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Everything posted by Berk

  1. watching six feet under atm, s01 very nice so far
  2. AC: Valhalla Never was into AC games but I love this one so far. The graphics and scenery are pretty amazing. Reminds me of Skyrim and the Witcher 3 together. Even when playing on PS4 pro
  3. This. We will be visiting Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland in a couple of weeks to do some hiking, looking forward to it
  4. underestimated the coffee stain i received on a nice polo shirt that i just bought the stain has now basically burned in. i threw everything at it ffs pro tip: use *cold* water, never use hot water to try to remove a coffee stain.... and run to a tap immediately, don't linger, those damn tannines will bite you in the ass
  5. This label has been mentioned in a couple of posts, but deserves its own thread imo. Not a single miss basically. [spoiler]lol @ saunagate though?[/spoiler]
  6. Been waiting for a sale at Stadia for this one, other than the deal with the Chromecast Ultra (which I should've grabbed) there's been hardly any sales....
  7. I expected God of War to be kinda oompaloompa but it's pretty great, got it with the 'free' plus games for ps4 this month
  8. Don't own Vans but if I bought them I'd get the all black ones for a cleaner look(probably with black laces).
  9. Waiting on a stadia deal for cyberpunk 2077. I don't really see a reason to splurge on next gen other than play online with friends which i never do ?
  10. Love this classic Paulie bit also loled about Silvio at the end
  11. Flol at that paulie bit Also watched the movie few days ago. It was okay. As in "your sister's cunt!" ok
  12. I read in an AMA on Reddit that this was basically the setup He's the only 'normal' guy in the show, while the rest are goofballs. That makes it extra funny. Of course he's a douchebag though which makes it even better (more cynical). And yeah the Sopranos.. im almost into the last season:(
  13. Janky cassette tape in the case of heliosphan probably lol
  14. Elaborate? sure: TV Shows and movies with concept shit going on like that, usually rely way too heavy on it, and all the other aspects that make a show good don't get enough attention. What I mean: Inception for example, it's the biggest piece of shit movie ever really. Southpark parody was 100% on the money, laughed my ass off: "Sharon: Just because an idea is over convoluted and complex doesn't make it cool. (...) Cobb: You don't get it because you're not smart enough." But like I said, I haven't given Severance a 100% fair chance yet
  15. George Costanza is probably the most funny guy in existence come on
  16. I thought Severance was kinda meh. Usually the case for me with shows built around these kinda concepts (forget what you did at work when you get home and vice versa whooptyfuckingdoo). Anyway I should give it another try maybe Sopranos is killing it though, season 4 so far, only about 3 seasons to go, hate when it's gonna end ?
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