and ez patching options. There's vizzie 2 and javascript stuff as well but I never used either of those parts. Apparently the performance increase is anywhere from 400-1000%, including loading times!


    Leafcutter John made a tracker interface object for max so, with the performance update, its feasable to actually build something like Renoise inside Max.


    MS-20 is now my most favourite hardware synth. I pretty much become lost in my own world when playing it through a high trailing delay or looper effect and can get both some beautifully lush or fucked up textures out of it. It's so versatile in what it can accomplish, fun to make sound fx in, and it sounds great as a synth on its own. I just started getting into patching and doing some cool things with the SQ-10 going into Sample and Hold. 

    Mmmmmm I've been lusting for one of those since they came out and kind of put it out of my head. That is exactly what I hoped it would be like; so many ways to route stuff and plug in random doodads and go on synthesis quests without having to dive into the modular deep end. Lust back at full force.


    Totally agree about the Volca FM; I think it's the overall best-sounding FM synth I've ever used and I've used more than a few in my day. All it's missing is a proper (but comprehensive) editing interface and nobody has made one yet.



    Madly in love with both <3. You can get some really analog-y sounding stuff out of FM synthesis with the right algorithm of modulators too. The fact that korg left in a tiny bit of the white noise like the yahama dx7 does with every key press is beautiful. I found out recently that Korg and Yahama are close bros of each other and exchange tech every so often. Definitely shows if true.


    I got a max patch that rigs up the velocity parameter to match the velocity on keyboard pressure so its basically a 3 poly yahama dx7 at this point with an arpeggiator, and thats OK!

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