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Everything posted by Berk

  1. PAPAT4 sounds like simply having a wonderful xmas time lol
  2. It seems (at least on Spotify) BW changed some of the tracks on the albums?? On ROB Interlude is now the Mix 1 version instead of the 'normal' one for example. The normal one now seems to be put in the April album
  3. Yeah that one's a winner yek The chord progression reminds me of twin peaks ost. Same thing going on with terminal welt, during the 'chorus'. Good stuff
  4. https://youtube.com/watch?v=3Y7DAqSn_SE Bochum welt - star cluster
  5. Maybe Behringer deserved this though, maybe its the result that counts. But it's kinda like some lame ass gamer threatening to give a bad review to get the game for free. Except the money here goes to charity
  6. Undiluted moral high horse this has a blackmail feel to it, idc who's morally on the right side of things. It's about the "how" not the "what" right here
  7. Ah cool, that explains some of the cheesy piano melodies, I'm okay with that now
  8. Berk


    Gotta love that wholesome videoclip
  9. Ghost of Tshushima on ps4 pro at the moment. It's pretty much perfect. I was surprised by the lack of ragdoll / canned animation though, but that's basically the only thing i didn't like
  10. Yeah had the same feeling playing it for 5 mins, maybe will try again someday
  11. Removed the spout from my portafilter and pulled a shot of espresso. It sprayed all around my kitchen table and it pissed me off lol Guess I know now i was pulling trashy shots all along, gotta find out how to fix it. Pretty frustrating
  12. Instabought mothafuckas get on my level
  13. Yeah it starts off a little generic with these biker bros, and that had put me off at first, but after the first couple of hours it's pretty great and keeps getting better
  14. Basically finished amalur except for a bunch of boring fetch quests. Playing Days Gone atm, it's better than i thought initially
  15. I have an aunt (67) that i would like to get into AE, any pointers? Thanks
  16. I think it's the guy that ripped off Kanye with that April 14th track or summat
  17. November's ps plus games look pretty shit except for Amalur which i already bought last month for 20 e ? Lol wtf i hope the question is somehow related to the course, otherwise you should file a complaint maybe
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