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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by manmower

  1. So, excluding [80s tite], that makes 152 tracks now?
  2. Missed that one, could it be that it's still there but renamed to something else?
  3. Not really. Is it a bootleg as in someone took the vinyl rip and mastered that for vinyl again?
  4. Aphex doing a Robocop track has got to be one of the coolest things ever. Hearing those samples in an AFX track and seeing the Robocop references in the comments pop up as you listen, tremendous.
  5. Looks like he's been deleting some older uploads, I'm counting 20 new ones but SC says 114 tracks total. Read the rules.
  6. I'm so tired I'm thinking about going to bed and catching up on the morning. May you get pummeled with new tracks.
  7. Actually, you know what? Let's go 100% LUSH and keep Sline, Bicycle Wheel and Japan for another darker volume. :) 01. Chink 101 02. Gerald Remix 03. With My Family 04. ∂ƒx 126b 05. Lush Slow Blips 06. Utopia 07. Donkey Rhubarb Remix 08. SSNB 09. ∂ƒ∆ 10. Slow Early Morning Sorry, boys and girls, I promise this is the last time. Super lush album. 01. Chink 101 02. Gerald Remix 03. With My Family 04. ∂ƒx 126b 05. Lush Slow Blips 06. Utopia 07. Donkey Rhubarb Remix 08. ∂ƒ∆ 09. SSNB 10. Slow Early Morning Have you heard "14 07 B"?
  8. Just had the battery charge become unusably short on my second Sansa Clip+ and noticed there's a 'Clip Sport' now with different internals at roughly the same price the Clip+ used to be, I'll be giving that one a shot.
  9. Looks like likes and number of plays have been hidden - for Richard's eyes only from now on. Actually bodes well for possible release of the most popular tracks possibly? Yes. This is all idle speculation, but if the plans from that 2010 interview come to fruition (like Syro and the modular trax did) then maybe he is planning an unreleased best of and this whole endevour might be an overly generous marketing/promotional experiment to help him finally whittle down a tracklist for a single release. It would explain why Warp seem to be ok with it if they're gonna see some cash at the end. If that's true then we might be able predict what will appear judging from reactions on here/elsewhere and the last known play/likecount. i'm dreaming already!!! btw 28 organ is "non playable" now ??!! ideas? It's playing here, but it looks like the tracks are being moved around again, a few are now showing above the 'All' playlist on the profile.
  10. Finished organizing my files, and I've uploaded them in case anyone wants them, free account though so I don't know how much bandwidth/how many downloads I'm allowed: https://mega.co.nz/#!oQYhiZLR!0JgeqyNmIi2kCJDCTuO3-6Dt3tnKFk1r9K2TO1kb4Yo 112 tracks (110 downloaded from Soundcloud + the 128 kbps streaming versions of the 2 that were only briefly available). I've left the filenames unchanged, but tags are as follows. Artist: AFX (it's the hashtag he added to nearly every track and I thought it unnecessary to make exceptions for the couple of aphex/pbod/... ones). Album: user48736353001 Track number: Order they were uploaded Title: As on Soundcloud (so sometimes different from the file name) I also added his comments and embedded the artwork for each track. If someone downloads this and finds anything wrong with it (bad files or errors in the tags or whatever), let me know.
  11. Got 'em all. Time to assume the fetal position and cry a lot. Looks like the typical crap added by (old) iTunes, no? Anyway, got 'em all. Time to assume the fetal position and cry a lot. Or more realistically, go watch the ski jumping and get back to tagging these sometime later. Big thanks to the 'phex!
  12. Fuck, I'm missing one track and don't know which one. Looks like he is still messing with the order or something.
  13. Or maybe he is trying to figure out which 5 tracks he's missing.
  14. https://soundcloud.com/user48736353001/luke-viberts-remix-future-music-competition LOL, the download is 192 CBR with some old-ass encoder.
  15. Pressed play on the Soundcloud profile when I got up today and I've now made it all the way through (with several breaks obviously). Funny hearing the first uploads again, makes Monday seem like ages ago. So many tracks and so much excitement between then and now.
  16. https://mega.co.nz/#!3cNjkAaC!ujXngjbk1Dfo586NFS5tRe0gB3a6KtP-sF5c10o7D08 The file names are just the titles, but the track number tag corresponds to the upload order.
  17. someone please answer this - as this would make it the most recent track if true :O lost the discussion about this during the first 50ish pages Doesn't sound like her at all.
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